Temer quotes:

  • Temeroso arranco esparadrapos, gaze e passos." -- Filipe Russo
  • Temeraire said, 'It is very nice how many books there are, indeed. And on so many subjects!" -- Naomi Novik
  • Four times I was honked at for having the temerity to proceed through town without the benefit of metal." -- Bill Bryson
  • Ricordo che mia mamma diceva che se una persona conserva il proprio cuore, dovunque vada, non deve temere di perdere nulla." -- Haruki Murakami
  • No; they nearly drowned you, and not even on purpose but only through carelessness. I am not letting them have you back," Temeraire said." -- Naomi Novik
  • Temeraire--Never fear; I am going; the Son of Heaven will not tolerate delays, and Barham gives me leave. Allegiance will carry us! Pray eat something--L." -- Naomi Novik
  • I was always amused by the prayers of the saintlyGod do this, God don't do that." I thought God probably laughed at them too, unless He was a little annoyed by their temerity." -- Jean Plaidy
  • It is never easier to understand the mind of a bomb-wielding anarchist than when standing amid a crush of those ladies and gentlemen who have the money and temerity to style themselves "New York Society." -- Caleb Carr
  • If you will pardon my saying so," Tharkay said, "you will never satisfy them on that point: the last thing you or Temeraire will ever give anyone is quiet obedience. Have you considered it might be better not to try?" -- Naomi Novik
  • Daca, in realitate, omul nu este ticalos - omul in genere, semintia umana - atunci toate celelalte nu sunt decat prejudecati, temeri scornite de mintea noastra, si atunci nu mai este nicio stavila, toate sunt asa cum trebuie sa fie!" -- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Unless the perfidious wolves have the temerity to disobey the High King's plans, we should meet Shalhassan's forces by the Latham in mid-wood with the wolves between us. If they aren't,' Diarmuid concluded, 'we blame anyone and everything except the plan." -- Guy Gavriel Kay
  • While the hardware of civilization - iron pots, blankets, guns - was welcomed by Native people, the software of Protestantism and Catholicism - original sin, universal damnation, atonement, and subligation - was not, and Europeans were perplexed, offended, and incensed that Native peoples had the temerity to take their goods and return their gods." -- Thomas King
  • [Maximus] put his head down and said in a conspiratorial whisper, "Tell Temeraire that Lily and I have not forgotten our promise; we will not let them hang you at all."Laurence stared up at the immense Regal Copper. All his crew looked deeply distressed, as well they might, the outlaw remark being perfectly audible several clearings over." -- Naomi Novik
  • Anyone who has the temerity to write about Jane Austen is aware of [two] facts: first, that of all great writers she is the most difficult to catch in the act of greatness; second, that there are twenty-five elderly gentlemen living in the neighbourhood of London who resent any slight upon her genius as if it were an insult to the chastity of their aunts." -- Virginia Woolf