Isolationism quotes:

  • Isolationism is over. -- Ralph Steadman
  • Gov. Christie says 'New Jersey First.' State-based Isolationism! -- Jonah
  • Hand in hand with nationalist economic isolationism, militarism struggles to maintain the sovereign state against the forward march of internationalism. -- Christian Lous Lange
  • China has no desire to replace Western imperialism in Asia with an Oriental imperialism or isolationism of its own or anyone else. -- Chiang Kai-shek
  • Our view is that economic isolationism is the wrong way to go. Vibrant, successful growing economies that advance the interests of their citizens engage the global economy. And, we're committed to engaging the global economy. -- John W. Snow
  • Kneejerk interventionism or kneejerk isolationism is the wrong course for Britain. -- Douglas Alexander
  • I think a policy of isolationism toward Cuba is misplaced and hasn't worked. -- Rand Paul
  • Ultraliberalism today translates into a whimpering isolationism in foreign policy, a mulish obstructionism in domestic policy. -- Spiro T. Agnew
  • America... goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. -- John Quincy Adams
  • We must reject the idea of isolationism, . But that doesn't mean we should get involved in every civil war around the world. -- Dan Quayle
  • If our Founding Fathers wanted us to care about the rest of the world, they wouldn't have declared their independence from it. -- Stephen Colbert
  • There's a sense of entitlement and isolationism that I think is really dangerous, and the way globalization and technology have been used isn't really for the best. -- Rashida Jones
  • Roosevelt was the one who had the vision to change our policy from isolationism to world leadership. That was a terrific revolution. Our country's never been the same since. -- W. Averell Harriman
  • There's nothing wrong with being a cop. There's nothing wrong with being a white person. It's about where your heart is...We've got to get everyone beyond the xenophobic isolationism. -- Bobby Seale
  • Interventionism is inextricable from the American idea. If the United States retreats into isolationism, it ceases to be itself ? a nation dedicated, however much it falls short, to a universalist ideal of freedom. -- Roger Cohen
  • One must not allow oneself to skid down to isolationism and unbridled economic egoism. ... The second possible mistake would be excessive interference into the economic life of the country. And the absolute faith into the all-mightiness of the state. -- Vladimir Putin
  • [T]he isolationism of the Left stems from the conviction that America is bad for the rest of the world, whereas the isolationism of the Right is based on the belief that the rest of the world is bad for America. -- Norman Podhoretz
  • Jeffersonian isolationism expressed an essentially cosmopolitan spirit. The Jeffersonian was determined - even at the expense of separating himself from the rest of the globe, and even though he be charged with provincial selfishness - to preserve America as an uncontaminated laboratory. -- Daniel J. Boorstin
  • We must open our eyes and see that modern civilization has become so complex and the lives of civilized men so interwoven with thelives of other men in other countries as to make it impossible to be in this world and out of it. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Perfectionism, no less than isolationism or imperialism or power politics, may obstruct the paths to international peace. Let us not forget that the retreat to isolationism a quarter of a century ago was started not by a direct attack against international cooperation but against the alleged imperfections of the peace. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Contrasting British servicemen and women with the appeasers, it is hard not to laugh. Are these two sides even the same species, let alone the same nationality? On one hand the selflessness and internationalism of the soldiers; on the other the Whites-First isolationism of the protesters. Excuse me, who are the idealists here? -- Julie Burchill
  • A point has been reached where the peoples of the Americas must take cognizance of growing ill-will, of marked trends toward aggression, of increasing armaments, of shortening tempers--a situation which has in it many of the elements that lead to the tragedy of general war.... Peace is threatened by those who seek selfish power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • This flirtation with isolationism in the Republican party is over. It's giving way to a more muscular foreign policy than I've been advocating. But I'm also advocating building up others. Build a small schoolhouse in Afghanistan to help a poor young girl have a say about her children will destroy the ideology more than a bomb. -- Rand Paul
  • We in America have learned bitter lessons from two world wars: It is better to be here [in Europe] ready to protect the peace, than to take blind shelter across the sea, rushing to respond only after freedom is lost. We've learned that isolationism never was and never will be an acceptable response to tyrannical governments with an expansionist intent. -- Ronald Reagan
  • In the time just before the bombing of Pearl Harbor, when Perfidia opens, we were pre-psychologized. There were no concepts of identity, no politics of victimization. Reparation wasn't in the language. Nobody thought about giving the great grandchildren of black slaves so much as $1.98. And all of a sudden the bombs hit, interventionism versus isolationism became a dead issue, and it was us-versus-them in a heartbeat. -- James Ellroy