Escaping war quotes:

  • War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace. -- Thomas Mann
  • I don't know how prisoners of war are ever heroes unless they escape. -- Gore Vidal
  • War - the ordinary man's most convenient means of escaping from the ordinary. -- Philip Caputo
  • I took up writing to escape the drudgery of that every day cubicle kind of war. -- Walter Mosley
  • No person can escape Einsteinian relativity, and no soldier or veteran can escape the trauma of war's dislocation. -- Joe Haldeman
  • For all its ubiquity and its universality, war offers the attraction of the extraordinary - the escape from the gray everyday, from the humdrum into higher things. -- Drew Gilpin Faust
  • There was a war crimes trial because an American prisoner had been shot trying to escape. He had obviously been recaptured and shot, and that violated the Geneva Convention. -- Charles Guggenheim
  • Guantanamo allows us to secure dangerous detainees without the risk of escape, while at the same time providing us with valuable intelligence information on how best to proceed in the war against terror and prevent future attacks. -- Jim Ryun
  • At that time a lot of young men didn't want to go to the war and kill. This guy that I fell in love with was one of those so he escaped to Canada and I followed him. -- Ann Wilson
  • My first concept was for a game in which you were a prisoner of war and simply had to escape. If you were caught, you'd be brought back to the prison. The idea was for a non-combat game. -- Hideo Kojima
  • I do know that I've read somewhere that it's been statistically proven that in times of war, horror films are much more popular. I don't know why that is. You'd think it'd be the opposite. You'd think people would want to escape from it. -- Aaron Stanford
  • Not by the forces of civil war can you govern the very weakest woman. You can kill that woman, but she escapes you then; you cannot govern her. No power on earth can govern a human being, however feeble, who withholds his or her consent. -- Emmeline Pankhurst
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  • With all the negativity going on in the world right now, people need an escape. When you give them a hit record or a great record, it allows them to escape for at least three to four minutes. They're not thinking bills or economy or immigration or war when you create that kind of ambiance. -- Pitbull
  • War, the ordinary man's most convenient means of escaping from the ordinary. -- Philip Caputo