Rodin quotes:

  • Sir Rodin convinced my parents to have me committed; they are all in Paris to arrange it. -- Camille Claudel
  • You wouldn't ask Rodin to make an ugly sculpture, or me to make a film with an ugly woman. -- Roger Vadim
  • I use Rodin Luxury Face Oil at night, and it keeps my skin hydrated and refreshed for the day - not tired from all the makeup. -- Erin Heatherton
  • Last night, two men tried to force my shutters. I recognized them: they are two of Rodin's Italian models. He told them to kill me. I am in his way; he wants to get rid of me. -- Camille Claudel
  • I refused [to study under Rodin] because nothing grows under large trees. -- Constantin Brancusi
  • I've posed nude for a photographer in the manner of Rodin's Thinker, but I merely looked constipated. -- George Bernard Shaw
  • Speaking of August Rodin: He raised his world above us in an immense arc, and made it a part of nature. -- Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Homeric mind is ingenuity, practical intelligence. There is no Rodin-like deep thinking, no mathematical or philosophical speculation. Odysseus thinks with his hands. -- Camille Paglia
  • While she was working on Maturity, ... M. Rodin is well aware that people have imagined that he did my sculpture why then do all one can to give credence to these lies. -- Paul Claudel
  • You see that it is not at all like Rodin... I share these only with you, don't show them. -- Camille Claudel
  • Rodin picks a mushroom delighted, and shows it to Madame Rodin... "Look," he says excitedly, "and that takes but a single night! In one night all these are made, all these lamellas. That is good work." -- Juan Ramon Jimenez
  • I was in a garden at the Rodin Museum. For a few minutes I was alone, sitting on a bench between two long hedges of roses. Pink roses. Suddenly I felt the most powerful feeling of peace, and I had the thought that death, if it means an absorption into a reality like the one that was before me, might be all right. -- Irving Howe