Book learning quotes:

  • Confucianism is all about tempering your instincts with intellectual discipline, with book learning. -- Brian Reynolds Myers
  • Confucianism is all about tempering your instincts with intellectual discipline, with book learning. -- Brian Reynolds Myers
  • The Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning. -- Idries Shah
  • The flavors of the peach and the apricot are not lost from generation to generation. Neither are they transmitted by book learning. -- Ezra Pound
  • To be a photographer, one must photograph. No amount of book learning, no checklist of seminars attended, can substitute for the simple act of making pictures. -- Harry Callahan
  • It is not book learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebra which will cause them to be loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies, do a thing. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • Homicide is the major leagues, the center ring, the show. It always has been ... It goes beyond academic degrees, specialized training or book learning, because all the theory in the world means nothing if you can't read the street. -- David Simon
  • The sure foundations of the state are laid in knowledge, not in ignorance; and every sneer at education, at culture, at book learning, which is the recorded wisdom of the experience of mankind, is the demagogue's sneer at intelligent liberty, inviting national degeneracy and ruin. -- George William Curtis
  • Wisdom is not book learning but, rather, a quality or state of knowing what is true or right coupled with the judgment to discern constructive action. Wisdom is the insight and intuition contained in the proverbial still, small voice that only a quiet mind can hear and know. -- Sue Thoele
  • The flavors of the peach and the apricot are not lost from generation to generation, neither are they transmitted by book learning. The mystic tradition, any mystic tradition, is of a similar nature, that is, it is dependent on direct perception, a 'knowledge' as permanent as the faculty for receiving it. -- Ezra Pound
  • Perhaps a modern society can remain stable only by eliminating adolescence, by giving its young, from the age of ten, the skills, responsibilities, and rewards of grownups, and opportunities for action in all spheres of life. Adolescence should be a time of useful action, while book learning and scholarship should be a preoccupation of adults. -- Eric Hoffer
  • Scholars of the East and West have heroically consecrated their whole working lives to making available, by means of their own disciplines, Sufi literary and philosophical material to the world at large. In many cases they have faithfully recorded the Sufis' own reiteration that the Way of the Sufis cannot be understood by means of the intellect or by ordinary book learning. -- Idries Shah
  • You cannot open a book without learning something. -- Confucius
  • I'm writing a book and working on my one-woman show, Learning To Be Human. -- Shirley Knight
  • Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved to write a book. -- Edward Gibbon
  • The fundamentals of baseball haven't changed, but how we can teach those fundamentals has. With an e-book, learning can be more rewarding and fun. -- Dusty Baker
  • I was learning book-keeping at the age of 12, but it never stopped me from pursuing literature. Over the years, I grew to love the written word. -- Ashwin Sanghi
  • A love of books, of holding a book, turning its pages, looking at its pictures, and living its fascinating stories goes hand-in-hand with a love of learning. -- Laura Bush
  • What I discovered is I don't like to repeat lead characters because one of the most pleasurable things in a book to me is learning about the lead. -- Alan Furst
  • In many ways, it was much, much harder to get the first book contract. The hardest thing probably overall has been learning not to trust people, publicists and so forth, implicitly. -- Neil Gaiman
  • With every book, you go back to school. You become a student. You become an investigative reporter. You spend a little time learning what it's like to live in someone else's shoes. -- John Irving
  • I think my books talk about kids learning to like and respect themselves and each other. You can't write a message book; you just tell the best story you know how to tell. -- Paula Danziger
  • I've always been an avid reader. If I don't have a book in the car, I'll stop and pick one up just to have something to read. I don't even remember learning to read. -- Janis Ian
  • I've bought pretty much every book ever written about the Alamo, and I talk to my friends that I've made over the past 15, 20 years. It's just a constant learning and fascinating thing for me. -- Phil Collins
  • For me, learning is a continuous process and an all-inclusive one - reading a book, learning a musical instrument or learning the martial art called taekwondo. Teach myself something new - that's my prayer. -- Sonu Nigam
  • Not being a comic book fan, being thrown into that and seeing the extreme - it's taken very seriously. So I tried to do as much learning as I could about it so I wasn't mean or anything. -- Ashley Scott
  • The Magus,' usually described as a book for the young, is about learning that the world is a mysterious and limitless place, beyond our control, and all the more exciting - and daunting - because of it. -- Sharon Bolton
  • I make personal appearances around the country. I'm starting a book tour now, and I may be coming to Toronto with the Learning Annex, which I'm doing all through the United States, so that may come up just before Christmas. -- Burt Ward
  • The books that help you most are those which make you think that most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading; but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty. -- Pablo Neruda
  • I read the Steve Jobs book, and that kind of changed everything. I've been, like, an Apple geek my whole life and have always seen him as a hero. But reading the book, and learning about how he built the company, and maintaining that corporate culture and all that, I think that influenced me a lot. -- G-Eazy
  • I remember reading 'The Grapes of Wrath' in high school in 1983. My family had immigrated to the U.S. three years before, and I had spent the better part of the first two years learning English. John Steinbeck's book was the first book I read in English where I had an 'Aha!' moment, namely in the famed turtle chapter. -- Khaled Hosseini
  • Relationships are like a book, in that they are for learning. -- Marshall Sylver
  • The book written against fame and learning has the author's name on the title-page. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Book - Learning : The dunce's derisive term for all knowledge that transcends his own impertinent ignorance. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Prayer needs neither learning, wisdom or book knowledge to begin it. It needs nothing but heart and will. -- J. C. Ryle
  • You make learning fun. Like a children's book or after school special. Tell me about your"¦um, Athenian women. -- Richelle Mead
  • A book is quite a beautiful thing, even more so learning. Together, however, all they amount to is called book-learning. -- Franz Grillparzer
  • Book learning, or intelligence of one sort, doesn't guarantee you intelligence of another sort.You can behave just as stupidly with a good college education. -- David Byrne