Change wisdom quotes:

  • They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. -- Confucius
  • Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. -- Octavio Paz
  • Kabbalah is all about change. It isn't about being proud of our good qualities: the wisdom is about transforming our darkness into light. -- Yehuda Berg
  • Wisdom lies neither in fixity nor in change, but in the dialectic between the two. A constant coming and going: wisdom lies in the momentary. -- Octavio Paz
  • If I can turn the most powerful part of the world into a land of wisdom and compassion, it's going to change the rest of the world. -- Chade-Meng Tan
  • God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Your art kind of changes as you get older, by nature of the fact that you're hopefully gaining wisdom and you're starting to watch things with a better overview. -- Sheryl Crow
  • God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Good economic policy requires not so much the bravado to implement drastic change as the strength and wisdom to make reasonable trade-offs over the many years it takes to transform a country's standard of living. -- Peter Blair Henry
  • Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the garden and not destroy it. -- Bruce Lipton
  • When I was at drama school, I wanted to change the world, and thought I had some great wisdom to impart to people about humanity. Now that I'm older, I know enough to realise that I know nothing at all. -- Michael Sheen
  • I had more energy at 50. On the other hand, at 75, I've probably got a little more wisdom and good judgment than I had at 50 because I've got more experience. But I haven't really changed. I'm still driven by the same philosophy. -- Ted Turner
  • Conventional wisdom suggests the primary motivator for entrepreneurs is money or wealth creation and, in fact, much of the political debate tends to center around what kind of tax or regulatory policy changes will turn corporate suits into small business adventurers overnight. -- Chip Conley
  • The conventional wisdom with David Mamet is, you do not change a word. And that agrees with me. If you want to change any of David's words, it's like wanting to change the iambic pentameter in Shakespeare - you should do something else. -- John C. McGinley
  • If everything is going well in my life then I start to read the papers more and I start to worry about everything I can't deal with. They say wisdom is knowing what you can fix and what you can't change. I'm very unwise. -- Josh Hartnett
  • But the Wisdom of God, which is His only-begotten Son, being in all respects incapable of change or alteration, and every good quality in Him being essential, and such as cannot be changed and converted, His glory is therefore declared to be pure and sincere. -- Origen
  • This society in which we live is radically changing. What previous generations saw as evil is now embraced as being good. It is a dangerous and slippery slope upon which we stand when we reject what Solomon called the beginning of wisdom - the fear of God. -- Ray Comfort
  • I think there is a complicated side effect to overcoming evil in that we are forever changed by it. I think after we ingest some of the cruelty of the world, it takes years off of our lives, but it also gives us wisdom and a little grace, hopefully a sense of compassion. -- Adam Rapp
  • What evolution tells us is that we are part of a grand, dynamic, and ever-changing fabric of life that covers our planet. Even to a person of faith, in fact especially to a person of faith, an understanding of the evolutionary process should only deepen their appreciation of the scope and wisdom of the creator's work. -- Kenneth R. Miller
  • Wariness about change is a kind of prairie wisdom. -- Kathleen Norris
  • will anything but fanaticism make for change? Wisdom and compromise come later. -- Dorothy Gilman
  • To change the world , we need to combine Ancient wisdom with new technologies -- Paulo Coelho
  • Proverbial wisdom counsels against risk and change. But sitting ducks fare worst of all. -- Mason Cooley
  • Serenity is not just an escape, but a precursor to acceptance, courage, wisdom, and change. -- Bill Crawford
  • Man will never reach the higher wisdom,If he can't yet accept the pain of change. -- Toba Beta
  • Have the wisdom to know what cannot be changed, and the strength to change what can. -- Epictetus
  • The true wisdom is to be always seasonable, and to change with a good grace in changing circumstances. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • The fatal flaw of human wisdom is that it promises that you can change your relationships without needing to change yourself. -- Paul David Tripp
  • History is the queen of the humanities. It teaches wisdom and humility, and it tells us how things change through time. -- Gordon S. Wood
  • Chance and change are busy ever;Man decays, and ages move;But His mercy waneth never;God is wisdom, God is love. -- John Bowring
  • In these simple words, Lord, is it I? lies the beginning of wisdom and the pathway to personal conversion and lasting change. -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • Everything begins with the resolve to take the first step. From that action, wisdom arises and change begins. Without action, nothing changes. -- Daisaku Ikeda
  • Pain can change you, but that doesn't mean it has to be a bad change. Take that pain and turn it into wisdom. -- Dalai Lama
  • Kabbalah is all about change. It isn't about being proud of our good qualities: the wisdom is about transforming our darkness into light." -- Yehuda Berg
  • A wise and clear-eyed book, Future Hype challenges the conventional wisdom about technological change and provides a fresh perspective on our so-called computer age. -- Nicholas G. Carr
  • To change your mind under the direction of the wisdom of the heart is a brush stroke on the masterpiece you are delivering to the world. -- Alan Cohen
  • Don't be so fond of what you planned that somehow to change it seems like a violation of your own choice and wisdom. It's just the opposite. -- Lee Carroll
  • May I nurture the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can change and wisdom to know the difference -- Frank Ra
  • Meditate upon all the perfect light within your own mind! Do this repeatedly and the radiant Bodhisattvas of Wisdom and Laughter will visit you and change your karma forever! -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell