Medical Records quotes:

  • And as a nurse, I know very well the importance, for example, of electronic medical records. -- Lois Capps
  • Computerized medical records will enable statistical analysis to be used to determine which treatments are most effective. -- Temple Grandin
  • Even though people pretend that medical records are privileged information, anyone can already get their hands on them. -- Craig Venter
  • The current medical records system is this: Room after room after room in a hospital filled with paper files. -- Timothy Murphy
  • In post-Vietnam, post-Watergate America, skeptical voters demand full disclosure of everything from candidates' finances to their medical records, and spin-savvy accounts of backstage machinations dominate political coverage. -- Virginia Postrel
  • After he was assassinated, his family and the men who had served him continued the lying and began the destruction, censoring and hiding of JFK's medical records. -- Richard Reeves
  • I would like to promote the concept of a partnership of insurance companies, physicians and hospitals in deploying a basic framework for an electronic medical records system that is affordable. -- Samuel Wilson
  • With tens of thousands of patients dying every year from preventable medical errors, it is imperative that we embrace available technologies and drastically improve the way medical records are handled and processed. -- Jon Porter
  • In our own state, we came up with, I think, what was a very novel approach to closing the gap on the uninsured. To harmonize medical records - which was a major step in getting costs out of the system. -- Jon Huntsman, Jr.
  • Consider this: I can go to Antarctica and get cash from an ATM without a glitch, but should I fall ill during my travels, a hospital there could not access my medical records or know what medications I am on. -- Nathan Deal
  • Whether it's by helping us search for health-related information, connecting us with doctors through online portals, or enabling us to store and retrieve our medical records online, the Internet is starting to show the promise it has to transform the way people interact with and improve their own health and wellness. -- Dean Ornish
  • The fact is that a bill allowing any employer to deny insurance coverage based on a moral objection - along with giving an employer permission to ask for medical records showing why a woman is taking birth control - opens up a set of problems that I'm sure its sponsors have not fully considered. -- Richard Carmona
  • Electronic medical records are, in a lot of ways, I think the aspect of technology that is going to revolutionize the way we deliver care. And it's not just that we will be able to collect information, it's that everyone involved in the healthcare enterprise will be able to use that information more effectively. -- Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
  • We need to have our medical records put on the IT. -- George W. Bush
  • By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care -- George W. Bush
  • Hurricane Katrina reiterated the need for [access to] medical records, ... ... But there's going to be a lot more needed than $4 million. -- Thomas Carper
  • We live in what's called an open society, which of course means they open our emails, open our phone records, and open our medical records. -- Jay Leno
  • Everybody talks about candidate tax returns, and they release those - well, most. But medical records, that's another thing, and that arguably might be more important or relevant than somebody's tax return. -- Rush Limbaugh