Ending war quotes:

  • Lending war equipment is a good deal like lending chewing gum. You don't want it back. -- Robert A. Taft
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  • The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it. -- George Orwell
  • The first time I experienced war, I thought the world was ending. -- Emmanuel Jal
  • Dwight Eisenhower, the Republican nominee in 1952, made a strong public commitment to ending the war in Korea, where fighting had reached a stalemate. -- Robert Dallek
  • So instead of talking about theoretical ways of ending the war and violence, I say that we have to get rid of the individual asholes in each office and situation. -- Colin Quinn
  • As the war on terrorism spreads and prolongs, the fruits of ending the threat of terrorism around the world will be tempered with a whole new series of problems to be addressed and resolved. -- Charles Bass
  • In 1953, after the armistice ending the Korean War, South Korea lay in ruins. President Eisenhower was eager to put an end to hostilities that had left his predecessor deeply unpopular, and the war ended in an uneasy stalemate. -- Noah Feldman
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  • In the World War nothing was more dreadful to witness than a chain of men starting with a battalion commander and ending with an army commander sitting in telephone boxes, improvised or actual, talking, talking, talking, in place of leading, leading, leading. -- J. F. C. Fuller
  • The best power of all is to be free, but Obama is not a free person. He is a prisoner of a military system. He talked about closing Guantanamo and ending the war in Iraq. Now he's taken on another war. What's happening? -- Adolfo Perez Esquivel
  • I found that I was getting a warm reception for my message of freeing you from the income tax, releasing you from Social Security, ending the insane war on drugs, restoring gun rights, and reducing the federal government to just its constitutional functions. -- Harry Browne
  • There' s nothing good in war. Except its ending. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • If we succeeded, we will have the primary satisfaction of ending the war -- Carl Andrew Spaatz
  • War does not answer war, war does not finish war. The only ending is peace. -- Philippa Gregory
  • War is worthless except for ending slavery, Nazism, fascism, and communism. Other than that, war is pointless. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • I think I should get the Nobel Peace Prize before I die for ending the war between the sexes. -- Betty Dodson
  • There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • The battle for evolution seems never-ending. And the battle is part of a wider war, a war between rationality and superstition. -- Jerry A. Coyne
  • It wasn't so easy though, ending the war. A war is a huge fire; the ashes from it drift far, and settle slowly. -- Margaret Atwood
  • The war is ending, for the first time in the history of relations between Moscow and Grozny, and the era of peace is starting. -- Aslan Maskhadov
  • Congratulations to Bill and Hillary Clinton: this weekend, 33rd wedding anniversary. How about that? And you thought the Iraqi war was a never-ending conflict. -- David Letterman
  • War was the ultimate chaos, a pounding, soul-destroying snarl, ending in blown-apart men lying unburied on the cold earth. There was nothing more cosmically chaotic than war. -- Paullina Simons
  • I think if someone else other than Reagan, someone less of a hardliner, had been in power then the breakthrough in ending the Cold War would not have happened. -- Eduard Shevardnadze