Leer quotes:

  • Leer abre tu mente a conocer cosas que nunca antes imaginaste -- Miriam Mendoza
  • Leer por puro placer, por la hermosa quietud que te envuelve cuando resuenan en la cabeza las palabras de un autor. -- Paul Auster
  • He was a fugitive, lurking soul, James Leer. He didn't belong anywhere, but things went much better for him in places where nobody belonged. -- Michael Chabon
  • Silflay hraka, u embleer rah! -- Richard Adams
  • Hoi, hoi u embleer hrair! M'saion ule' hraka vair! -- Richard Adams
  • I'm leery of legislative solutions to what is morality. -- Louis Gerstner
  • Al leer y pensar se ahorra tiempo y experiencias dolorosas. -- Magali Pool
  • Lo puedo leer en tus ojos, vienes de una noche de amor. -- Isabel Allende
  • I've become very leery of jumping on bandwagons in my old age. -- R. L. Mosz
  • Estene aleera hesaad de viren aneda. And now, you are forever mine. -- Ilona Andrews
  • Here. There. Everywhere. He leered at his friendThinking about you and Moira'sunderwear. -- Dana Marie Bell
  • Niemand is waarlijk mijn vriend, voordat we geleerd hebben in elkanders tegenwoordigheid te zwijgen. -- Maurice Maeterlinck
  • El tiempo de leer, como el tiempo de amar, dilatan el tiempo de vivir. -- Daniel Pennac
  • You never did master a leer.- Katharine Murray, Death on the Family Tree -- Patricia Sprinkle
  • El tiempo para leer como el tiempo para amar dilatan el tiempo para vivir -- Daniel Pennac
  • Releer no es repetirse, es ofrecer una prueba siempre nueva de un amor infatigable. -- Daniel Pennac
  • No se tiene derecho a abrir un libro si no se compromete uno a leerlos todos. -- Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Pansy, Murphy sneered.Thomas leered at herYou make my stamen tingle when you talk like that, Sergeant. -- Jim Butcher
  • Be leery of silence. It doesn't mean you won the argument. Often, people are just busy reloading their guns. -- Shannon L. Alder
  • Audiences can be leery of sequels; the studios make a hit, they see dollar signs, and they make a cheap rip-off. -- William Katt
  • You drew a bird that was here, a kind of sweet chanticleer. But with a terrible fear that the cage couldn't tame -- Aimee Mann
  • Viele Menschen sind gut erzogen, um nicht mit vollem Mund zu sprechen, aber sie haben keine Bedenken, es mit leerem Kopf zu tun. -- Orson Welles
  • You're staring.''You're my wife. I'm allowed to stare.''Is that the rule?''Yes. Stare, leer, ogle, anything I want. Trust me. I'm a lawyer. -- William Landay
  • At first I was a little leery to just post photos of my little girl all the time and kind of exploit her to the world. -- Jake Owen
  • Hay muchos, muchos tipos de libros en el mundo, lo cual tiene sentido porque hay muchas, muchas clases de personas y todas quieren leer algo diferente. -- Lemony Snicket
  • Prison service vans that travel 90 miles to take a prisoner 90 yards; paedophiles free to leer at children in the very parks where they have committed horrific crimes. -- Trevor Phillips
  • La lectura es un sintoma de los incredulos. Cuando dudas investigas y si investigas descubres lo inimaginable. A mucha gente le la miedo leer porque no esta de moda. -- Antonio Guadarrama
  • I was always very leery of my piano playing. As a young kid, I wanted to be a jazz musician, but my taste was far greater than my ability. -- Mike Stoller
  • Perhaps that's a smile on Delia's face-but Delia's half skull turns every expression into a leer. She says, Your uncle had a talent, kid. He made families wherever he went. -- Daryl Gregory
  • I'd always been leery of Eric, but I'd appreciated his mischief, his single-mindedness, and his flair. If you could a vampire had jois de vivre, Eric had it in spades. -Sookie -- Charlaine Harris
  • Oh my God, Val, Lisa groanedHe is going to chew you up and spit you out.Maybe not spit her out, Rachel said, with a leerNot if he likes the taste of her. -- Nenia Campbell
  • I force a smile and hold up my hand, which must end up looking like some sort of strange, leery wince, like I've just swallowed a glass of somebody's urine and I'm recommending it. -- Craig Silvey
  • Janice rolled her eyes. First, the doctor had ogled her, and now Karr was leering at her and licking his lips lasciviously.Oh this is great. I'm being mentally undressed by a space pirate. -- William L. Lavell
  • He follows me down, catching his weight on either side of my head so he can leer his face into mine, coiling muscles and immobility at me, I want you to lay into me. Fight me. -- Poppet
  • Every student should know that statues are meant for sitting. If we're to endure their terrible old faces leering at us, the least they can do is offer shade or a comfortable perch. Nigel Bristow to Max McDaniels -- Henry H. Neff
  • Colin mustered a perfunctory leer, but his mind was obviously elsewhere. 'Do you know...' he began.I knew many things, but I didn't think he needed to hear the entirety of the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales right at just this moment. -- Lauren Willig
  • De geschiedenis van een mensenziel , zelfs van de allergeringste, is haast belangwekkender en leerrijker dan de geschiedenis van een geheel volk, vooral wanneer zij het resultaat is van een heldere geest, en wanneer zij geschreven is zonder ijdele wens bewondering en sympathie op te wekken. -- Mikhail Lermontov
  • We could do muscles first, then brains,: Aislin suggests.It's not all genetic, you know: he would have to work out.Make him right and I'll work him out, she says with a trace of her confident leer.Without a brain?She sighsThey're better off without one. -- Michael Grant
  • We gaan er altijd van uit dat lezen gemakkelijk is omdat we de techniek die we zo lang geleden hebben geleerd, vergeten zijn en het nu voortdurend zonder nadenken doen. Als een boek dus moeilijk lijkt, moet dat eerder de schuld van het boek zijn dan van de lezer. -- Michael Foley
  • The secret of it is to read what you've got in front of you. Don't, if you suspect that something has a double meaning, don't pause. Don't put on a leery vocal expression if you know what I mean on radio. Don't sort of do anything other than read it. -- Humphrey Lyttelton
  • Allan onderbrak de broers op dat punt met de opmerking dat hij de wereld had gezien en als hij daar iets van had geleerd, dan was het dat de allergrootste en ogenschijnlijk onmogelijkste conflicten op aarde gemakkelijk voorkomen hadden kunnen worden: 'Jij bent dom, nee, jij bent dom, nee, jij bent dom. -- Jonas Jonasson
  • It was a silver cow. But when I say 'cow', don't go running away with the idea of some decent, self-respecting cudster such as you may observe loading grass into itself in the nearest meadow. This was a sinister, leering, Underworld sort of animal, the kind that would spit out of the side of its mouth for twopence. -- P. G. Wodehouse
  • I spilled my cup of coffee straight onto my crotch. Superior heat retention has its drawbacks. I grimaced as the scalding liquid reached ground zero, but as I did my best to angle my jeans away from the Resnick family's last hope, my seatmate decided to dispose of her hoodie.I juggled two pressing needs:1) Protect the nethers.2) Leer -- B. Justin Shier
  • Wanneer je als mens sterk geworteld bent, zoals mijn ouders dat waren, kan migratie werken als een zaag en een levenslang trauma veroorzaken. Ik ben meer als de waterplanten in het moerasland, het lowland dat ik in mijn boek beschrijf. Mijn wortels hebben geleerd in het water te dwarrelen, beweeglijk te zijn. Migratie betekent voor mij geen ontworteling meer. -- Jhumpa Lahiri
  • I smell pancakes, Al said as he jauntily smacked Pierce's hat back on the witch's headDid the runt make you breakfast? Al said, leaning over the stoveQuickest way to a woman's crotch is through her gullet, eh? he said, leering at Pierce, who was now rinsing out the percolatorIs it working? I'd be curious to know. I'd buy her a cake or something. -- Kim Harrison
  • Let me be clear, Ginger, since you insist on talking in circles. I want you underneath me in my bed. I want to be buried inside you so deep that I have to remind you of your own name. And I want those motherfuckers leering at you from the other side of the bar to smell me on you for a week afterward. -- Tessa Bailey
  • Hey, hot cheeks! A hand smacked my ass and I shrieked. Spinning around, I glared at Dan Ottoman, a blond, pimply, clarinet player from band. He leered back at me and winkedNever took you for a player, girl, he said, trying to ooze charm but reminding me of a dirty Kermit the FrogCome down to band sometime. I've got a flute you can play -- Julie Kagawa
  • My father will find you and kill you for what you have done. She said to him solemnly.Maligo towered over her, a leering smile twisting his dark face.You would have to consider yourself lucky if you ever see your father again. Even if it is while he watches me take your life. He snarled, allowing a haughty smirk creep across his face. -- B.C. Morin
  • A gentle joyousness-a mighty mildness of repose in swiftness, invested the gliding whale. Not the white bull Jupiter swimming away with ravished Europa clinging to his graceful horns; his lovely, leering eyes sideways intent upon the maid; with smooth bewitching fleetness, rippling straight for the nuptial bower in Crete; not Jove, not that great majesty Supreme! did surpass the glorified White Whale as he so divinely swam. -- Herman Melville
  • Bishop was all done with the witty converstaionWill you swear?And Myrnin said, shockingly, I will. And he proceeded to, a string of swearwords that made Claire blink. He ended with, --frothy fool-born apple-john! Cheater of vandals and defiler of dead dogs! and did another twirl and bow. He looked up with a red, red grin that was more like a leerIs that what you meant, my lord? -- Rachel Caine
  • She had left her legs bare, and if he wasn't mistaken, they had a slight sheen. He realized she'd caught him staring when she cleared her throat.Are your legs...sparkly? he managed to ask, feeling the need to explain since he'd been caught leering.My body lotion has a little bit of glitter in it, she said with a trace of diffidence.She seemed apologetic. For what, he had no idea. -- Linda Morris
  • Pots can show malice, the patterns of linoleum can leer up at you, treachery is the other side of dailiness. -- Alice Munro
  • Shatter the icons of slavery and fear. Replace the leer of the minstrel's burnt-cork face with a proud, serene and classic bronze of Benin. -- Dudley Randall
  • Perhaps that's a smile on Delia's face-but Delia's half skull turns every expression into a leer. She says, "Your uncle had a talent, kid. He made families wherever he went. -- Daryl Gregory