Dating advice quotes:

  • I don't know why anyone would want to ask an actor for dating advice. We are not the poster children for healthy relationships. -- Ginnifer Goodwin
  • I give dating advice on a regular basis. It's not that I'm any expert, but it's always nice to share that with your friends. -- Ashley Tisdale
  • I am dismayed to realize that much of the advice I used to parcel out to aspiring writers has passed its sell-by date. -- Susan Orlean
  • I'm the girl who - I call it girl-next-door-itis - the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating. -- Taylor Swift
  • I'm typically single. I'm the girl who - I call it girl-next-door-itis - the hot guy is friends with and gets all his relationship advice from but never considers dating. -- Taylor Swift
  • In my sophomore year, a kid told me that the secret to getting women is to play really, really hard to get. I followed his advice, and I didn't have so much as a date that year. -- Greg Kinnear
  • I'm opening up my heart to the idea of dating. It's funny - my friends would always come to me for romantic advice. I know nothing, and things have changed since I was dating in high school! I'm really trying hard to spend this time working on myself. -- Olivia Wilde