Peoples who fled quotes:

  • Just as many people flee Hollywood as those who flock to it. Hollywood can be an acquired taste. -- Shawn Amos
  • We cannot calculate the numbers of people who left, fled or were fished out of Europe just ahead of the Holocaust. -- Gene Tierney
  • People end up fleeing countries who adopt economic policies based on these flawed principles. And more often than not, they come here. -- Marco Rubio
  • I wish we didn't have to own up to a policy deliberately designed to inflict suffering on people who have already been traumatised in the countries from which they've fled. -- Hugh Mackay
  • We are battling fanatics who kidnap and behead civilians and shoot fleeing children in the back. There can be no dialogue with such people, and the American people understand this. -- Kay Bailey Hutchison
  • Everyone seems to be fleeing from the responsibilities that come from being who you are. I think that is why the blogosphere is thriving. It allows people to develop a fantasy self. -- Lee Siegel
  • After the Spanish Civil War against Franco, a group of us got together: a group of well-to-do people who were sympathetic to the lost cause of a Republican state. We bought a convent in Toulouse and converted it into a hospital run by the Unitarians. It took care of the Spanish refugees who fled to Toulouse. -- Howard Fast