Global Terrorism quotes:

  • The global response to global terrorism must not endanger fundamental human rights and freedoms. -- Stjepan Mesic
  • Global terrorism is extreme both in its lack of realistic goals and in its cynical exploitation of the vulnerability of complex systems. -- Jurgen Habermas
  • In the first instance, therefore, global terrorism created a kind of global community sharing a common fate, something we had previously considered impossible. -- Ulrich Beck
  • The E.U. has moved to combat global terrorism by instituting common European arrest and evidence warrants and creating a joint situation center to pool and analyze intelligence. -- John Bruton
  • It is vital that the United States maintains open lines of communication with our allies. We must assure them of our commitment to eradicating global terrorism wherever it may reside or wherever it's given haven. -- George Allen
  • When we think of the major threats to our national security, the first to come to mind are nuclear proliferation, rogue states and global terrorism. But another kind of threat lurks beyond our shores, one from nature, not humans - an avian flu pandemic. -- Barack Obama
  • We still lack a global definition of terrorism. -- Gijs de Vries
  • It's probably time to end the global war on terrorism. -- Richard Engel
  • Terrorism is global and can come from even remote countries. -- Narendra Modi
  • The Iraqi elections struck a blow to the heart of global terrorism. -- Tony Blair
  • The evil of predatory global capitalism and empire has spawned the evil of terrorism -- Chris Hedges
  • My friends, there is no Palestinian-Israeli conflict. There is only the global war on terrorism. -- Tom DeLay
  • Afghanistan and Iraq were lumped together in what was called a 'global war on terrorism.' -- Richard Engel
  • The world seems concerned with Pakistan primarily as an actor in global attempts to combat terrorism. -- Mohsin Hamid
  • The greatest danger facing our nation isn't terrorism, global warming or the energy crisis. It is out-of-control, unbridled government spending. -- R. Lee Wrights
  • I'm not afraid of terrorism at all. I'm afraid of loss of our freedom, loss of mobility, loss of global comradeship. -- Patti Smith
  • No state should be allowed to profess partnership with the global coalition against terror, while continuing to aid, abet and sponsor terrorism. -- Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • The Pakistani government under Musharraf is a strong and key player in the global war on terrorism, and their contribution has been second to none. -- Cofer Black
  • Convergence of our views on global trade issues under the WTO and our common resolve to combat terrorism provide a valuable base for mutual understanding. -- Abdul Kalam
  • My point was simply that the war on global terrorism is going to be a long one, and we need to adapt as our enemy adapts. -- Richard Myers
  • Terrorism and trade cannot be the only issues on which the world unites. We must commit ourselves to a global coalition to deal with exclusion, too. -- Noreena Hertz
  • We first fought... in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change. -- Serj Tankian
  • The campaign against terrorism is going to be global and it's going to be long and there's reason to expect there will be difficulties along the way. -- Richard Armitage
  • The United States is squandering international prestige and goodwill and intensifying global anti-American terrorism by unofficially condoning or abetting the Israeli confiscation and colonization of Palestinian territories. -- Jimmy Carter
  • We first fought the heathens in the name of religion, then Communism, and now in the name of drugs and terrorism. Our excuses for global domination always change. -- Serj Tankian
  • Together with international unity and resolve we can meet the challenge of this global scourge and work to bring about an international law of zero tolerance for terrorism. -- Manmohan Singh
  • The true credit for our safety and security goes to our men and women who are serving in places like Iraq and Afghanistan in the global war on terrorism. -- Asa Hutchinson
  • It is vital that the United States maintains open lines of communication with our allies. We must assure them of our commitment to eradicating global terrorism wherever it may reside or wherever it's given haven -- George Allen