Delusional thinking quotes:

  • When you're trying to create a career as a writer, a little delusional thinking goes a long way. -- Michael Lewis
  • When a society is stressed, when it comes up against things that are hard to understand, you get a lot of delusional thinking. -- James Howard Kunstler
  • I would finally renounce my delusional hypotheses and revert to thinking of myself as a human of more conventional circumstances and return to mathematical research. -- John Forbes Nash, Jr.
  • Americans thinking that America will continue to lead the world in innovation and quality of life without some quick and serious educational improvements are dangerously delusional. -- Dean Kamen
  • No one I knew in Sydney was thinking about how they might come to America and become a movie star. That would be considered delusions of grandeur. My parents were supportive, though. They just told me to keep at it as long as I was having fun. -- Luke Bracey
  • With mania, is it dangerous to ride that euphoric feeling. You feel very animated and creative; I would fill journals with drawings. It feels good and you want it to last, but it can lead to being delusional. The delusions can be as real as you thinking you can fly. -- David LaChapelle
  • Some people consider the way Shakespeare was writing about Ophelia as erotomania-that she was delusional in thinking that Hamlet was in love with her. But I don't think so. -- Jack White