Empirical knowledge quotes:

  • The ocean is the last frontier of human empirical knowledge; even the contours on that eighth-grader's globe are the product of a mix of scientific measurement, inference and conjecture. -- Alan Huffman
  • The child who has no need to feign empirical knowledge about life can wonder and fantasise with great ease. The world is his oyster, or any other thing he wants it to be. -- Michael Leunig
  • It is true that the grasping of truth is not possible without empirical basis. However, the deeper we penetrate and the more extensive and embracing our theories become the less empirical knowledge is needed to determine those theories. -- Albert Einstein
  • The implications of these considerations justify the statement that all empirically verifiable knowledge even the commonsense knowledge of everyday life - involves implicitly, if not explicitly, systematic theory in this sense. -- Talcott Parsons
  • It is that of increasing knowledge of empirical fact, intimately combined with changing interpretations of this body of fact - hence changing general statements about it - and, not least, a changing a structure of the theoretical system. -- Talcott Parsons
  • To define knowledge as merely empirical is to limit one's ability to know; it enfeebles one's ability to feel and think. -- Wendell Berry
  • Pure logical thinking cannot yield us any knowledge of the empirical world. All knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it. -- Albert Einstein
  • The bases for historical knowledge are not empirical facts but written texts, even if these texts masquerade in the guise of wars or revolutions. -- Paul de Man
  • Empirical science is apt to cloud the sight, and, by the very knowledge of functions and processes, to bereave the student of themanly contemplation of the whole. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson