Fashion and mood quotes:

  • I'm into fashion because it contains the mood of the day, of the moment - like music, literature, and art. -- Zaha Hadid
  • Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but black and white films still hold an affectionate place in my heart; they have an incomparable mystique and mood. -- Ginger Rogers
  • My fashion statement depends on my mood. I am more of a tomboy when dressing up, and I have never worn pink in my entire life. -- Lalaine
  • I have a huge breakfast every morning because I never know if I'll have time for lunch, especially during Fashion Week. It keeps my mood positive all day. And my parents taught me to have tons of fruit and vegetables, which I think helps my skin. -- Constance Jablonski
  • Photography obviously lends itself so well towards fashion. It's capturing that moment and that inspiration, and as a designer you are constantly walking through the world assimilating those visual references you have and so being able to solidify that into a photograph and keep it on your mood board is essential to creating a collection. -- Georgina Chapman
  • Creating any type of art is all about mood. I've been making extreme music in one fashion or another for decades. And truthfully, Down has a big enough fan base to where I could remain content to do only that, but music is a vast territory and I am an explorer. And I'm a lover of all things considered extreme in music. -- Phil Anselmo
  • I have always loved fashion because it's a great way to express your mood. And I'm definitely a shoe lover. The right pair of shoes can change the feel of an outfit, and even change how a woman feels about herself. A woman can wear confidence on her feet with a high stiletto, or slip into weekend comfort with a soft ballet flat. -- Fergie
  • I believe that fashion is the ultimate form if self expression therefore it really depends on my mood. -- Nicole Richie