Sea Life quotes:

  • The sea lives in every one of us. -- Robert Wyland
  • When men come to like a sea-life, they are not fit to live on land. -- Samuel Johnson
  • In still moments by the sea life seems large-drawn and simple. It is there we can see into ourselves. -- Rolf Edberg
  • When ... we realize the possibilities of deep sea life still unknown to us, every haul of the dredge should be welcomed by an expectant enthusiasm equaled in other fields only by the possible hope of communication with our sister planets. -- William Beebe
  • I went to sea from the most tender age and have continued in a sea life to this day. Whoever gives himself up to this art wants to know the secrets of Nature here below. It is more than forty years that I have been thus engaged. Wherever any one has sailed, there I have sailed. -- Christopher Columbus
  • Oceans need more attention because climate change IS an ocean issue. Our oceans will be the first victim, and sea life will suffer dramatically. Detailed proof is hard in ocean science, but I think we're already seeing big ocean changes caused by climate change, such as starvation of whales, seabirds, and other animals off the coast US west coast. -- Mark Powell
  • Life is as inexorable as the sea. -- Thomas Wentworth Higginson
  • Life sucks order from a sea of disorder. -- James Gleick
  • In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. -- Earl Warren
  • It's in an inland sea that the river of my life ended. -- Fernando Pessoa
  • A life without fighting is a dead sea in the universal organism. -- Machado de Assis
  • Risking one's life can be strangely liberating. That's what the sea counsels me. -- Diane Wilson
  • There is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea. -- Joseph Conrad
  • Life is the wave's deep whisper on the shore Of a great sea beyond. -- Henry Abbey
  • Life originated in the sea, and about eighty percent of it is still there. -- Isaac Asimov
  • For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. -- Khalil Gibran
  • It isn't that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better. -- Francis Drake
  • In a sea of strangers,you've longed to know me.Your life spent sailingto my shores. -- Lang Leav
  • Land is the secure ground of home, the sea is like life, the outside, the unknown. -- Stephen Gardiner
  • The writer must wade into life as into the sea, but only up to the navel. -- Gustave Flaubert
  • Some sit and watch the life; some sail to the sea and the life watches them! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Life is like stepping onto a boat which is about to sail out to sea and sink. -- Shunryu Suzuki
  • If a life goes down the toilet, it comes out in a river and meets the sea. -- Carol Plum-Ucci
  • Don't sit and wait. Get out there, feel life. Touch the sun, and immerse in the sea. -- Rumi
  • Stand through life firm as a rock in the sea, undisturbed and unmoved by its ever-rising waves -- Hazrat Inayat Khan
  • The journey of life is a mental one, which is taking place in the sea of illusion. -- Neville Goddard
  • There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life. -- Varahamihira
  • Voyager upon life's sea, To yourself be true, And whate'er your lot may be, Paddle your own canoe. -- Sarah T. Bolton
  • Life is a big sea full of many fish. I let down my nets and pulled. I'm still pulling. -- Langston Hughes
  • Never set a child afloat on the flat sea of life with only one sail to catch the wind. -- D. H. Lawrence
  • Beginnings are apt to be shadowy and so it is the beginnings of the great mother life, the sea. -- Rachel Carson
  • Spirit is Life. It flows thru the death of me endlessly like a river unafraid of becoming the sea. -- Gregory Corso
  • The rumble of the life outside was like the sound of the sea which was rising gradually around her. -- Jean Rhys
  • Life's a vast sea That does its mighty errand without fail, Painting in unchanged strength though waves are changing. -- George Eliot
  • The loves and hours of the life of a man, They are swift and sad, being born of the sea. -- Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • No mortal ever has been, no mortal ever will be like the soul just launched on the sea of life. -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • I love the beach. I love the sea. All my life I live within - in front of the sea. -- Rafael Nadal
  • Life is an endless sea of admiration, in constant collision with those who have aspired, to feel inspired once again. -- James C. Emlund
  • As o'er the stormy sea of human Life We sail, until our anchor'd spirits rest In the far haven of Eternity,... -- Robert Montgomery
  • All I want in this life are three...a moonlit beach on the starlit sea,a breath of opium, and thee. -- Roman Payne
  • How well he fell asleepl Like some proud river, widening toward the sea; Calmly and grandly, silently and deep, Life joined eternity. -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • I live my life in a sea of clothes. And it's fantastic to be able to use them and play with them. -- Suki Waterhouse
  • All that I desire in life are three...A wilderness: A beach on the sun-drenched sea,A puff of opium,And thee. -- Roman Payne
  • Yes! in the sea of life enisled, With echoing straits between us thrown, Dotting the shoreless watery wild, We mortal millions live alone. -- Matthew Arnold
  • Life, friends, is boring. We must not say so. After all, the sky flashes, the great sea yearns, we ourselves flash and yearn -- John Berryman
  • Life is a hot day, perhaps death is a cool night. Life is a shallow bay, perhaps death is a clear, deep sea. -- Mika
  • Life is short And pleasures few And holed the ship And drowned the crew But o! But o! How very blue the sea is. -- Clive Barker
  • From open sea she's chosen meand dashed the hopes of many.A life with her is worth the hopesmy love for her may bury. -- Uzoma C. Azuonye
  • The Earth never ceases to spin. All life is dancing : The trees, the wind, the sea. Keep dancing for the rest of your life. -- Daisaku Ikeda
  • Margaret Kochamma's tiny, ordered life relinquished itself to this truly baroque bedlam with the quiet gasp of a warm body entering a chilly sea. -- Arundhati Roy
  • If you think life is a smooth sea, you will soon be awakened from this sweet dream by the slap of a bitter wave! -- Mehmet Murat ildan
  • They are orphans again, with no true home but each other and whatever life they can make together on the other side of the sea. -- Leigh Bardugo
  • Like driftwood spares which meet and pass Upon the boundless ocean-plain, So on the sea of life, alas! Man nears man, meets, and leaves again. -- Matthew Arnold
  • Stone and sea are deep in life Two unalterable symbols of the world Permanence at rest And permanence in motion Participants in the power that remains -- Stephen R. Donaldson
  • Across the sea of space lies an infinite emptiness. I can feel it, suffocating me. It is without meaning. But each life creates its own reality. -- Daniel H. Wilson
  • The oxygen cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the carbon cycle, the water cycle - all of these are linked to the existence of life in the sea. -- Sylvia Earle
  • Ah, what a life is theirs who live in Christ; How vast the mystery! Reaching in height to heaven, and in its depth The unfathomed sea! -- Elizabeth Prentiss
  • Thoughts are like drops of water: with our thoughts we can drown in a sea of negativity, or we can float on the ocean of life. -- Louise Hay
  • It is the simplest things in life that hold the most wonder; the color of the sea, the sand between your toes, the laughter of a child. -- Goldie
  • A great sorrow, like a mariner's quadrant, brings the sun at noon down to the horizon, and we learn where we are on the sea of life. -- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • So when I cease to be I want to go the sea! Oh for the life of a sardine! That is the life for me! -- Charlie Chaplin
  • Songs, stories are beyond value; they are the memory and wisdom of a people, the particular individual rivers of the sea of life which constitutes us all. -- Rudy Wiebe
  • This is what I like about life at sea. It's one long voyage of discovery. Solid water! What will they think of next? Hopefully a pony who solves crimes. -- Gideon Defoe
  • We do not keep security establishments merely to defend property or territory or rights abroad or at sea. We keep the security forces to defend a way of life. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • That sinuous southern life, that oblique and slow and complicated old beauty, that warm thick air and blood warm sea, that place of mists and languor and fragrant richness... -- Anne Rivers Siddons
  • Sea World's killer whale collection needs constant replenishing. The average life span of the animals in captivity is less than half the average for killer whales in the ocean. -- Nina Easton
  • Life isn't a lazy cruise on some endless, calm, and temperate sea. Life is a raging ocean with swells and tidal waves that wreck and sink your boat. Life is a series of storm -- Richelle E. Goodrich