Dangerous power quotes:

  • The accretion of dangerous power does not come in a day. It does come, however slowly, from the generative force of unchecked disregard of the restrictions that fence in even the most disinterested assertion of authority. -- Felix Frankfurter
  • Power is dangerous unless you have humility. -- Richard J. Daley
  • The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. -- Edmund Burke
  • This demonstration of power, indifferent to the law, is highly dangerous. -- Mikhail Khodorkovsky
  • Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best. -- Edward Abbey
  • When you are subverting the power of government, that's a fundamentally dangerous thing to democracy. -- Edward Snowden
  • Next to power without honor, the most dangerous thing in the world is power without humor. -- Eric Sevareid
  • When you have a person in power who punishes people for speaking their mind, it's truly dangerous. -- Tim Robbins
  • Politicians as a class are dangerous, that people who are seeking power over us are not, by definition, our friends. -- James Bovard
  • Power always has to be kept in check; power exercised in secret, especially under the cloak of national security, is doubly dangerous. -- William Proxmire
  • The goal, I submit, is obvious: subjugating the world (which is barbarian, dangerous, envious and ungrateful) to US power for the sake of America's interests. -- Breyten Breytenbach
  • America's most dangerous diseases have developed an immunity to politics. We suffer not from a failure of political organization or power, but a failure of love. -- Cal Thomas
  • It's ridiculous that time and time again we need a radioactive cloud coming out of a nuclear power-station to remind us that atomic energy is extraordinarily dangerous. -- Pierre Schaeffer
  • The use of military force against Iran would be very dangerous. It would be very provocative. The only thing worse would be Iran being a nuclear power. -- Rudy Giuliani
  • The theoretically unrestricted right to develop power, to wage war against other states, is antisocial and is doubly dangerous, because the state as a mass entity represents a low moral and intellectual level. -- Christian Lous Lange
  • I think in the corridors of power these dangerous kinds of orders are issued in a much more vague way, passed down two or three levels of command before they're given to the assassin. -- Eddie Campbell
  • We should keep silent about those in power; to speak well of them almost implies flattery; to speak ill of them while they are alive is dangerous, and when they are dead is cowardly. -- Jean de la Bruyere
  • Those who have come into Formula One without experiencing cars devoid of electronic aids will find it tough. To control 800 horse power relying just on arm muscles and foot sensitivity can turn out to be a dangerous exercise. -- Michael Schumacher
  • In your hands or that of any other person, so much power would, no doubt, be dangerous. I am the only man in the world whom it would be safe to trust with it. Remember, I am a prophet! -- Joseph Smith, Jr.
  • People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous. -- Edmund Burke
  • We must not let ourselves be swept off our feet in horror at the danger of nuclear power. Nuclear power is not infinitely dangerous. It's just dangerous, much as coal mines, petrol repositories, fossil-fuel burning and wind turbines are dangerous. -- David J. C. MacKay
  • Nothing's as dangerous as power with impunity. -- Isabel Allende
  • A fool is very dangerous when in power. -- Denis Fonvizin
  • Architecture is a dangerous mix of power and importance. -- Rem Koolhaas
  • Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth. -- Rudolph Rummel
  • When contemplated in its extreme, almost any power looks dangerous. -- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Moral power is always more dangerous to an oppressor than political force. -- Mary Brave Bird
  • Taking power away from a man is a dangerous thing. Someone always pays. -- Glenn Close
  • There are few things more dangerous than a mixture of power, arrogance and incompetence. -- Bob Herbert
  • Power in any Form . . . when directed only by human Wisdom and Benevolence is dangerous. -- John Adams
  • Certainty without power can be interesting, even amusing. Certainty with power can be dangerous. -- Donald Rumsfeld
  • The most dangerous thing about power is to employ it where it is not applicable. -- David Halberstam
  • Stephen Harper is probably the most dangerous human being ever elevated to power in Canada. -- Farley Mowat
  • Many addictions can be far more dangerous than addiction to drugs. The addiction to power ... -- M. Scott Peck
  • Power in the hands of the stupid is often a dangerous thing. Hitler proved it. -- Siddharth Katragadda
  • Authority is God ordained, but authoritarianism and raw power, in almost all forms, is dangerous. -- James Dobson
  • It is in your power to point the way to a less dangerous and happier life. -- L. Ron Hubbard
  • The world is a dangerous, unstable place and sometimes there are casualties and struggles for power. -- Greg Bryk
  • Government's power to bully people who have broken no law is dangerous to all of us. -- Thomas Sowell
  • People want power but not wisdom. Power without wisdom is a very dangerous thing. Better to have wisdom first. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Power is a dangerous thing. Be careful that you don't abuse it or let it make a tyrant of you. -- Louisa May Alcott
  • There are always risks in challenging excessive police power, but the risks of not challenging it are more dangerous, even fatal. -- Hunter S. Thompson
  • Government is never more dangerous than when our desire to have it help us blinds us to its great power to harm us. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Be suspicious of people who have, or crave, power. Never, ever go near power. Don't become friends with anyone who has real power. It's dangerous. -- Stanley Kubrick
  • It is noble to pity a man who is cruel because he is weak, but it is idiotic and dangerous to allow him to have power. -- Kate Horsley
  • It is noble to pity a man who is cruel because he is weak, but it is idiotic and dangerous to allow him to have power." -- Kate Horsley
  • Cleopatra stood at one of the most dangerous intersections in history; that of women and power. Clever women, Euripides had warned hundreds of years earlier, were dangerous. -- Stacy Schiff
  • Democracy, which began by liberating man politically, has developed a dangerous tendency to enslave him through the tyranny of majorities and the deadly power of their opinion. -- Ludwig Lewisohn
  • A small amount of power corrupts a small man absolutely. A little knowledge is dangerous to a little man. To a great man only great knowledge is dangerous. -- Leonard J. V. Compagno
  • We are so utterly ordinary, so commonplace, while we profess to know a Power the Twentieth Century does not reckon with.... Oh that God would make us dangerous! -- Jim Elliot
  • ...the power-loving temperament is more dangerous when it either prefers or is forced to operate in what is materially a void. Wehave everything to dread from the dispossessed. -- Elizabeth Bowen
  • A standing army, however necessary it may be at some times, is always dangerous to the liberties of the people. Such power should be watched with a jealous eye. -- Samuel Adams