Federal Courts quotes:

  • So my attorneys brought litigation in the U.S. federal courts. The judge ruled in our favor. -- Jeremy Rifkin
  • Congress should pass legislation to remove from the federal courts their jurisdiction to hear these outrageous challenges to the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance. -- Phyllis Schlafly
  • You will read in the newspaper more often about federal courts, but the law that affects people, the trials that affect human beings are by and large in the state courts. -- Stephen Breyer
  • The 10 largest antitrust law firms in the United States have gone into the federal courts charging Monsanto with creating a global conspiracy in violation of the antitrust laws, to control the global market in seeds. -- Jeremy Rifkin
  • The antitrust litigation currently in the federal courts in the U.S. against Monsanto will be the test case in the life sciences, just as the Microsoft case was the test case in the information sciences. -- Jeremy Rifkin
  • Determining how many asbestos suits have been filed or how much companies have spent to resolve them is difficult. Cases are filed in state and federal courts, and many companies do not disclose their spending on settlements. -- Alex Berenson
  • The Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana does not give anyone the right to deny services to anyone in this state. It is simply a balancing test used by our federal courts and jurisdictions across the country for more than two decades. -- Mike Pence
  • Today most habeas involves the federal courts overriding state convictionswhere it used to be mostly the reverse. -- Anthony Gregory
  • Well my question is if the federal courts don't have jurisdiction over a constitutional question then who the hell does? -- Jesse Ventura
  • Unreason is now ascendant in the United States?in our schools, in our courts, and in each branch of the federal government. -- Sam Harris
  • You will read in the newspaper more often about federal courts, but the law that affects people, the trials that affect human beings are by and large in the state courts -- Stephen Breyer
  • You can look at founding father Alexander Hamilton nevertheless assuring - assuring - the countrymen in Federalist 78 that the role of the federal courts under the proposed Constitution would be limited. -- Sam Brownback