Famous friends quotes:

  • I don't have many famous friends, really, except Simon Cowell. -- Leona Lewis
  • I bemoan the fact that all my famous friends have places in St. Bart's and I have to go to Montauk. -- Rufus Wainwright
  • I look at other people my age in this industry, other famous people my age, and they've just got famous friends. Which is cool, but I love being normal and just chilling at mine. -- Maisie Williams
  • The more it happens, the easier it is for others, although I do understand why some actors choose not to come out. I have several famous friends who are still in the closet. -- Cheyenne Jackson
  • I'm not a very good impersonator, my friends maybe, but not famous people. -- Diane Kruger
  • Why does anybody want to be famous? You know what's important to me? Having lunch! Pasta! Seeing my friends! Is that so crazy? -- Sherry Stringfield
  • When I wasn't famous, I had a lot of friends, almost all of them Italian. The racism only started when I started to play football. -- Mario Balotelli
  • I have actor friends, but they're not famous. I feel like if you're an actor or - famous, you have to overly prove that you're a normal, cool person. -- Amanda Bynes
  • The family is very important. They make me feel good always because if I won, when I started to be famous, the relationship never changed with my friends and family. -- Rafael Nadal
  • I lost some of my friends because I got so famous, people who just assumed that I would be different now. I felt like everyone hated me. That is the most unhappy time of my life. -- Haruki Murakami
  • There's a famous tension between Green Lantern and Green Arrow in the comic books. Those guys have always been friends. They started off as not on the same page, and then they quickly became best friends. -- Geoff Johns
  • Some of the things I've seen a lot of my female-actress friends who are relatively famous receive - I've seen some hideous things. Like some really, really bad things... like, the FBI should be contacted immediately. -- Elisha Cuthbert
  • It's really easy to avoid the tabloids. You just live your life and don't hang out with famous people who are in the tabloids. Don't do anything controversial and be a normal person. Have friends. And get a job and keep working. -- Amanda Seyfried
  • I learned a long time ago, if you want to keep your friends in show business, don't get famous. Because as soon as you get famous, a lot of the people you used to know, who didn't, become incredibly bitter and jealous. It's part of the territory. -- Denis Leary
  • I was always obsessed with being famous. I had Marilyn Monroe paper dolls as a child, and I was always obsessed with her. I've just been really driven in that direction, and none of my friends were. So, I don't know what put that bug in me at a young age. -- Holly Madison
  • I always work only with friends, but it must be about them and myself. Because I film only very personal moments, nothing preplanned, staged or written, it has to be real and spontaneous. Some of them have become famous, some are not yet famous, some will never be famous. But they are all my friends. -- Jonas Mekas
  • I find it weird the way people get so excited about celebrity. If my friends are on the phone, their friends will say: 'Is that kid from 'Love Actually' there?' And the phone gets passed round and I have to speak to this stranger asking: 'Are you famous?' I don't know how to answer. -- Thomas Sangster
  • I kept saying that I'd never live in L.A., and I didn't think I would. But that's where the work is, and I ended up making a lot of friends there, and my old friends moved out to Los Angeles too. And also, I think when you're famous, its hard to live in a small town. -- John Cusack
  • It's great - that's the best part about being famous is that people want to get to know me. People come up to me and introduce themselves, and I make friends, and then I meet their friends. It seems like I have a very happy and comfortable social life, which is something I never had when I was younger. -- Rivers Cuomo
  • Famous people are deceptive. Deep down, they're just regular people. Like Larry King. We've been friends for forty years. He's one of the few guys I know who's really famous. One minute he's talking to the president on his cell phone, and then the next minute he's saying to me, 'Do you think we ought to give the waiter another dollar?' -- Don Rickles
  • A famous actor told me once - I don't want to name names, I hate that sort of thing - but I was at his house and he said, 'Are you on Twitter?' I said, 'Yes, I am.' And he said, 'There'll be one day when you'll have, like, five friends. And in the same day it'll go to five thousand.' -- Sam Claflin
  • Famous people like to choose friends who won't go around repeating their conversations and details about them. -- David Sedaris
  • I don't hang out with the Hollywood cool people. I'm not out trying to make friends with people because they're famous. -- Jessica Alba
  • "Our prosperity, our friends, our bondage and even our destruction are all in the end rooted in our tongue," says a famous adage. -- Krishnananda Saraswati
  • Keep your family and old friends around you. That's what I had done and that's what saved my life when it came to being famous. -- Barry Manilow
  • The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account. -- W. Somerset Maugham
  • I'm really into boxing. I go to a gym and I'm friends with a trainer who's a pretty famous boxing trainer and I train with him. -- Aimee Mann
  • Most people who become suddenly famous overnight will find that they lose practically eighty percent of their friends. Your old friends just can't stand it for some reason. -- Truman Capote
  • I met so many people after I got rich and famous, and I learned that you can't ultimately trust people unless they were your friends when you were broke. -- Chris Rock