Appreciating the moment quotes:

  • Enjoy the moment and appreciate what you have. -- Marisa Miller
  • I really believe that God puts things in front of you for a reason, even if you don't always appreciate it in the moment. -- Amanda Borden
  • If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. a lot of people don't appreciate the moment until it's passed. -- Kanye West
  • I like it when my wife is in her jeans, with very little makeup. But, I also appreciate the range - the different ways she can look. The moment she walks out all dressed up and... whoa! That's always good. -- Patrick Wilson
  • My Roomba's name is Roswell. There is the moment when you are sitting on the couch and Roomba turns itself on and goes out and starts working. You really appreciate it because it works hard for you, and it deserves some kind of recognition. -- Colin Angle
  • I've been trying to really live in the moment because I will never get this part of it back. As soon as the movie comes out, everyone will turn it into what they believe it is, so I've really been trying to appreciate every minute of now. Because I know what's coming. -- Rooney Mara
  • When we accept ourselves exactly as we are, in exactly this moment, we shift from living for tomorrow to appreciating today. -- Kris Carr