Espresso coffee quotes:

  • A well-conceived product excels at what it does. It's close to being functionally flawless - like a Ziploc bag, a radio from Tivoli Audio, a Philips Sonicare toothbrush, a Nespresso coffee maker or Google's home page. -- Gary Hamel
  • I bought an espresso maker and coffee maker and make them myself every day. -- Utada Hikaru
  • I drink a lot. More or less 10 or 12 coffees a day, both typical Italian and espresso. -- Domenico Dolce
  • Espresso, made by steam expressing finely ground coffee, is rich in flavor and aroma and chlorogenic acids, but not very concentrated at all in caffeine. -- Chris Kilham
  • To me, every kitchen appliance is useful and nothing's overrated. When I look at my little espresso machine, I don't see coffee. I see a steaming valve as an opportunity to make amazing creme brulee. -- Grant Achatz
  • The one thing I don't consume during 'Today' - which surprises many people - is coffee. I find that a lot of water helps wake me up, without the buzz. I love coffee, but usually reserve a double espresso as an afternoon pick-me-up before settling in to do the weekend 'Nightly News.' -- Lester Holt
  • I probably have about four or five cups of coffee a day. I make myself an espresso macchiato when I wake, which is a shot of espresso and just a dollop of steamed milk. Then, if I'm going to do some work at home, I would make myself a French press. It's the best way to make conventional coffee. -- Howard Schultz
  • When I first discovered in the early 1980s the Italian espresso bars in my trip to Italy, the vision was to re-create that for America - a third place that had not existed before. Starbucks re-created that in America in our own image; a place to go other than home or work. We also created an industry that did not exist: specialty coffee. -- Howard Schultz
  • The quintessential expression of coffee is espresso. -- Ernesto Illy
  • Coffee arrived and the espresso was excellent, like an aromatic electric fence. -- Ben Aaronovitch
  • I love coffee. I love a midday espresso on set, just for the energy. -- Carrie Brownstein