Preys quotes:

  • A malady Preys on my heart that med'cine cannot reach. -- Charles Robert Maturin
  • Are You Living or Just Existing?" -Tyler Perry The Family That Preys -- Tyler Perry
  • You can't build your life around hurts from the past" -Tyler Perry The Family That Preys -- Tyler Perry
  • With curious art the brain, too finely wrought, Preys on herself, and is destroyed by thought. -- Charles Churchill
  • You can,t make yourself happy by causing other peoples misery -Tyler Perry The Family That Preys -- Tyler Perry
  • O jealousy, Thou ugliest fiend of hell! thy deadly venom Preys on my vitals, turns the healthful hue Of my flesh check to haggard sallowness, And drinks my spirit up! -- Hannah More
  • Yeah, I had an idea to make a very scary movie, based on a kind of serial murderer that preys on tourists. -- Brian De Palma
  • Oh literature, oh the glorious Art, how it preys upon the marrow in our bones. It scoops the stuffing out of us, and chucks us aside. Alas! -- D. H. Lawrence
  • First I shall name the eagle, of which there are three species: the great grey eagle is the largest, of great strength and high flight; he chiefly preys on fawns and other young quadrupeds. -- William Bartram
  • Lions, wolves, and vultures don't live together in herds, droves or flocks. Of all animals of prey, man is the only sociable one. Every one of us preys upon his neighbor, and yet we herd together. -- John Gay
  • There are many reasons why vulnerable young people join militant groups, but among them are poverty and ignorance. Indeed Boko Haram - which translates in English, roughly, as 'Western Education Is Sinful' - preys on the perverted belief that the opportunities that education brings are sinful. -- Muhammadu Buhari
  • Disease preys on a weak and malnourished mind. -- Bernard Jensen
  • Light vanity, insatiate cormorant, Consuming means, soon preys upon itself. -- William Shakespeare
  • No work is worse than overwork; the mind preys on itself,--the most unwholesome of food. -- Charles Lamb
  • Families cannot prosper and keep America strong if government becomes a Goliath that preys upon their wealth, usurps their rights, and crushes their spirit. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Man, biologically considered ... is simply the most formidable of all beasts of prey, and, indeed, the only one that preys systematically on its own kind. -- William James
  • What preys on my mind is simply this one question: what am I good for, could I not be of service or use in some way? -- Vincent Van Gogh
  • Death is given in a kiss; the dearest kindnesses are fatal; and into this life, where one thing preys upon another, the child too often makes its entrance from the mother's corpse. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Sorrow preys upon Its solitude, and nothing more diverts it From its sad visions of the other world Than calling it at moments back to this. The busy have no time for tears. -- Lord Byron