Retirement Security quotes:

  • Social Security is the very foundation of retirement security for millions of Americans. -- Sue Kelly
  • Retirement security is often compared to a three-legged stool supported by Social Security, employer-provided pension funds, and private savings. -- Sander Levin
  • The promise of Social Security was reflected in President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's inter-generational compact that rewards hard work and provides retirement security. -- Christine Pelosi
  • The No. 1 issue with women in this country is jobs, and the No. 2 issue is our national security. So, economic security, national security and retirement security. -- Marsha Blackburn
  • I think if we are actually going to accept our generation's responsibility, that's going to mean that we give our children no less retirement security than we inherited from our parents. -- Carol Moseley Braun
  • There's a lot we can do to improve American's retirement security, but it's wrong to replace the guaranteed benefit that Americans have earned with a guaranteed benefit cut of forty percent or more. -- Harry Reid
  • The United States should pursue a more robust agenda for U.S. competitiveness and innovation focused on a lower-carbon economy, including investments in education, basic research and development, infrastructure, retraining, retirement security, and universal health care. -- Mona Sutphen
  • We have a rare and perhaps small window of opportunity to set partisan differences aside, and attempt to achieve what many in recent years have felt was unreachable - greater retirement security for ourselves and our children. -- Gordon Smith
  • However, the Administration's plan to privatize Social Security will undermine retirement security for all Americans by cutting guaranteed benefits by more than 40 percent, and risky private accounts won't make up for the loss of benefits for millions of Americans. -- Ruben Hinojosa
  • Let me be clear, the discussions about Social Security are not about the retirement security of those Americans who are 55 or older - the Social Security system for those folks 55 and over will not change in any way shape of form - no ifs, ands, or buts. -- Norm Coleman
  • As we get closer to the end of this Congress, we should be addressing the urgent needs of the American people - the war in Iraq, affordable health care, a sensible energy policy, quality education for our children, retirement security, and a sound and fair fiscal policy. -- Chris Van Hollen
  • The only way to save Social Security is to raise the retirement age. -- Rand Paul
  • I support voluntary personal retirement accounts for Social Security. It should be people's free choice. -- Sharron Angle
  • I believe that social security should be a universal retirement guarantee and not means tested. -- Steve Israel
  • I have never favored a Social Security retirement age of 70 nor do I favor one of 68. -- Howard Dean
  • Almost half of all Latinas currently on Social Security rely exclusively on their benefit check in retirement. -- Grace Napolitano
  • Today more people believe in UFOs than believe that Social Security will take care of their retirement. -- Scott Cook
  • Today more people believe in UFOs than believe that Social Security will take care of their retirement. -- Scott Cook
  • For these reasons, women tend to rely more heavily on Social Security in their retirement than do men. -- Steve Israel
  • No well-planned retirement should be without long term care insurance. It is the very cornerstone of retirement security. -- Suze Orman
  • Social Security not only helps Americans enjoy a secure retirement, it has also kept millions of Americans out of poverty. -- Zoe Lofgren
  • The Presidents plan to privatize Social Security would actually take away guaranteed benefits and put the promise of a secure retirement in jeopardy. -- Patty Murray
  • Though Congress continues to explore possible solutions to ensure social security solvency, everyone must take personal responsibility to prepare their own retirement savings accordingly. -- Ron Lewis
  • The property boom has made us all feel wealthy, but unfortunately it has lulled many of those nearing retirement into a false sense of security. -- Noel Whittaker
  • The fine print in the President's Social Security proposal is that all present and future workers under age 55 will have their promised retirement benefits cut. -- Mark Dayton
  • Indeed, I think most Americans now know that in 1935 when Social Security was created, there were some 42 Americans working for every American collecting retirement benefits. -- John Shadegg
  • People clinging to job security, savings, retirement plans, and other relics will be the ones financially-ravaged from 2010-2020, the most volatile world-changing decade in history. -- Robert Kiyosaki
  • We need to expand Social Security to prevent the looming retirement crisis, and we can do it simply by asking billionaires to pay their fair share. -- Robert Reich
  • What we should be trying to do is to encourage people to establish private retirement accounts and help them take pressure off the Social Security system. -- Dennis Moore
  • Right now, too many women who reach retirement age find themselves widowed or single, relying on their Social Security check for over half of their income. -- Judy Biggert
  • Social Security is a fraudulent scheme in which the government collect money from you for your retirement - and immediately spend the money on something else. -- Harry Browne
  • Social Security makes up a much larger share of total retirement income for unmarried women and minorities than it does for married couples, unmarried men and whites. -- Diane Watson
  • Social Security is not just the foundation of America's retirement dignity and security, it ensures the economic stability and strength of our families and our state's economy. -- Debbie Stabenow
  • The President has no real plan to address the fiscal challenges arising from the retirement of the baby boom generation, let alone a plan to fix Social Security. -- Jack Reed
  • The multiple failings of our flawed financial sector are jeopardizing, not only the retirement security of our nation's savers but the economy in which our entire society participates. -- John C. Bogle
  • The main purpose of Social Security is to redistribute wealth, to make an increasingly large number of Americans dependent on government for their basic needs in their retirement years. -- Neal Boortz