Dangerous hope quotes:

  • I know too well how dangerous hope can be, how it grows and sometimes dies, taking its host with it. It's more powerful than anything Dr.Fibs keeps in his labs, more precious than all the secrets inside Sublevel Two. -- Ally Carter
  • The Eucharist has been preempted and redefined in dualistic thinking that leaves the status quo of the world untouched, so congregations can take the meal without raising questions of violence; the outcome is a "colonized imagination" that is drained of dangerous hope. -- Walter Brueggemann
  • I don't know what can be so dangerous about giving people hope. -- Joel Osteen
  • The attraction of the virtuoso for the public is very like that of the circus for the crowd. There is always the hope that something dangerous will happen. -- Claude Debussy
  • Oftentimes when you see adaptations of books you like, you're let down. As an author, you assume that they are going to suck. A little bit of hope is dangerous. -- Gayle Forman
  • I don't know what can be so dangerous about giving people hope. Causing people to have better relationships. I'm not leading them to some false God or something like that. -- Joel Osteen
  • I can only hope the federal aid made available today will be sufficient in our recovery efforts, and pray that our citizens continue to be safe from the fallout of this dangerous natural disaster. -- Mike Rogers
  • People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous. -- Edmund Burke
  • Instantaneous and mass communication is the mother of mass naivety. Should we then lose hope? Is there any hope? But to lose hope is as dangerous as to nurture false hope. Where then can we find hope that is responsible? -- Tariq Ramadan
  • The Moonstone' was all I could have hoped for. A mysterious, cursed jewel, wrested from India, only to be stolen later from a great British mansion. Enigmatic, dangerous priests who follow it across the ocean in hopes of wresting it back. -- Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
  • The most dangerous thing Iraq could have ever had was a nuclear weapon. The nuclear weapon Iraq was trying to build was not deliverable by bomb or ballistic missile. It was a large, bulky device that they hoped to bury and set off to let the world know they had a nuclear weapon. They never achieved that. -- Scott Ritter
  • Success is as dangerous as failure. Hope is as hollow as fear. -- Laozi
  • Hope, perhaps the most dangerous of all emotions and perhaps the most necessary. -- Robert Ludlum
  • Those who have much to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous. -- Tommy Wallach
  • Maybe hope isn't the most dangerous thing a person can have. Maybe love is. -- Lauren DeStefano
  • Hope, in general, is dangerous. Hope can be the loose thread that pulls apart your sanity. -- Alessandra Torre
  • Free of who I was, free of presence, free of dangerous fear, hope, free of mountainous wanting. -- Rumi
  • Let me tell you something my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. -- Stephen King
  • Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. -- Suzanne Collins
  • Hope is a dangerous thing, Raisa thought. Once kindled, it's hard to put out. It makes wise people into fools. -- Cinda Williams Chima
  • We hope all danger may be overcome; but to conclude that no danger may ever arise would itself be extremely dangerous. -- Abraham Lincoln
  • What I try to do is read stuff that won't deal with the dangerous dark things I hope I am writing about. -- Frederick Busch
  • One of the lessons that I hope people will take out is the extreme dependence simply on the financial sector is really dangerous. -- Juan Enriquez
  • It had been wishful thinking, plain and simple, dangerous for me to indulge in. Hope, happiness and freedom were not in my future. -- Maria V. Snyder
  • Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is just fine as long as its contained. -- Robert Ludlum