Palestinian People quotes:

  • Palestinian people are in love with life. -- Mahmoud Darwish
  • Peace cannot come from punishing the Palestinian people. -- Nick Rahall
  • I call on the Palestinian people to elect new leaders - leaders not compromised by terror. -- Elliott Abrams
  • Today three-quarters of the Palestinian people are displaced: there are 5 million Palestinian refugees throughout the world. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • In all cases our stance will be determined by what serves the interests of the Palestinian people. -- Ahmed Yassin
  • Israel is guilty of apartheid and persecution of the Palestinian people, both inside Israel and also in the Occupied Territories. -- Alice Walker
  • If it is in the interest of the Palestinian people to have a hudna, we'll have a hudna. If it isn't, we won't. -- Ahmed Yassin
  • I'm not saying I'm the only Jewish person who cares about Palestinian people, but unfortunately, their voices are not necessarily heard as loudly as they should be. -- Julian Schnabel
  • I believe that Palestine is an occupied land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and this is the right of the entire Palestinian people, this land. -- Hassan Nasrallah
  • I have seen for the first time in 100 years of conflict, the two peoples - the Israeli people and the Palestinian people - are ahead of their leaderships. -- Amos Oz
  • It is high time that the Palestinian people restore their freedom and independence. It is high time that the decades, the long decades of suffering and pain would stop. -- Mahmoud Abbas
  • Invariably, also a Palestinian state should live side by side with Israel within recognized and secure borders and the security and prosperity of the Palestinian people must be guaranteed. -- Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • Prior to the United Nations even being formed, Palestine was a country. But the right of the Palestinian people were trampled, and unfortunately, international organizations contributed to those rights being trampled. -- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
  • The liberals and free people of the world will not like to see the Palestinian people living under siege. We have received indications from the international community that they will not stop their aid. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • The Palestinian people do not beg the world for a state, and the state can't be created through decisions and initiatives. States liberate their land first and then the political body can be established. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • We repeat today that we are with the establishment of a Palestinian state on any liberated part of Palestinian land that is agreed upon by the Palestinian people, without recognizing Israel or conceding any inch of historical Palestine. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • The PLO and the Palestinian people adhere to the renouncement of violence and rejection and condemning of terrorism in all its forms, especially State terrorism, and adhere to all agreements signed between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel. -- Mahmoud Abbas
  • Saying that the Palestinian people aren't really a people - that's not a zany thing to say. That's a psychotic thing to say in the midst of all of the politics we live through on a daily basis. -- Lewis Black
  • I ask the American administration not to participate in any resolution that will double the suffering of the Palestinian people. I am convinced that the American people would not want to see the Palestinians suffer the way they do. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • For decades, the plight of the Palestinian people has been exacerbated by internal corruption, a lack of effective investment, and the political cynicism of the Arab states, who often did not have the best interests of the Palestinians at heart. -- Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
  • I contend that Bush would be a lot more moderate if there weren't some fundamentalists breathing down his neck every time he wants to establish the state of Israel, every time he wants to do justice for the Palestinian people. -- Tony Campolo
  • I enter negotiations with Chairman Arafat, the leader of the PLO, the representative of the Palestinian people, with the purpose to have coexistence between our two entities, Israel as a Jewish state and Palestinian state, entity, next to us, living in peace. -- Yitzhak Rabin
  • The victory of Hamas is not only based on the corruption of the Palestinian Authority. Hamas has a vision and a program, and this is the reason why the Palestinian people chose Hamas. However, there is no doubt that the corruption helped Hamas's victory. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • I don't think the Palestinian people or Afghan children or some other things I'm concerned about are at the top of other people's agendas - not right now, when America is going through such a recession and people are suffering across the board financially. But I think all that will change. -- Patti Smith
  • The Palestinian people have no national identity. -- Yasser Arafat
  • Palestinian Arabs [are] people who breed and bleed and advertise their misery. -- Ruth Wisse
  • The underlying problem remains the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and the continuing Israeli assaults against our people. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • I think it was so unfair that people attacked Freida Pinto for being an Indian, playing a Palestinian. -- Julian Schnabel
  • It's not for me to say from the outside what the Palestinian people should have. That would be very arrogant. -- Mairead Corrigan
  • Throwing young men out of work, throwing people into poverty and ending business life don't promote stability in the Palestinian territories,. -- Chris Patten
  • From here [the Gaza withdrawal], our people begin the march towards establishing an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital -- Mahmoud Abbas
  • I think we've had an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs, and who were historically part of the Arab community. -- Newt Gingrich
  • If people are pro-Israel, they are pro-Israel one-hundred-and-twenty percent. If they are anti-Israel or pro-Palestinian, they tend to be pro-Palestinian one-hundred-and-twenty percent. -- Amos Oz
  • What Kuwait did to the Palestinian people is worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories. -- Yasser Arafat
  • The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel. -- Yasser Arafat
  • China will continue to support the efforts of the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate rights, including the establishment of an independent state, -- Jiang Zemin
  • All the people who live in the West Bank are Israelis, they're not Palestinians. There is no 'Palestinian.' This is Israeli land. -- Rick Santorum
  • On the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people - Muslims and Christians - have suffered in pursuit of a homeland. -- Barack Obama
  • The world should commit Israel to withdraw from our territories and stop occupation and aggression, and allow the Palestinian people to establish their independent state. -- Khaled Mashal
  • There is no such thing as a Palestinian people... It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn't exist. -- Golda Meir
  • The P.L.O., and later the Palestinian Authority, never truly accepted that Israel, as the national state and homeland of the Jewish people, was here to stay. -- Danny Danon
  • The important issue for us is bringing (people) who recognize the Palestinian people's rights and work on ending the occupation (to the Palestinian territories) and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. -- Mohammed Dahlan
  • We urge you to understand the Palestinian reality, and not to rush in and impose conditions and demands that ignore this reality and increase the suffering of the people. -- Ismail Haniyeh
  • I have always been conscious of the importance and the strength of nationalism, and this has led me straight to the acknowledgment of the nationalism of the Palestinian people. -- Uri Avnery
  • I hope that my new status will be an example of Israeli-Palestinian co-existence, I believe that the destinies of the Israeli people and the Palestinian people are inextricably linked. -- Daniel Barenboim
  • Invariably, also a Palestinian state should live side by side with Israel within recognized and secure borders and the security and prosperity of the Palestinian people must be guaranteed -- Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  • The issue [Israeli-Palestinian conflict], already lasting more than half a century, has brought deep suffering to the Palestinian people and remains an important reason of extended turbulence in the Middle East region. -- Xi Jinping
  • We want to end this misery of the Palestinian people in order for us really to live with dignity as human beings in an independent state side by side with the Israeli state. -- Benjamin Netanyahu
  • I also believe that US backing for Israeli policies of expansion of the Israeli state and oppression of the Palestinian people is the major cause of bitter division and violence in the world. -- Clare Short