Emotional meaning quotes:

  • My job is to write songs that have emotional meaning to me. -- Branford Marsalis
  • Remember always that we are pattern-seeking primates who are especially adept at finding patterns with emotional meaning. -- Michael Shermer
  • The famous saying 'God is love', it is generally assumed, means that God is like our immediate emotional indulgence, not that the meaning of love ought to have something of the 'otherness' and terror of God. -- Charles Williams
  • If I have any complaints about my youth... one is that many well-meaning adults lied to me. Not spiteful lies with malicious intent but lies designed to prevent emotional and psychological pain - lies told by the people who cared about me most: my parents, teachers, relatives. -- Chris Crutcher
  • For me, the perfect film has no dialogue at all. It's purely a visual, emotional, visceral kind of experience. And I think one can create wonderful depth and meaning and communication without using words. I started out as an illustrator and a cartoonist and caricature artist, so for me the visual is primary. -- Bill Plympton
  • Most humans feel the transcendent temptation, the emotional drive to festoon the universe with large-scale meaning. -- Paul Kurtz
  • I write the big scenes first, that is, the scenes that carry the meaning of the book, the emotional experience. -- Joyce Cary