Quill quotes:

  • Quill: An instrument of torture yielded by a goose and commonly weilded by as ass. -- Ambrose Bierce
  • Do not shout at me, Mr. Quill," said John [Adams]. "Justice may be blind, but she is not deaf. -- Orson Scott Card
  • I don't use a pen. I write with a goose quill dipped in venom. -- Clifton Webb
  • I'm too old-fashioned to use a computer. I'm too old-fashioned to use a quill. -- Christopher Plummer
  • I still use quill and parchment. I do e-mails, and I write, but I don't go around surfing too much. -- Oscar Nunez
  • The funny thing about writing is I think a lot of people assume that you're sitting in a garret with a quill pen for hour after hour. -- Lincoln Child
  • Science offers no brief for the telekinetic powers of Darth Vader and hardly any greater justification for the faster-than-light travel that makes his empire possible. And yet what is 'Star Wars' if not pure quill SF? -- Paul Di Filippo
  • Think of all that hard work our founding fathers put in - the revolutionizing, the three-fifths compromising, having to write the entire Constitution with a quill - and yet they neglected to include the right to vote. -- Mo Rocca
  • The word processor is a better tool than a quill pen because you can do so much more with it, but on the other hand, what you have to say and how you say it is the ultimate determination. -- Walter Murch
  • As the knight of the quill never ventured into the fight, and only snuffed the battle afar, he knew nothing accurately of battles, but managed to pick up a few real or supposed incidents from the wounded and from stragglers. -- Daniel H. Hill
  • Nobody worked harder than Mozart. By the time he was twenty-eight years old, his hands were deformed because of all the hours he had spent practicing, performing, and gripping a quill pen to compose. That's the missing element in the popular portrait of Mozart. -- Twyla Tharp
  • I love how easy it is to run my business, Writing Workshops Los Angeles, with the help of email and my website. I love that I don't have to use cuneiform, a quill, or a typewriter to write my novels - I love to write on my laptop! -- Edan Lepucki
  • When you have committed enough words to paper, you feel you have a spine stiff enough to stand up in the wind. But when you stop writing, you find that's all you are - a spine, a row of rattling vertebrae, dried out like an old quill pen. -- Hilary Mantel
  • Take any writer you want in the 19th century: they wrote with quill pens, dipping a piece of goose feather in ink and writing. And yet we read those novels today, and if we're sensitive to them, we respond to them with an immediacy that is stronger than anything written today on a word processor. -- Walter Murch
  • But the way to wealth through the quill seems long ... -- Elizabeth Charles
  • The thought hath good leggs, and the quill a good tongue. -- George Herbert
  • Give me a condor's quill! Give me Vesuvius crater for an inkstand! -- Herman Melville
  • The Deer don't dineWhen a Wolf's about,And the PorcupineSticks his quill-points out. -- Arthur Guiterman
  • I don't use a pen. I write with a goose quill dipped in venom. -- Clifton Webb
  • He writes so well he makes me feel like putting my quill back in my goose. -- Fred Allen
  • A witty writer is like a porcupine; his quill makes no distinction between friend and foe. -- Josh Billings
  • Xenophon wrote with a swan's quill, Plato with a pen of gold, and Thucydides with a brazen stylus. -- Joseph Joubert
  • Be circumspect how you offend schollers, for knowe, a serpent tooth bites not so ill, as dooth a schollers angrie quill. -- John Florio
  • Thoth, Hermes, the stylus, the palette, the pen, the quill endure, though our books are a floor of smouldering ash under our feet. -- Hilda Doolittle
  • Moon, worn thin to the width of a quill,/ In the dawn clouds flying,/ How good to go, light into light, and still/ Giving light, dying. -- Sara Teasdale
  • I don't use any fance quill pens or pads, because I can't read my own handwriting. I just use whatever computer is laying around, and start writing. -- Mitch Albom
  • Maine should be pleased that its animal is not a waverer, and rather than fight, lets the primed quill fall. Shallow oppressor, intruder, insister, you have found a resister. -- Marianne Moore
  • The male clerk with his quill pen and copper-plate handwriting had gone for good. The female short-hand typist took his place. It was a decisive moment in women's emancipation. -- A. J. P. Taylor
  • Oh, nature's noblest gift, my grey goose quill, Slave of my thoughts, obedient to my will, Torn from the parent bird to form a pen, That mighty instrument of little men. -- Lord Byron
  • Harry moved the tip of his eagle-feather quill down the page, frowning as he looked for something that would help him write his essay, "Witch Burning in the Fourteenth Century Was Completely Pointless "? discuss. -- J. K. Rowling