Gilded Age quotes:

  • For a man who has compared himself to Theodore Roosevelt and the nation's challenges to those of the Gilded Age, Obama put forward a tepid agenda. -- Ron Fournier
  • The Reagan-Bush years have exalted private gain over public obligation, special interests over the common good, wealth and fame over work and family. The 1980s ushered in a Gilded Age of greed and selfishness, of irresponsibility and excess, and of neglect. -- William J. Clinton
  • Today, as in the Gilded Age, we live in a world where a morality of personal responsibility rubs shoulders with a culture of greed and of flagrant social irresponsibility. Now as then, business has shed its collective responsibility for employees - just as government has for its citizens. -- Charles Derber
  • For a man who has compared himself to Theodore Roosevelt and the nation's challenges to those of the Gilded Age, Obama put forward a tepid agenda." -- Ron Fournier
  • The Tiffany lamp is an American icon bridging the immigrants, settlement houses, and the slums of the Lower East Side and the wealthy industrialists of upper Manhattan, the Gilded Age and its excesses. -- Susan Vreeland
  • Sept. 11 jolted America out of its second gilded age. -- Douglas Wilder
  • A market economy cannot thrive absent the well-being of average people, even in a gilded age. -- Jaron Lanier
  • Theres something unique about the United States, a sense of individual rights and freedoms, and a sense of social and civic responsibility that we contributed to so much of the world. We lost that mission in the 1980s and 1990s, when we entered a gilded age, and the culture of individualism became a culture of avarice. -- George Hickenlooper
  • Sept. 11 jolted America out of its second gilded age." -- Douglas Wilder
  • This age thinks better of a gilded fool Than of a threadbare saint in wisdom's school. -- Thomas Dekker
  • This age thinks better of a gilded fool Than of a threadbare saint in wisdom's school." -- Thomas Dekker
  • A market economy cannot thrive absent the well-being of average people, even in a gilded age." -- Jaron Lanier