Doing your research quotes:

  • I'm not really into method acting - the way I was taught was the good old-fashioned British way of just doing your research and getting on with it. -- Laura Donnelly
  • As an actor, you're used to putting on characters, taking them off, becoming someone else, doing your research, and working on that. -- Angela Bassett
  • You can do the best research and be making the strongest intellectual argument, but if readers don't get past the third paragraph you've wasted your energy and valuable ink. -- Carl Hiaasen
  • Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you'll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch. -- Angus T. Jones
  • The sources and research I use for my inspiration aren't your typical sci-fi subjects, but it's really driven by obsession and personal anxiety more than trying to take up the sword and do what's right. -- Paolo Bacigalupi
  • I cannot say how strongly I object to people using other people's writing as research. Research is non-fiction, especially for horror, fantasy, science fiction. Do not take your research from other people's fiction. Just don't. -- Laurell K. Hamilton
  • Most people come out of their Ph.D. experience trying to prove themselves, trying to get ahead, trying to get published. You're scared everybody else is going to do your research and get your topic. -- Bernice Johnson Reagon
  • We do a lot of consumer research. Consumers believe the smartphone will be the remote, meaning that it will orchestrate a lot of things. So maybe you will take your connectivity with you to the car. -- Hans Vestberg
  • The 'Friday sessions' refer to something that you're not paid for and not supposed to do during your professional life. Curiosity-driven research. Something random, simple, maybe a bit weird - even ridiculous. Without it, there are no discoveries. -- Andre Geim
  • I think that if you get too close to the character, if you do too much historical research, you may find yourself defending your view of a character against the author's view, and I think that's terribly dangerous. -- Tim Curry
  • I don't think the alternative to Yale is jail by any means. On the other hand, there is a mass of research that does show that there are real advantages to your subsequent career in going to selective institutions. -- Derek Bok
  • That's what I like about acting. When you're preparing for a role, you do your research, and the bonus is you get to learn these skills. Now, it's on to whatever the next thing is I have to learn. -- Parminder Nagra
  • Sometimes a character is really based on research that you do. Other times it's just based on your imagination or perhaps your conversation with the director. Or sometimes all of the above. It depends on the movie and character. -- Joaquin Phoenix
  • Somebody said writing is easy, you just sit down at your typewriter and open a vein. It depends on the book. Some, I have to do quite a lot of research, which I like. Others are much closer to me. -- Anne Rivers Siddons
  • I'm not a big believer in doing too much research - I think you can get lost in it. You can get constrained by it, which I think is a mistake. But if you've done your homework, the audience feels it. -- Jonathan Nolan
  • You wanna do a lot of backstory for your character - as an actor, you wanna research that. But on the show, it's fun to remain in that naive place as you go along, and be able to continue to discover things about your character as the writers come up with them. -- Alison Brie
  • Ad agencies do all kinds of market research that ask people what they think they want, and instead, you should be creating things that you want. If you do something and you get it, the rest of the world will get it, too. Trust your own instincts, your own intellect, and your own sense of humor. -- George Lois
  • As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest challenges you will face will be building your brand. The ultimate goal is to set your company and your brand apart from the crowd. If you form a strategy without doing the research, your brand will barely float - and at the speed industries move at today, brands sink fast. -- Ryan Holmes
  • I think people who are regarded as better actors must have better instincts because, at the end of the day, once they say 'action,' it's you who has to do it right. You can do all the research and preparation or none at all, but it's your instincts that tell you, 'No, I'll do it like this.' -- Katrina Kaif
  • What's so fun when you shoot in a car is you get to research all the other road movies that have ever been done, and you try to figure out where do they place the cameras and how many shots can you get with your people in the car. So just doing the research on the films is so fun. -- Tamra Davis
  • When I make a movie, I don't break it down and analyze it. I could but it would get in the way of doing a job - on instinct based on all the research we did going in. you want to trust yourself and your director and your acting partners in the circumstances you're shooting. I don't like to have any kind of overview. -- Viggo Mortensen
  • If you are not highly educated, you will need to abandon your anxiety and fear of reading and doing research. -- Andrew Saul