Feasibility quotes:

  • The stadium expansion is currently at the feasibility stage and has to go through that. -- David Gill
  • Doubts raced through my mind as I considered the feasibility of enforcing a law which the majority of honest citizens didn't seem to want. -- Eliot Ness
  • Our work on light bulbs wasn't an arbitrary mandate. We didn't just pick a standard out of the air, or look for a catchy sounding standard like 25 by 2025 not based in science or feasibility. Instead, we worked with both industry and environmental groups to come up with a standard that made sense and was doable. -- Fred Upton
  • Good design successfully manages the tensions between user needs, technology feasibility, and business viability. -- Tim Brown
  • It is odd that we never question the feasibility of a football team practicing long hours for one game; yet in writing we rarely give ourselves the space for practice. -- Natalie Goldberg
  • You need to carry out very careful pre-feasibility and feasibility studies before you enter any crisis situation. -- Martti Ahtisaari
  • The proper, wise balancing of one's whole life may depend upon the feasibility of a cup of tea at an unusual hour. -- Arnold Bennett
  • A modern economy is marked by the feasibility of endogenous change: Modernization brings myriad arrangements from expanded property rights to company law and financial institutions. -- Edmund Phelps
  • Defeatism about the feasibility of plans for disarmament and ordered peace has been the most calamitious of all the errors made by democratic governments in modern times. -- Philip Noel-Baker, Baron Noel-Baker
  • The world was not supportive. They look at me as a joke for 13 to 14 years until I could prove feasibility; then I had competitors. Those that laughed at me became my competitors. -- Ada Yonath
  • The question of feasibility, the question of cost, the question of including partners elsewhere in the world, the question of the effect of this project on arms agreements - all these issues are in discussion. -- Gerhard Schroder
  • Can the vast technology beneath our gaze be anything but a representation? Any optical artifact... The city panorama is a theoretical (ie visual) simulacrum: in short, a picture, of which the preconditions for feasibility are forgetfulness and a misunderstanding of processes. -- Michel De Certeau
  • For people, 'here' signifies not merely a physical space, but also an historical space." "Those who are served by the present limit-situation regard the untested feasibility as a threatening limit-situation which must not be allowed to materialize, and act to maintain the status quo. -- Paulo Freire
  • How can you make informed decisions ... ? The key seems to be to gather experts who are knowledgeable and passionate about the subject matter, and have them cooperatively discuss a series of questions designed to explore the limits of technical feasibility. They must strive to reach the best decision rather than to persuade each other. -- Peter Norvig