Environmental justice quotes:

  • Sustainable South Bronx advocates for environmental justice through sustainable environmental and economic development projects. -- Majora Carter
  • We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight - the fight for electoral justice. -- Barbara Boxer
  • The risks of transporting deadly nuclear waste, the environmental justice impacts and the long-term health effects of both these projects are untenable...We cannot afford to be silent on these important issues. -- James Cromwell
  • Country must confront what he called institutional racism. [We should] create a country which provides economic, social and environmental justice for all. -- Bernie Sanders
  • Even as we continue to carry the banner of civil rights and environmental justice, we've also got to focus on many, many people - for them, life starts with a good job. -- John Hickenlooper
  • Environmental justice [means that] no community should be saddled with more environmental burdens and less environmental benefits than any other. -- Majora Carter
  • Environmental justice is the movement to ensure that no community suffers disproportionate environmental burdens or goes without enjoying fair environmental benefits. -- Van Jones
  • So to hope to be able to have peace, to be able to have justice and environmental balance, are consequences of our behavior, not just our intentions. -- Godfrey Reggio
  • Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • I want Canada to be the country that is the best in the world at combining economic growth, social justice and environmental sustainability... -- Stephane Dion
  • I was raised with the blessing of being involved with peace and social justice, and the environmental movement. I have my parents to thank for that. -- Bonnie Raitt
  • Justice needs money; it always has . . . whether for abolition of slavery and early women's rights movements or the civil rights and environmental drives of our generation. -- Ralph Nader
  • No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world. -- Christine Stewart