Marxist quotes:

  • If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist. -- Karl Marx
  • To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. -- Barack Obama
  • It is immoral to brand children with religion. 'This is a Catholic child.' 'That is a Muslim child.' I want everyone to flinch when they hear such a phrase, just as they would if they heard, 'That is a Marxist child.' -- Richard Dawkins
  • All I know is I'm not a Marxist. -- Karl Marx
  • It's not my fault if reality is Marxist -- Che Guevara
  • I still think like a Marxist in many ways. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • All I know is that I am not a Marxist. -- Karl Marx
  • We are not Marxist or capitalist; we are for the poor people. -- Mamata Banerjee
  • I took part in what was actually the last eruption of Marxist internationalism. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • I am a Marxist-Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life. -- Fidel Castro
  • I am a Marxist Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life. -- Fidel Castro
  • I've been married to one Marxist and one Fascist, and neither one would take the garbage out. -- Lee Grant
  • I grew up Jewish, became an atheist and a Marxist, and 28 years ago, at age 26, became a Christian. -- Marvin Olasky
  • Well you can be the son of a Marxist and not necessarily be a Marxist in all your views. -- Ed Miliband
  • Even now we feel that Stalin was devoted to Communism, he was a Marxist, this cannot and should not be denied. -- Nikita Khrushchev
  • Killing the private property-that was the center of the Marxist economy and Marxist ideology. That was the center of the Lenin ideology. -- Anatoly Chubais
  • The Marxist analysis has got nothing to do with what happened in Stalin's Russia: it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain. -- Tony Benn
  • Cuba's poverty is caused by the crackpot Marxist doctrines imposed by its sociopathic ruler and promoted by half the liberal arts professors on American faculties. -- David Horowitz
  • I'm still a marginal figure living from book to book, but, as long as I'm producing labour as a good Marxist prole, I guess I'm satisfied. -- William T. Vollmann
  • I make an embarrassing amount of money for a borderline Marxist, just by selling 100,000 records. I don't sell millions of records, and I don't need to. -- Steve Earle
  • I spent part of my college years in a Marxist commune. I was not a Marxist. I wasn't even pretending to be one. I was a Marxist-in-law. -- Jane Smiley
  • It was under Wilson, of course, that the first huge parts of the Marxist program, such as the progressive income tax, were incorporated into the American system. -- Robert W. Welch, Jr.
  • One doesn't have to be a Marxist to be awed by the scale and success of early-20th-cent ury efforts to transform strong-willed human beings into docile employees. -- Gary Hamel
  • It has been the acknowledged right of every Marxist scholar to read into Marx the particular meaning that he himself prefers and to treat all others with indignation. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
  • I - and I still consider myself, I'm sorry to tell you, a Marxist and a Communist, but I couldn't help noticing how all the best Marxist analyses are always analyses of a failure. -- Slavoj Zizek
  • If I repeated some passages from the homilies of the Church Fathers, in the second or third century, about how we must treat the poor, some would accuse me of giving a Marxist homily. -- Pope Francis
  • I would say I was still a Marxist - which is not to be confused with being a Communist. Despite its flaws, Marxism still seems to explain the material world better than anything else. -- Alexei Sayle
  • Ask anyone committed to Marxist analysis how many angels dance on the head of a pin, and you will be asked in return to never mind the angels, tell me who controls the production of pins. -- Joan Didion
  • Theory is taught so as to make the student believe that he or she can become a Marxist, a feminist, an Afrocentrist, or a deconstructionist with about the same effort and commitment required in choosing items from a menu. -- Edward Said
  • The Revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism. -- Max Horkheimer
  • It is only the working class at the head of the masses, it is only the working class headed by its real Marxist-Leninist party, it is only the working class through armed revolution, through violence, that can and must bury the traitorous revisionists. -- Enver Hoxha
  • I've always had a Marxist understanding of history: democracy is a result of a broad modernization process that happens in every country. Neocons think the use of political power can force the pace of change, but ultimately it depends on societies doing it themselves. -- Francis Fukuyama
  • Victorian feminists made the mistake of making membership of the sisterhood conditional on signing up to a particular policy agenda. Marxist feminists made a similar mistake of saying, 'You can't be a real feminist unless you join with miners, the unions, the vegans.' -- Naomi Wolf
  • The folkish philosophy is fundamentally distinguished from the Marxist by reason of the fact that the former recognizes the significance of race and therefore also personal worth and has made these the pillars of its structure. These are the most important factors of its view of life. -- Adolf Hitler
  • I'm very proud that some people think that I'm a danger for the intellectual health of students. When people start thinking of health in intellectual activities, I think there is something wrong. In their opinion I am a dangerous man, since I am a crypto-Marxist, an irrationalist, a nihilist. -- Michel Foucault
  • We need to send Barack Obama back to Chicago. I'd like to send him back to Kenya, back to Indonesia. We have to unmask this man. This is a man that seeks to destroy all concept of God. And I will tell you what, this is classical Marxist philosophy. -- Rafael Cruz
  • A Marxist has never written a good novel. -- Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • Every Marxist group that I've known has its theoreticians. -- Dorothy Day
  • Jesus was not a Christian, nor was Marx a Marxist. -- Eric Hoffer
  • What is a left-wing socialist but a Marxist without a gun? -- Don Feder
  • As far as social-economic theory is concerned, I am still a Marxist -- Dalai Lama
  • I am not a Marxist, but I place myself resolutely at the left. -- Ahmed Ben Bella
  • Mao is the only real Marxist at the leadership level in the post-Marx period. -- Paul Sweezy
  • They [unions] used straight Marxist rhetoric [in 1930s] - just the values were changed. -- Noam Chomsky
  • Matter as matter rather than matter as symbol is a conscious political position, essentially Marxist. -- Carl Andre
  • The arrow of Marxist-Leninism must be used to hit the target of the Chinese Revolution. -- Mao Zedong
  • The Marxist outlook ... represents the most consistent and systematic application of the scientific outlook and method. -- Bob Avakian
  • In my opinion, we've elected a Marxist [Barack Obama] to be president of the United States. -- Paul Broun
  • We strive to form a single national front against the Judeo-Masonic lodges, against Moscow and the Marxist societies. -- Francisco Franco
  • My mother, for the last 20 years anyway, would not call herself a Marxist but a human rights activist. -- Joely Richardson
  • There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist. Their point of view is essential to a democratic debate -- Michael Foot
  • One does not have to be a Marxist to know there is something very wrong in this society. -- Michael Pare
  • --
  • As a Marxist, let me add: if anyone tells you Lacan is difficult, this is class propaganda by the enemy. -- Slavoj Zizek
  • As a Marxist, let me add: if anyone tells you Lacan is difficult, this is class propaganda by the enemy. -- Slavoj Zizek
  • Many who have read Marxist books have become renegades from the revolution, whereas illiterate workers often grasp Marxism very well. -- Mao Zedong
  • It wasn't until Castro marched triumphantly into Cuba that you might say the whole thing grew into a Marxist revolution. -- Dorothy Day
  • Perhaps it is this theory of all work and no play that has made the Marxist such a very dull boy. -- Herbert Read
  • No Marxist can deny that the interests of socialism are higher than the interests of the right of nations to self-determination. -- Vladimir Lenin
  • In crude Marxist terms, liberals have a theory of infallible government that is constantly at war with the reality of life. -- Jonah Goldberg
  • I was certain that I was not a Marxist, but I did believe firmly that a connection between economics and politics existed. -- Robert Gilpin
  • Stalin was formed by much more than a miserable childhood, just as the USSR was formed by much more than Marxist ideology. -- Simon Sebag-Montefiore
  • Nobody wants to say that the man [Obama] is a Marxist. Okay, so he's not a Marxist. He's a progressive! This is semantics. -- Glenn Beck
  • I may still be a kind of a Marxist but I'm very realistic, I don't have these dreams of revolutionists around the corner. -- Slavoj Žižek
  • It's beyond me how anybody can look at these protestors and call them anything other than what they are: anti-American, anticapitalist, pro-Marxist communists. -- Rush Limbaugh
  • I was caught up in the hysteria during the Vietnam era, which was brought about through Marxist propaganda underlying the so-called peace movement. -- Jon Voight
  • Just as Marx used to say about the French Marxists of the late 'seventies: All I know is that I am not a Marxist. -- Friedrich Engels
  • Martin Luther King was not a Marxist or a communist, but his radical love leads him to put poor and working people at the center. -- Cornel West
  • Duarte is a moderate when it comes to civilian control of the military and curbing death squads. On economics, the man is almost a Marxist. -- Steve Forbes
  • The core of the Marxist critique of capitalism is that although the individual capitalist is rational (as liberals assume), the capitalist system itself is irrational. -- Robert Gilpin
  • And what a prize we have to fight for: no less than the chance to banish from our land the dark divisive clouds of Marxist socialism. -- Margaret Thatcher
  • To be a Marxist does not mean that one becomes a Communist party member. There are as many varieties of Marxists as there are of Protestants. -- Helen Foster Snow
  • The greatest Marxist writer of the twentieth century, paradoxically, is also one of the greatest examples of the independence of the human spirit from its material limitations. -- James Joll
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat and the leadership of the Marxist-Leninist party are indispensable conditions for the triumph of the Socialist revolution and the building of Socialism. -- Nikita Khrushchev
  • John Paul II made it clear that... liberation theology based on the teaching of Jesus Christ was necessary, but liberation theology that used a Marxist analysis was unacceptable. -- Claudio Hummes
  • Terms that are related to individuals like Marxist, or Hegelian, or Bakuninist, or Kropotkinist, are completely outside my intellectual and emotional horizon. I'm a follower of no one; -- Murray Bookchin
  • The Marxist thus finds himself in real agreement with the Christian in those two beliefs which Christianity paradoxically demands - that poverty is blessed and yet ought to be removed. -- C. S. Lewis
  • As I grow older, I become more and more of a Marxist -- Groucho, that is. When you have lived two-thirds of your life, you know the value of a good joke. -- Karen DeCrow
  • There are Marxists and there are people that are socialists. But the label of Marxist takes on a whole new meaning. Even socialist for a while took on a whole new meaning. -- Glenn Beck
  • As I grow older, I become more and more of a Marxist - Groucho, that is. When you have lived two-thirds of your life, you know the value of a good joke. -- Karen DeCrow
  • You can see why the Marxist left would resist the idea that Hitler was a revolutionary. Because if he was, then either Hitler was a force for good, or revolutions can be bad. -- Jonah Goldberg
  • Intellectuals ... advertise their superiority to political practice but are absolutely in its thrall. ... It is no accident that Marxist theory and practice use the intellectuals as tools and keep them in brutal subservience. -- Allan Bloom
  • I - and I still consider myself, I'm sorry to tell you, a Marxist and a Communist, but I couldn't help noticing how all the best Marxist analyses are always analyses of a failure. -- Slavoj Zizek
  • At this moment, I don't think people would back the old-fashioned Marxist-Leninist ideas of FARC. But I do hope that the rebels will continue to pursue their agenda by legal means and not through violence. -- Juan Manuel Santos
  • In the little hall leading to it was a rack holding various Socialist or radical newspapers, tracts, and pamphlets in very small print and on very bad paper. The subjects treated were technical Marxist theories. -- Agnes Smedley
  • In the struggle to defend the legacy of Leninism . . . [Stalin] proved himself to be an outstanding Marxist-Leninist fighter. . . . Stalin's works should, as before, be seriously studied . . . [to] see what is correct and what is not. -- Mao Zedong
  • Ask anyone committed to Marxist analysis how many angels on the head of a pin, and you will be asked in return to never mind the angels, tell me who controls the production of pins. -- Joan Didion
  • I was told once by a leftwing scholar that as a Marxist, you have to do two things: always be optimistic and always have a view about everything. That advice still sounds good to me. -- Yanis Varoufakis
  • Ultimately freedom is necessary for a society, because every despotic society - for instance, the Russian society - lives on the basis of a rather implausible dogma - the Marxist dogma of world redemption through Communism. -- Reinhold Niebuhr
  • Because of their historical theory of the "alienation of labor" (that the worker must become less and less in control of the work of his hands) the Marxist parties never fought for the man-worthy job itself. -- Paul Goodman
  • We do not believe that the Marxist program, which embodies the continuity of the experience of the actual class struggle and real revolutions of the last one hundred and fifty years, is a definitely closed book. -- Ernest Mandel
  • This book is the best treatment of the best American Marxist philosopher-and the best philosopher to emerge from American slums. Young Sidney Hook is essential reading for anyone interested in democratic theory and practice in America. -- Cornel West
  • If we had paused to tell the people that we were Marxist-Leninists while we were on Pico Turquino and not yet strong, it is possible that we would never have been able to descend to the plains. -- Fidel Castro
  • If I was a Marxist I'd call it the crisis of capitalism. Even though I'm not a Marxist, that seems like a not unreasonable term for the widening gap between the rich and poor that we're seeing ... -- Charles Stross
  • Very curious, at the age of about 13 years, Oswald began to study Marxism and he kept on in his writing, affirming that he was a Marxist. Probably he did want to show himself as a great, supreme Marxist. -- John Sherman Cooper
  • When Marxist dictators shoot their way into power in Central America, the Democrats don't blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies, they blame United States' policies of one hundred years ago, but then they always blame America first. -- Jeane Kirkpatrick
  • From the outset, when [Ho Chi Minh] became a member of the French Communist Party in 1920, he was an independent thinker who adjusted Marxist-Leninist ideas and tactics to what he perceived to be the concrete situation in Indochina. -- William J. Duiker
  • Evil comes in many forms and seems to reinvent itself time and again. But whatever it calls itself - Nazism, Marxist-Leninism, today, terrorism - they all have one thing in common: the destruction, the end of human liberty. -- Stephen Harper
  • Lenin, Stalin, and Rakosi recognized that a renewed and purified Christianity was the only force that could move the masses as powerfully as the Marxist ideal could. They attacked it as the enemy that it was and is. -- Charles Colson
  • I was brought up by a Marxist rationalist stepfather, so I don't believe in the supernatural or religion or horoscopes, and the absolute nature of death is quite helpful for me. My husband was there, then he wasn't. -- Natascha McElhone
  • CREATIVITY first of all aims to achieve a REVOLUTION OF VALUES THROUGH RELIGION, therefore it completely and categorically rejects the Judeo-Christian-democratic-Marxist-liberal-feminist values of today and supplants them with new and basic values of which RACE IS THE FOUNDATION. -- Ben Klassen
  • The seizure of power by armed force, the settlement of the issue by war, is the central task and the highest form of revolution. This Marxist-Leninist principle of revolution holds well universally, for China and for all other countries. -- Mao Zedong
  • Making the City Of Joy gave me the best political education of my life. It became a wrestling match between an Englishman who had gradually ceased to be a Marxist, and a culture that was becoming more Marxist by the day. -- Roland Joffe
  • Always moved by religious motives, the Church has condemned the various forms of Marxist Socialism; and she condemns them today, because it is her permanent right and duty to safeguard men from currents of thought and influence that jeopardize their eternal salvation. -- Pope Pius XI
  • It is a weird thing, because most people tend to get more conservative as they get older, but I find myself going the opposite way. I am sure that by the end I will be selling Marxist pamphlets on the Holloway Road. -- Rory Bremner
  • Feminism is lesbian in the sense that lesbians have always hated the female role and coveted the male role. It is based on Marxist notions of "equality" and class conflict that have no relevance to mystical and biological phenomenon such as love. -- Henry Makow
  • Castro wasn't a Marxist. He was a Catholic educated by the Christian Brothers and the Jesuits. But fundamentally, I'm not talking about practising Catholics, but rather about something which is inbred; that is, a part of your country, your heritage, your life. -- Dorothy Day
  • In fact, the gravest obstacle to the restoration of civilization in North America is universal suffrage. Letting everybody vote makes no sense. Obviously they are no good at it. The whole idea smacks of the fumble-witted idealism of a high-school Marxist society. -- Fred Reed
  • On my visits to America, I discovered that the old Marxist dictum, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs," was probably more in force in America-that holy of holies of capitalism-than in any other country in the world. -- Felix Houphouet-Boigny
  • I think he Oswald felt he was a failure and for the United States and for President Kennedy and all of us. He knew he was a failure at everything he tried, frustrated, with a very sad life, but he was a Marxist. -- John Sherman Cooper
  • In a time in which Communist regimes have been rightfully discredited and yet alternatives to neoliberal capitalist societies are unwisely dismissed, I defend the fundamental claim of Marxist theory: there must be countervailing forces that defend people's needs against the brutality of profit driven capitalism. -- Cornel West
  • Whether they [left in America are] anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists, or libertarians who believe in free enterprise, I regard theirs as the real legacy of the left, and I feel much closer, ideologically, to such individuals than I do to the totalitarian liberals and Marxist-Leninists of today. -- Murray Bookchin
  • During my first press conference as president, in answer to a direct question, I pointed out that, as good Marxist-Leninists, the Soviet leaders have openly and publicly declared that the only morality they recognize is that which will further their cause, which is world revolution. -- Ronald Reagan
  • The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. -- Adolf Hitler
  • Every non-Marxist economic theory that treats human and non-human productive inputs as interchangeable assumes that the dehumanisation of human labour is complete. But if it could ever be completed, the result would be the end of capitalism as a system capable of creating and distributing value. -- Yanis Varoufakis
  • We have to unmask this man [POTUS Obama]. This is a man that seeks to destroy all concept of God - and I will tell you what, this is classical Marxist philosophy. Karl Marx very clearly said Marxism requires that we destroy God because government must become God. -- Rafael
  • That Marxism should triumph in Russia, where there is no industry, would be the greatest contradiction that Marxism could undergo. But there is no such contradiction, for there is no such triumph. Russia is Marxist more or less as the Germans of the Holy Roman Empire were Romans. -- Jose Ortega y Gasset
  • One of the questions on which clarity of thinking is now most necessary is that of the relation between the methods of science and of Marxist philosophy. Although much has already been written on the subject, yet there is still an enormous amount of confusion and contradictory statement. -- John Desmond Bernal
  • In the Conservative Party we have no truck with outmoded Marxist doctrine about class warfare. For us it is not who you are, who your family is or where you come from that matters, but what you are and what you can do for your country that counts. -- Margaret Thatcher
  • I joined another circle and the leader gave us a little leaflet in very small print, asking us to read it carefully and then come prepared to ask questions. It was a technical Marxist subject and I did not understand it nor did I know what questions to ask. -- Agnes Smedley