Insurgency quotes:

  • Three years into the war, tens of thousands of American troops remain targets of a growing Iraqi insurgency. -- Jan Schakowsky
  • In any insurgency there will be people who are irreconcilable and who pose a clear and present threat to the U.S. and our allies. -- James G. Stavridis
  • Our military should spare no expense to ensure the safety of our troops, particularly as they confront a hostile insurgency and roadside bombs throughout Iraq. -- Christopher Dodd
  • Almost all Iraqis with any previous experience in the intelligence business are Sunni Arab, increasing the risk of penetration of the new intelligence apparatus by the insurgency. -- Wayne White
  • The administration needs to speak honestly with the American people. Exaggerating our progress in defeating the insurgency or in creating an Iraqi army paints a dangerous picture. -- Sherrod Brown
  • The Government of Iraq also owes a debt to the American and coalition forces who are fighting the insurgency and helping put that country back together after decades of repression. -- Ike Skelton
  • The Syrian regime is helping the insurgency in Iraq and allowing all kinds of militants to come in and out, and go to Iraq to attack random soldiers and innocent people. -- Walid Jumblatt
  • The presence of American troops is fueling the insurgency in Iraq, as acknowledged by General Casey and numerous other experts, and is helping terrorist recruiters build their numbers across the globe. -- John Conyers
  • We must support initiatives that provide clear, concrete measures and milestones that our troops need for defeating the insurgency, building up Iraqi security forces, and handing over Iraq to the Iraqi people. -- Sherrod Brown
  • If we want to build the Iraqis' confidence about our intentions in their country, if we want to stop adding fuel to the fire of insurgency and terrorism, we must clarify our intent. -- John Conyers
  • I think the central mission in Afghanistan right now is to protect the people, certainly, and that would be inclusive of everybody, and that in a, in an insurgency and a counterinsurgency, that's really the center of gravity. -- Michael Mullen
  • I am encouraged by the news today that United States special operations personnel found, identified and killed the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the operational commander of the al-Qaeda led insurgency in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi was the public face of the insurgency. -- Mike Fitzpatrick
  • Now that our troops are mired in a dangerous effort to defeat the insurgency and are also trying to help rebuild the country, Americans of all political persuasions simply want the United States to succeed and our troops to be as safe as possible. -- Harry Reid
  • I never call it an insurgency. I call it terrorism. -- Hamid Karzai
  • We are tangled in a very significant Islamic insurgency in Iraq. -- Michael Scheuer
  • I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency. -- Dick Cheney
  • Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence. -- Nigel Farage
  • What's happened is that an incessant, an insidious insurgency has repeatedly attacked the key infrastructure targets, reducing outputs. -- Stuart Bowen
  • There is no clear or meaningful difference between insurgency and civil war, or between national terrorism and civil war for that matter. -- Anthony H. Cordesman
  • Our aim is always to minimise casualties and to separate a hardline Taliban from those who have been caught up in the insurgency. -- Bob Ainsworth
  • But the key shift in focus will be from counter-insurgency operations to more and more cooperation with Iraqi security forces and to building Iraqi security capacity. -- John Abizaid
  • You can't kill your way to success in a counter insurgency effort. You have to protect the people, get the civil military balance right, train the locals, and practice effective strategic communications. -- James G. Stavridis
  • The war in Afghanistan is too important to be reduced to a political football. We are fighting there to protect our national security. We are confronting the Taliban-led insurgency to prevent terrorists returning to that country. -- Bob Ainsworth
  • The number of attacks on the American and allied forces is at the highest level since the insurgency began despite the increase of America combat operations and the introduction of some 40 new Iraq security forces and battalions. -- Ike Skelton
  • [In response to the question "Do you think that you underestimated the insurgency's strength?"] I think so. I guess if I look back on it now, I don't think anybody anticipated the level of violence that we've encountered. -- Dick Cheney
  • Almost immediately, I remember right when Tikrit even fell, a few days after Baghdad fell, there was talks of insurgency, there was talks of jihad and of resisting the American occupiers, and slowly this turned into an organized movement. -- Farnaz Fassihi
  • There was an insurgency under President Hosni Mubarak in the 1990s. Egyptian police and soldiers fought weekly battles with Islamists in the sugarcane fields and thick reeds along the Nile in rural southern villages like Minya, Sohag, Enna and Assiout. -- Richard Engel
  • I think we may well have some kind of presence there over a period of time... The level of activity that we see today from a military standpoint, I think, will clearly decline. I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency. -- Dick Cheney
  • With no other security forces on hand, U.S. military was left to confront, almost alone, an Iraqi insurgency and a crime rate that grew worse throughout the year, waged in part by soldiers of the disbanded army and in part by criminals who were released from prison. -- John Spratt
  • But what counter-insurgency really comes down to is the protection of the capitalists back in America, their property and their privileges. U.S. national security, as preached by U.S. leaders, is the security of the capitalist class in the US, not the security of the rest of the people. -- Philip Agee
  • Its the reality of a situation like this that when you have a large troop presence that it has the tendency to fuel the insurgency, because they can make the incorrect and unfair claim that somehow the United States is here to occupy this country, which of course is not true. -- Russ Feingold
  • There was a belief after World War I that painting could be an act of civil revolt. I want this exhibition, 'New Museum,' to be an act of civil disobedience. It's not so much about the New Museum on the Bowery, but the idea of challenging museums as projections of cultural authority. It's painting as insurgency. -- Richard Phillips
  • Insurgencies are easy to make and hard to stop. Only a few ingredients need to combine to create an insurgency; like oxygen and fire, they're very common and mix all too often. The recipe is, simply, a legitimate grievance against a state, a state that refuses to compromise, a quorum of angry people, and access to weapons. -- Richard Engel
  • The country [Afghanistan] faces enormous problems. There is a violent insurgency hampering the rule of law and developmental efforts. -- Khaled Hosseini
  • Kennedy saw the insurgency as a anti-colonial, essentially nationalist movement, feeding on social discontent. So you don't shoot people. -- Roger Hilsman
  • The most stupid mistake a counter-insurgency operation can make is alienating the population. If you alienate the population, you're finished. -- Meles Zenawi
  • I don't know how you defeat an insurgency unless you have some handle on the number of people you are facing. -- John McCain
  • One of the most ignored dimensions of the Iraqi insurgency are the Iraqis themselves who are regularly abducted, held for ransom and sometimes executed. -- Bruce Hoffman
  • I think the behavior of the troops has been a huge factor in the rise of the insurgency and in the rise of the anti-American feelings there[in Iraq]. -- Yaroslav Trofimov
  • We must support initiatives that provide clear, concrete measures and milestones that our troops need for defeating the insurgency, building up Iraqi security forces, and handing over Iraq to the Iraqi people." -- Sherrod Brown