Typography quotes:

  • Typography is what language looks like. -- Ellen Lupton
  • Typography is a hidden tool of manipulation within society. -- Neville Brody
  • Typography can be as exciting as illustration and photography. -- Herb Lubalin
  • Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form. -- Robert Bringhurst
  • Typography needs to be audible. Typography needs to be felt. Typography needs to be experienced. -- Helmut Schmid
  • Typography is to literature as musical performance is to composition: an essential act of interpretation, full of endless opportunities for insight or obtuseness. -- Robert Bringhurst
  • Typography has one plain duty before it and that is to convey information in writing. No argument or consideration can absolve typography from this duty. -- Emil Ruder
  • To be married to a wife who can set type is happiness indeed. -- Walter Tracy
  • For me, typography is a triangular relationship between design idea, typographic elements, and printing technique. -- Wolfgang Weingart
  • Of the many unforeseen consequences of typography, the emergence of nationalism is, perhaps, the most familiar -- Marshall McLuhan
  • It is freely admitted that this "testing" is far from ideal and could even be described as anecdotal. -- Eric Gill
  • You can do a good ad without good typography, but you can't do a great ad without good typography. -- Herb Lubalin
  • Perfect typography is certainly the most elusive of all arts. Sculpture in stone alone comes near it in obstinacy. -- Jan Tschichold
  • To me designing has never been a job or profession. It's a way of life, like a priest or rabbi. -- Ed Benguiat
  • Just as typography is human speech translated into what can be read, so photography is the translation of reality into a readable image. -- Herbert Bayer
  • The seventies were my fattest decade. Overall I think the seventies were distinctly bulbous. People looked chunky, typefaces were rounded, writing implements penile. -- Will Self
  • To say a grid is limiting is to say that language is limiting, or typography is limiting. It is up to us to use these media critically or passively. -- Ellen Lupton
  • If you love it, you don't know much about typography. And if you hate it, you really don't know much about typography either and you should get another hobby. -- Vincent Connare
  • Space in typography is like time in music. It is infinitely divisible, but a few proportional intervals can be much more useful than a limitless choice of arbitrary quantities. -- Robert Bringhurst
  • There's a simplicity in typography that demands absolute accuracy... the only way you can experience it is by doing it, and you can't do it on a screen because a screen never gives you the entire picture. -- Bruno Maag
  • Descriptive anatomy is to physiology what geography is to history, and just as it is not enough to know the typography of a country to understand its history, so also it is not enough to know the anatomy of organs to understand their functions. -- Claude Bernard
  • Lyric poetry is, of course, musical in origin. I do know that what happened to poetry in the twentieth century was that it began to be written for the page. When it's a question of typography, why not? Poets have done beautiful things with typography - Apollinaire's 'Calligrammes,' that sort of thing. -- James Fenton
  • Typography exists to honor content. -- Robert Bringhurst
  • Typography is a minor technicality of civilized life. -- Stanley Morison
  • Typography at its best is a visual form of language linking timelessness and time. -- Robert Bringhurst
  • Typography tended to alter language from a means of perception and exploration to a portable commodity. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Typography fostered the modern idea of individuality, but it destroyed the medieval sense of community and integration. -- Neil Postman
  • Typography is a hidden tool of manipulation within society. All schools should be teaching typography; we should be fundamentally aware of how typographic language is forming out assholes. -- Neville Brody
  • Typography must be as beautiful as a forest, not like the concrete jungle of the tenements It gives distance between the trees, the room to breathe and allow for life. -- Adrian Frutiger
  • Typography is not only a technology but is in itself a natural resource or staple, like cotton or timber or radio; and, like any staple, it shapes not only private sense ratios but also patterns of communal interdependence. -- Marshall McLuhan
  • Keep it simple: In general, interfaces should use simple geometric forms, minimal contours, and a restricted color palette comprised primarily of less-saturated or neutral colors balanced with a few high contrast accent colors that emphasize important information. Typography should not vary widely in an interface. -- Alan Cooper
  • Simplicity, wit, and good typography. -- Michael Bierut
  • Perfect typography is more a science than an art. -- Jan Tschichold
  • If your words aren't truthful, the finest optically letter-spaced typography won't help, -- Edward Tufte
  • The better people communicate, the greater will be the need for better typography-expressive typography. -- Herb Lubalin
  • If typography is calling attention to itself, it's taking that attention away from what the words are saying... -- Michael Bierut
  • The first thing one learns about typography & type design is that these rules are made to be broken. -- Jeffery Keedy
  • They should make new ways to better design buildings and books. The computer was the end of Swiss typography! -- Emil Ruder
  • I'm very much a word person, so that's why typography for me is the obvious extension. It just makes my words visible. -- Erik Spiekermann
  • There are bad types and good types, and the whole science and art of typography begins after the first category has been set aside. -- Beatrice Warde
  • You could say that bad typography brought us the Afghanistan war, the Iraq war, the housing crisis and a good number of other things. -- Stefan Sagmeister
  • Good typography, first, makes words readable. At its best, it does something more: it helps express the animating spirit of the ideas behind the words. -- Michael Bierut
  • Copy, art, and typography should be seen as a living entity; each element integrally related, in harmony with the whole, and essential to the execution of an idea. -- Paul Rand
  • I found a great many pieces of punctuation and typography lying around dormant when I came along - and I must say I had a good time using them. -- Tom Wolfe
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