Federal Funding quotes:

  • I'm very grateful that President Obama has lifted the restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. -- Nancy Reagan
  • Full federal funding for presidential libraries should bring with it new rules of control over papers and artifacts. -- Robert Dallek
  • Budgets are moral documents. Federal funding should reflect the priorities and the values of the majority of the American people. -- Mike Pence
  • Accepting federal funding undermines state sovereignty as states become beholden to federal requirements in order to keep the money flowing. -- Bob Barr
  • I think that we're foolhardy to not be engaging in federal funding of stem-cell research in the most aggressive way we possibly can. -- Elizabeth Edwards
  • I see a resurgence of interest in poetry. I am less optimistic about the prospects for the arts when it comes to federal funding. -- Rita Dove
  • I will lobby tirelessly in cooperation with other mayors around the country to insure that federal funding for our recently added police officers continues. -- Alan Autry
  • Especially today, given the tight fiscal situation that many States and localities face, the use of transportation facilities that pay for themselves without additional Federal funding is essential. -- Michael C. Burgess
  • The total station economy is about $800 million dollars a year, and about $90 million comes from the government. In the long run, we would be better off without federal funding. -- Ron Schiller
  • In early January I introduced my legislation, which, besides prohibiting Federal funding of human cloning, also expresses the sense of Congress that foreign nations should establish total prohibition on human cloning as well. -- Cliff Stearns
  • Unfortunately, bureaucratic problems at the federal level are causing many other small Washington companies to be denied federal funding that would help transfer their ideas from their laboratories into our homes and hospitals. -- Jay Inslee
  • We have at least 125 communities in Arizona at risk from wildfire, not because of review processes or litigation delays but because of a lack of federal funding on the ground to actually begin the projects. -- Janet Napolitano
  • In 2001, President George W. Bush was condemned for politicizing science with his decision to limit federal funding for stem-cell research; in 2009 President Obama was praised for reversing it, even though his decision was arguably just as political. -- Nancy Gibbs
  • Frankly, it is clear that we would be better off in the long run without federal funding, and the challenge right now is that if we lost it altogether, we would have a lot of stations go dark. -- Ron Schiller
  • Nonetheless, the research budgets of the Department of Defense are under enormous stress-and they are extremely important because they support more than 40 percent of all federal funding for engineering schools across the country. So the threat was and is real. -- Charles Vest
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  • Federal funding for cities who consider themselves sanctuary cities should be reduced. -- Mitt Romney
  • I will cancel every illegal Obamacare executive order. I will cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities. Out. -- Donald Trump
  • We cannot neglect the unemployed, underemployed and dislocated workers of America who need ample and widespread funding for federal job training services. -- Joe Baca
  • Spending on programs such as national defense and funding the operating budgets of all federal agencies represent only 39 percent of our yearly budget, an all-time low. -- Paul Gillmor
  • I don't think religious groups should be allowed to apply for federal funds to start new ministries they have not been doing before the funding was available. -- Jerry Falwell
  • When I came into the job, funding for the humanities at the federal level was being drastically cut. This was the high tide of the new Republican Congress. -- Robert Hass
  • Especially today, given the tight fiscal situation that many States and localities face, the use of transportation facilities that pay for themselves without additional Federal funding is essential. -- Michael C. Burgess
  • Democrats have a long history of utilizing the threat of a potential Ebola outbreak to request massive federal funds while attacking Republicans for expressing skepticism over their funding schemes. -- Aaron Klein