Outer darkness quotes:

  • From a good book, I want to be taken to the very edge. I want a glimpse into that outer darkness. -- Mark Haddon
  • The best translations cannot convey to us the strength and exquisite delicacy of thought in its native garb, and he to whom such books are shut flounders about in outer darkness. -- Edwin Booth
  • Like brown rice, black rice is unmilled, and it is the dark outer husk that makes it so nutty and chewy. It's also why it takes longer to cook than many other rices. -- Yotam Ottolenghi
  • Genius without religion is only a lamp on the outer gate of a palace; it may serve to cast a gleam of light on those that are without, while the inhabitant sits in darkness. -- Hannah More
  • I had a book that was given to me as a kid that was called 'Faeries.' It was this dark, sinister book with pictures that used to scare me because they were these creepy little creatures. But, I was always really drawn to that fantasy world, more than a sci-fi world, in terms of outer space stuff. -- Anna Silk
  • An inner darkness is darker than an outer darkness. -- Ben Okri
  • Against the darkness outer God's light his likeness takes, And he from the mighty doubter The great believer makes. -- Richard Watson Gilder
  • He that shuts love out, in turn shall be Shut out from love, and on her threshold lie, Howling in outer darkness. -- Alfred Lord Tennyson
  • My darkness has been filled with the light of intelligence, and behold, the outer day-lit world was stumbling and groping in social blindness. -- Helen Keller