Melodrama quotes:

  • Parsi theater was known for melodrama. -- Irrfan Khan
  • Melodrama and melodramatic are not the same thing, and often people make the mistake of confusing the two. -- James Gray
  • If a man went simply by what he saw, he might be tempted to affirm that the essence of democracy is melodrama. -- Irving Babbitt
  • So slowly in my mind formed the idea of melodrama, a form I found to perfection in American pictures. They were naive, they were that something completely different. They were completely Art-less. -- Douglas Sirk
  • Melodrama is something that is created... I don't seen a melodramatic episode of '90210' or any show that relies on that and think, 'Oh, that's life. That's how I experience it.' -- Peter Horton
  • Melodrama is one of the most stunning art forms. These are stories where the emotions are big, and the situations are big, and the artists believe in the situation dramatically. There's no irony or distance. -- James Gray
  • I cry all the time when I watch 'Glee' because I don't know if it's satire or melodrama and that makes me feel like the writing is aware of itself, and that makes it OK to cry. -- David Sedaris
  • I'm obsessive about the kind of melodrama of getting through the days and trying to make them good and funny and a happy experience. But my feeling towards the fans is that they delivered me from darkness. -- Tom Baker
  • The constraints of melodrama can be a great blessing, because they demand that all the characters involved - as absurd and extreme as they may initially seem - must stay utterly rooted in their own reality, or the whole project collapses. -- Stanley Tucci
  • I think that's what distinguishes Schmidt, really. In the movies now, so much of what is appealing to an audience is the dramatic or has to do with science fiction, and Schmidt is simply human. There's no melodrama; there's no device, It's just about a human being. -- Jack Nicholson
  • If you believe, as the Greeks did, that man is at the mercy of the gods, then you write tragedy. The end is inevitable from the beginning. But if you believe that man can solve his own problems and is at nobody's mercy, then you will probably write melodrama. -- Lillian Hellman
  • The world sometimes feels like an insane asylum. You can decide whether you want to be an inmate or pick up your visitor's badge. You can be in the world but not engage in the melodrama of it; you can become a spiritual being having a human experience thoroughly and fully. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Turn your melodrama into a mellow drama. -- Ram Dass
  • Fighting your ego is a melodrama of the ego. -- Deepak Chopra
  • 'Somewhere in Time' is in the top-five cheesiest movies ever made. It's super melodrama. -- Mark Duplass
  • One can play comedy, two are required for melodrama, but a tragedy demands three. -- Elbert Hubbard
  • In drama, the characters should determine the story. In melodrama, the story determines the characters. -- Sidney Lumet
  • I think of myself as a realistic writer, not a creator of soap opera or melodrama. -- Joyce Maynard
  • If I'm going to go to the opera, I want to see the costumes and the melodrama. -- Jaime Winstone
  • Love in France is a comedy; in England a tragedy; in Italy an opera seria; and in Germany a melodrama. -- Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington
  • All good, clean stories are melodrama; it's just the set of devices that determines how you show or hide it. -- Baz Luhrmann
  • Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 pecent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation. -- Grantland Rice
  • I love how 'melodrama' is a denigrated term - a lower-class citizen to other genres. And yet that's what life is, man. -- Todd Haynes
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  • We live in a material world, not a dramatic one. And truth resides not in melodrama, but in the precise measure of material things. -- Richard Flanagan
  • I love melodrama. I love the simple fact. When you read Euripides he's a page turner. It's like reading a Mexican comic book romance. -- Guy Maddin
  • When I was a teenager in Milwaukee in the 1980s, life was pretty boring, and I found myself riveted by the sheer melodrama of everyday life of the 1960s. -- Rick Perlstein
  • All the political angst and moral melodrama about getting 'the rich' to pay 'their fair share' is part of a big charade. This is not about economics, it is about politics. -- Thomas Sowell
  • I thought that jealousy was an idea. It isn't. It's a pain. But I didn't feel as they do in a Broadway melodrama. I didn't want to kill anybody. I just wanted to die. -- Floyd Dell
  • Commercialism is laying its great greasy paw upon everything including the irresponsible quest of thrills; so that, whatever democracy may be theoretically, one is sometimes tempted to define it practically as standardized and commercialized melodrama. -- Irving Babbitt
  • I barely watch TV apart from the news. Most of it is rubbish. There's all this reality nonsense and dross. I think there's a market for a well-produced, well-written melodrama like 'Dallas.' It's pure entertainment. -- Larry Hagman
  • THIS ACTION THAT I FORESEE has nothing to do with melodrama It is that life as lived by me now is a series of exceptions I was (am?) not unique but special. This is why I was an artist -- Francesca Woodman
  • I work intentionally to try and make dense, complex things. We can move between genres and forms, from something that looks like a PowerPoint lecture to something that looks like an informercial to something that looks like a cinematic melodrama. -- Elizabeth Price
  • I love 'Glee.' I cry all the time when I watch 'Glee' because I don't know if it's satire or melodrama and that makes me feel like the writing is aware of itself, and that makes it okay to cry. -- David Sedaris
  • Madonna remains the most visible performer on the planet, as well as one of the wealthiest, but would anyone seriously say that artistic self-development is her primary motivating principle? She is too busy with Kabbalah, fashion merchandising, adoption melodramas, the gym, and ill-starred horseback riding to study art. -- Camille Paglia
  • I've always loved Victorian melodrama. And I've always liked larger-than-life theater, providing it's truthful and honest. I like what the theater can provide in energy and bombast - I enjoy it when it's large, and by that I don't mean in size, I mean in emotions. Shakespeare did that. -- Harold Prince
  • Teenagers all think their life is a movie. If you break up with someone or you have a fight, you walk around with movie scores playing in your head. You sort of see yourself suffering as you're suffering. There's a lot of melodrama attached to the real events of your life. -- Kenneth Lonergan
  • It's an ongoing process, in the script, on the set and in the editing room, to make sure you are being true to the emotion of the film without turning it into a melodrama, and making sure you're getting all the laughs you can without it turning into just some stupid comedy. -- Jon Turteltaub
  • To be intuitive, we must cultivate our sense of humor and look for reasons to laugh everywhere. We become so self-absorbed and serious when it comes to our problems and melodramas that we disconnect from our deeper sense of who we are as beautiful souls-we withdraw from life instead of enjoying it. Laughter brings us back to ourselves and back to life. -- Sonia Choquette
  • I don't think 'Twilight' should be approached like 'Batman.' Because it is an invented kind of world, especially this one, I think it's got to be done with a sense of enjoyment to it I guess more than anything. So I never thought of anything as making fun of it, but kind of reveling in the melodrama of it. It's a melodrama. -- Bill Condon
  • Euripides seems to have felt that the dignified perfection of Sophocles could be challenged only by novelty and irresponsibility. The religious conditions of the Dionysian festival kept him within certain bounds... But within the imposed limits Euripides was as profane as he dared to be, making melodrama of the divine realities which his predecessors accepted religiously, using the stage merely as a convenience for popularizing his own eccentric values. -- Laura Riding
  • Come on, Kaylee, before I choke on testosterone and melodrama. -- Rachel Vincent
  • History is not melodrama, even if it usually reads like that. -- Robert Penn Warren
  • Sentimental blackmailing is the melodrama done by heart over our brain. -- Upasana Banerjee
  • Somewhere in Time is in the top-five cheesiest movies ever made. Its super melodrama. -- Mark Duplass
  • Somewhere in Time' is in the top-five cheesiest movies ever made. It's super melodrama. -- Mark Duplass
  • I like melodrama because it is situated just at the meeting point between life and theater. -- Luchino Visconti
  • What concerns me fundamentaly is a meteoric burlesk melodrama, born of the immemorial adage love will find a way. -- e. e. cummings
  • I think that melodrama is a safe way of suffering, because your suffering is fake. That's why I like melodrama. -- Luis Negron
  • Penalties are not football. They are not even as television people keep telling us, great drama. They are cheap melodrama. -- Simon Barnes
  • Being in the moment means not being distracted by the melodrama and hysteria around you. Present-moment awareness allows solutions to emerge. -- Deepak Chopra
  • I feel the need to chastise myself. A movie that's a partial musical, full-on melodrama, should require a tremendous amount of planning. -- Guy Maddin
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  • Shredded feelings are the fuel that feed the machinery of melodrama. And good melodrama just has honest feelings and is honest about the way people interact. -- Guy Maddin
  • He had the air of a spy in a melodrama, missing nothing, liking nothing, looking forward to the great day when everything would be turned upside down. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • [H]istory is a melodrama on the theme of parasitism, characterized by scenes that are exciting or dull, as the case may be, and many a sudden stagetrick. -- Max Nordau
  • Nobody beats a bunch of journalists for inflating their rather mundane straightforward chores with a lot more melodrama and self-importance than the job should be asked to contain. -- Larry King
  • Kenney knows two essential truths about melodrama: First that it is most powerful when combined with irony and understatement; and second that it is a salient feature of modern life. -- Stefan Kanfer
  • Art never seems to make me peaceful or pure. I always seem to be wrapped in the melodrama of vulgarity. I do not think... of art as a situation of comfort. -- Willem de Kooning
  • You know, I might miss some of your witticisms when you're gone, but one thing I won't miss? Your overwhelming sense of melodrama and despair. It's too much even for me. -- Richelle Mead
  • ADMIRABLY BOLD. There's something grand about the film's sincerity and the intensity of its emotions and something fresh and bold about the way director Gray uses the conventions of romantic melodrama. -- A. O. Scott
  • In this context of achievement-and-death, artist who make Happenings are living out the purest melodrama. Their activity embodies the myth of nonsuccess, for Happenings cannot be sold and taken home; they can only be supported... -- Allan Kaprow