Lopez quotes:

  • Brook Lopez had a better game than Deron Williams -- Bill Simmons
  • What Jennifer Lopez puts out, it's not Latin music. -- Marc Anthony
  • For me, my number one Hollywood role model is Jennifer Lopez. -- Becky G
  • Fashion illustrator Antonio Lopez was a major part of my early career. -- Andre Leon Talley
  • Beyonce is good-looking. Jennifer Lopez is good-looking. Madonna used to be good-looking. -- Simon Cowell
  • George Lopez does so much mugging, I'm surprised he's not up on charges. -- Andy Kindler
  • The best part appearing in 'Jersey Girl' was meeting my idol Jennifer Lopez. -- Raquel Castro
  • Often, in the Ruy Lopez, one must be patient, wait and carry on a lengthy and wearisome struggle. -- Boris Spassky
  • When you start hanging out with Jennifer Lopez and Bill Clinton, you can't expect to remain an everyday person. -- Alfonso Soriano
  • I'm very grateful to Jennifer Lopez, because I have something to talk about for the last couple of years. -- Steven Cojocaru
  • One of my greatest personal heroes is Jerry Lopez. When you can snowboard like he surfs, you'll be there! -- Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell
  • If Jennifer Lopez could write songs like Fiona Apple's, she wouldn't have to spend so many hours at the gym. -- Shirley Manson
  • I'd rather be onstage with a pig - a duet with Jennifer Lopez and me just ain't going to happen. -- Mariah Carey
  • I don't want a Jennifer Lopez wedding or anything like that. A commitment ceremony would be a nice thing to do. -- Elton John
  • At the upcoming Grammy Awards, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony will perform together as the first time, as man and wife. Hopefully music. -- Tina Fey
  • The Ruy Lopez occupied a constant place in my opening repertoire. In it is reflected the classical interpretation of the problem of the centre. -- Vasily Smyslov
  • I don't have much history - I've got Rosie Perez, Jennifer Lopez, Rita Moreno. That's it. That's the history of Latin women in Hollywood, really. -- Michelle Rodriguez
  • Failing to open the center at the right moment - a common error by White in the Exchange Lopez - can allow Black an excellent game. -- Andrew Soltis
  • Nancy Lopez has always been a role model of mine... so to have the opportunity to play for her and spend time with her has been amazing. -- Natalie Gulbis
  • Ask the dust on the road! Ask the Joshua trees standing alone where the Mojave begins. Ask them about Camilla Lopez, and they will whisper her name. -- John Fante
  • An amusing fact: as far as I can recall, when playing the Ruy Lopez I have not yet once in my life had to face the Marshall Attack! -- Anatoly Karpov
  • The allegedly 'classy' magazines often seem to be in an endless, undeclared competition to see who can climb furthest up the fundament of Gwyneth Paltrow or Jennifer Lopez. -- Julie Burchill
  • Kidney disease is a low-profile, unglamorous problem, a disease that disproportionately strikes minorities and the poor. Its celebrity spokesman is blue-collar comedian George Lopez, who received a kidney from his wife. -- Virginia Postrel
  • Kamby Bolongo Mean River is an original and fearless fiction. It bears genetic traces of Beckett and Stein, but Robert Lopez's powerful cadences and bleak, joyful wit are all his own. -- Sam Lipsyte
  • Gerry Lopez was a famous surfer back then and his board had a lightning bolt in the in the middle, so my Dad made me a surf/skateboard with a lightning bolt on it. -- Christian Hosoi
  • I tell him [husband Emilio] you are lucky I am not a jealous woman, because look at the women he's worked with: Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, Thalia, Madonna. These very sexy women. I trust him. -- Gloria Estefan
  • My dresses are for women of all different shapes and sizes. Actually, the one I tried on yesterday was the one Jennifer wore. And who'd have thought I'd be the same size as Jennifer Lopez! -- Victoria Beckham
  • My parents are my role models. I also love Halle Berry, Robert DeNiro, Eddie Murphy, Angela Bassett, Tom Cruise and Jennifer Lopez. When I see their work, I get engulfed in it. They really capture me. -- Raven-Symone
  • Playing black, I put great stake in the Ruy Lopez: I liked it, feel it, and understand it; in matches with Hjartarson and Timman it served me well. - on preparing for World Championship versus Garry Kasparov -- Anatoly Karpov
  • I am honored I have performed 'Quizas Quizas Quizas' with Jennifer Lopez, an eclectic artist who thanks to the charismatic power of her voice and to her soft sensuality, has managed to make this song particularly convincing. -- Andrea Bocelli
  • You'll never see me at the launch of the new PlayStation or some club. For me, the fun stuff is being able to get my mom tickets to 'Dancing With the Stars' - she loves Mario Lopez. -- America Ferrera
  • Never open a book with weather. There are exceptions. If you happen to be Barry Lopez, who has more ways to describe ice and snow than an Eskimo, you can do all the weather reporting you want. -- Elmore Leonard
  • It was sort of that in-between area when people don't talk about their personal lives. That's the kind of life I think Kerry would be living now if it weren't for the Lopez character sort of outing her. -- Laura Innes
  • I remember when the wave of Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek and these beautiful Hispanic women came into light, and I looked up to them and I loved them, but I was like, 'Where are Middle Eastern women?' -- Kim Kardashian
  • I'm also very impressed with the best people in experimental electronic world, like Peta and Eckart Aillers and Finez and Jim O'Rourke and Oren Umbarci and Francesco Lopez. Most of them use the computer as their main instrument. -- John Frusciante
  • George Lopez has to get a physical comedy checkup every year to make sure his bulging eyes don't get out of control... Good news George... you are humor free! There's no sign of comedy anywhere in your blood stream. -- Andy Kindler
  • People say we're all identical, but Jennifer Lopez is an American. She's from New York. She doesn't have an accent. Some of these Latin people - their Spanish is pathetic. They learned it when they became famous as Latinos. -- Salma Hayek
  • Someone who I would consider an ultimate beauty and style icon would be Jennifer Lopez. She is absolutely ageless, and she has reinvented herself so many times throughout the years and yet is absolutely flawless and stays true to herself. -- Tamera Mowry
  • (Al) Lopez is a great believer in speed and hustle, in the go-go style of baseball. No other manager is so determined a foe of stodgy baseball, lack of hustle and slipshod practices and so powerful an advocate of the unexpected. -- Nellie Fox
  • In our culture, we get very much into shorthanding people. And I got shorthanded as That Guy: Jennifer Lopez, movies bombed, therefore he must be a sort of thoughtless dilettante, solipsistic consumer blahblahblah. It's hard to shake those sort of narratives. -- Ben Affleck
  • Growing up with Jennifer Lopez and Salma Hayek - people who were always trying to do something else - I wanted to follow in their footsteps. They gave people a different perspective of how women were supposed to look like and be. -- Paula Garces
  • For those who don't like Dave Letterman, there's Jay Leno; and for those who like neither, there's Craig Ferguson; and if you're still feeling undertained, there's George Lopez and Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel and - let's see, did we leave out a Jimmy? -- Tom Shales
  • I don't believe in the so-called Latino explosion when it comes to movies. Jennifer Lopez doesn't have an accent. She grew up in New York speaking English, not Spanish. Her success is very important because she represents a different culture, but it doesn't help me. -- Salma Hayek
  • I'm a huge South Park fan, loved Avenue Q and can not wait to work with Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Bobby Lopez and Casey Nicholaw. Elder Price is an amazing role and I am so excited to take The Book of Mormon across the country. -- Gavin Creel
  • I'm gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I'm gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It'll be an acoustic version of K.C. and the Sunshine Band. Then maybe I'll design a line of clothes like Puff Daddy, but all in synthetic fur. -- Brad Pitt
  • In 'George Lopez', I played Veronica who's a bratty 18-year-old, and so I feel like it's much easier for me to play that because I feel like a late bloomer. It wasn't difficult or challenging at all because it's not like I haven't been a teenager. -- Aimee Garcia
  • In Kamby Bolongo Mean River damage and delusion walk hand in hand, and everything we think we know is gradually called into question. Reading like a cross between Samuel Beckett's 'The Calmative' and Gordon Lish's Dear Mr. Capote, Robert Lopez's new novel gets under your skin and latches on. -- Brian Evenson
  • Jennifer Lopez has been very much in the news because of her divorce from Marc Anthony, also a top singer, a top player in Latin music, her joining the cast of judges on "American Idol." But the music has not been at the forefront. -- Jennifer Lopez