Low-Level quotes:

  • Low-level programming is good for the programmer's soul. -- John Carmack
  • I'm sure I had low-level scurvy all of my childhood. -- Aisha Tyler
  • Lots of the cooking classes open to non-professionals are too low-level for experienced foodies, or don't offer enough hands-on training. -- Homaro Cantu
  • All graffiti is low-level dissent, but stencils have an extra history. They've been used to start revolutions and to stop wars. -- Banksy
  • Right from the start, I loved the works of Mark Twain. Every time I read about Tom Sawyer, I'd go out and do something low-level naughty, just like him. -- John Grisham
  • It's amazing to me that people have any interest in such a low-level sex scandal. If I were sleeping with a congressman, maybe, but I'm a nobody and the people I'm writing about are nobodies. -- Jessica Cutler
  • NAFTA recognizes the reality of today's economy - globalization and technology. Our future is not in competing at the low-level wage job; it is in creating high-wage, new technology jobs based on our skills and our productivity. -- John F. Kerry
  • I think the guys who are sort of infantry in Somali piracy are not unlike low-level drug dealers in urban areas in America, who see it as, you know, not having many other options. I think it comes down to money and needing to survive. -- Cutter Hodierne
  • With success came an ever-growing burden of responsibility. I lived with a near-constant low-level anxiety that I would make a mistake that would not only threaten my career, but also my brothers' - not to mention the livelihoods of many people who work with us or for us. -- Donny Osmond
  • My mum was never too keen on TV, so we kids all went to the library and got books out. Right from the start, I loved the works of Mark Twain. Every time I read about Tom Sawyer, I'd go out and do something low-level naughty, just like him. -- John Grisham
  • There is a particular whir of agitation about female hunger, a low-level thrumming of shoulds and shouldn'ts and can'ts and wants that can be so chronic and familiar it becomes a kind of feminine Muzak, easy to dismiss, or to tune out altogether, even if you're actively participating in it. -- Caroline Knapp
  • One possible future for WikiLeaks is to morph into a gigantic media intermediary - perhaps, even something of a clearing house for investigative reporting - where even low-level leaks would be matched with the appropriate journalists to pursue and report on them and, perhaps, even with appropriate NGOs to advocate on their causes. -- Evgeny Morozov
  • The job market of the future will consist of those jobs that robots cannot perform. Our blue-collar work is pattern recognition, making sense of what you see. Gardeners will still have jobs because every garden is different. The same goes for construction workers. The losers are white-collar workers, low-level accountants, brokers, and agents. -- Michio Kaku
  • God is speaking to us. But are we listening to Him? When our conscience begins to nudge us for whatever reason, we might have this low-level misery or uneasiness about whatever it is we've done or we're about to do. At times like this, it's wise to prayerfully consider whether we're offending God with our actions. -- Joyce Meyer
  • I wrote a novel, Ghost Road Rules, and as soon as it was done and polished, I began reaching out to agents. I ignored the frequent advice to 'shoot low and try for a low-level agent because they're the only ones that will take a flyer on a new author.' That sounded like bad advice to me. -- Jonathan Maberry
  • We've reached a very low-level equilibrium where it's not clear whose interest it is in to develop Africa... It's not in the interest of those in the aid industry to develop Africa because then there'd be no more industry and 500,000 people would lose their jobs. The only people whose interest it is in is Africans, but they have no voice. -- Dambisa Moyo
  • Sometimes Christians live in a terror of universal obligation: AIDS over here, people to be saved over here, a crushing sense of low-level guilt every day of our lives. Question to ask: Where has God put me right now? I need to say no to a whole bunch of other things because if I don't say no I can't say yes to others. -- Kevin DeYoung
  • I'm pretty sure there's no sexuality that justifies constant low-level harassment. -- Mallory Ortberg
  • Sometimes, low-level jobs are challenging even to someone with CEO potential. -- Marty Nemko
  • I have a very low level of recognition, which is fine by me. -- Dylan Moran
  • However low a man sinks he never reaches the level of the police. -- Quentin Crisp
  • A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant. -- Alan Perlis
  • Informed opponents of Obama's healthcare initiative have expressed dismay at the low level of discourse. -- Carl Hiaasen
  • Be aware of the level of the stock market. Are yields low and PE ratios high? -- Walter Schloss
  • During the past two decades, inflation has fallen to a low level in major industrial countries. -- Toshihiko Fukui
  • Basic problem is that all models are wrong - not got enough middle and low level clouds. -- Phil Jones
  • Muslim organisations tend to have a low level of organisation. The communities in Europe are quite diverse. -- Gijs de Vries
  • I approach most things in life with a dangerous level of confidence to balance my generally low self-esteem. -- Roxane Gay
  • When we function from a fearful, low-level energetic state, our thoughts and energy can literally pollute the world. -- Gabrielle Bernstein
  • Is the ambient noise level of my life low enough for me to hear the whispers of the Lord? -- Bill Hybels
  • I swim, I do Pilates, I meditate - I think it's about keeping your stress level as low as you can. -- John Stamos
  • The body is a very low level machine language. The language of the soul, of the mind, is much more evolved. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Life is wonder, endless, ceaseless wonder. If your energy level is low, then everything is gray, two-dimensional, boring, frustrating, and unhappy. -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • Synths are a very low level of artificial intelligence. Whereas you have a Stradivarius that will live for a thousand years. -- Thomas Bangalter
  • All graffiti is low-level dissent, but stencils have an extra history. They've been used to start revolutions and to stop wars -- Banksy
  • So when they say I'm a low-level systems administrator, that I don't know what I'm talking about, I'd say it's somewhat misleading, -- Edward Snowden
  • The level of credit in Mexico has shown to be low. And where credit concentrates the most favors large corporations and not companies. -- Enrique Pena Nieto
  • Bill Gates can't control a high-level-energy dog, because his energy is very low, very calm. Very intellectual. A dog doesn't see that as leadership. -- Cesar Millan
  • I was always involved in low level motor clubs, competitions and with the Vintage Auto Association, and I believe this really helped me on my way. -- Liz Halliday
  • If China don't free up the political side, its economic growth will come to an end - while it is still at a very low level. -- Milton Friedman
  • Too many managers and executives try to reduce programming to a low-level assembly-line activity. That's inefficient, wasteful, costly in the long run, and inhumane to programmers. -- Bjarne Stroustrup
  • I think moral outrage is born not of anger but of love. It comes from the highest in us, not from a low-level sense of anger or cynicism. -- Marianne Williamson
  • We were surprised by the [low] level of morale of the American troops in the Somalia war. There was nothing that they were fighting for except media glory. -- Osama bin Laden
  • I think people don't understand compound interest because typically no one ever explains it to them and the level of financial literacy in the US is very low. -- James Surowiecki
  • I wish to note that the level of discourse in Nigeria is abysmally low, and, usually, garnished with character assassination. We allow our personal frustrations to becloud reason -- Dele Momodu
  • It's obvious we can't all be a Gully Foyle, but most of us energize at such a low level, so far short of our real capabilities, we could all be more, do more. -- Alfred Bester
  • The psychological profiling [of a programmer] is mostly the ability to shift levels of abstraction, from low level to high level. To see something in the small and to see something in the large. -- Donald Knuth
  • This kind of thinking, he found, is not the way to make one's self popular with other birds. Even his parents were dismayed as Jonathan spent whole days alone, making hundreds of low-level glides, experimenting. -- Richard Bach