Pungent quotes:

  • When one tears away the veils and shows them naked, people's souls give off such a pungent smell of decay. -- Octave Mirbeau
  • If you be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams - the more they are condensed the deeper they burn. -- John Dryden
  • If you would be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams - the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn. -- Robert Southey
  • Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash. -- Louis Aragon
  • I don't have much patience for people who are self-conscious about the act of eating, and it irritates me when someone denies themselves the pleasure of a bloody hunk of steak or a pungent French cheese because of some outdated nonsense about what's appropriate or attractive. -- Anthony Bourdain
  • In a city that worships the new and the sleek, the street market at Da Jing Road is willfully out of step. It is a splendid jumble of centuries, full of sizzling pot stickers and bleating cell phones, pungent rice wine and bullfrogs as plump as softballs. -- Evan Osnos
  • I make a really delicious eggplant and squash curry that's inspired by Vij of Vij's Restaurant, a great chef and restaurateur in Vancouver. I like to cook that dish because it's really simple, but the flavor is so pungent and intense that I feel like I'm a real chef whenever I create it. -- Carmen Ejogo
  • If you would be pungent, be brief. -- Robert Southey
  • Come to the stable. Come to where the horses are, and the sweet, grainy, pungent smells. -- Monica Dickens
  • So I departed, leaving behind a pungent smell of brimstone. Just something to remember me by. -- Jonathan Stroud
  • That kind of discipline whose pungent severity is in the manifestations of paternal love, compassion, and tenderness is the most sure of its object. -- Hosea Ballou
  • Wit, after all, is a mighty tart, pungent ingredient, and much too acid for some stomachs; but honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting. -- Washington Irving
  • There is nothing more energizing than inhaling the tang of wilderness, loamy after rain, pungent with the richness of earth shuddering with life, or taking in the brisk dry cleanness of winter. -- Lawrence Anthony
  • A breeze blew softly, slightly rippling the water as it carried the heady scents of late Carolina springtime through the air. Honeysuckle. Jasmine. Ripe, pungent river mud. Ah, the world felt right. -- Caitlin Rush