Mckinley quotes:

  • Why, they shot the wrong McKinley! -- Dizzy Dean
  • McKinley has no more backbone than a chocolate eclair. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • McKinley shows all the background of a chocolate eclair. -- Theodore Roosevelt
  • Mr. Chairman, I think the record should show that for the first time since McKinley, we have a Republican president worth shooting, and I think that's a good sign. -- James Johnson
  • A skillful playwright might have a good time with the story of the assassination of President William McKinley, and especially with the three most flamboyant political figures involved: Mark Hanna, Theodore Roosevelt, and Emma Goldman. -- Russell Baker
  • William McKinley has left us a priceless gift in the example of a useful and pure life, in his fidelity to public trusts and in his demonstration of the value of kindly virtues that not only ennoble but lead to success. -- Grover Cleveland
  • At the time, I didn't know what forgiveness meant. I wouldn't really know what forgiveness meant for another year, until my pastor, Rick McKinley, happened to spell it out in a sermon. He said that when you forgive, you bear the burden somebody has given you without holding them accountable. -- Donald Miller
  • In 1977, I climbed a fairly difficult mountain for the first time, which was Mount McKinley, in Alaska. I climbed the so-called 'American Direct Route,' which was a route straight up to the top. I really enjoyed it. Through such experiences, I learned that mountaineering wasn't just about height. I found that different routes have different charms. -- Tamae Watanabe
  • I fully understood what I was doing when I shot the president. I realized that I was sacrificing my life. I am willing to take the consequences. I want it to be published - I killed President McKinley because I done my duty. I don't believe in one man having so much service and another man having none. -- Leon Czolgosz
  • I found myself thinking about President William McKinley, the third American president to be assassinated. He lived for several days after he was shot, and towards the end, his wife started crying and screaming, "I want to go too! I want to go too!" And with his last measure of strength, McKinley turned to her and spoke his last words: "We are all going. -- John Green
  • The Republican nominee-to-be, of course, is also a young man. But his approach is as old as McKinley. His party is the party of the past. His speeches are generalities from Poor Richard's Almanac. Their platform, made up of left-over Democratic planks, has the courage of our old convictions. Their pledge is a pledge to the status quo-and today there can be no status quo. -- John F. Kennedy
  • Robin McKinley's 'The Blue Sword' was a defining book of my teen years, and I'd love to have more books like that in the world. -- Carrie Vaughn