Eternal Peace quotes:

  • We were preparing not Peace only, but Eternal Peace. There was about us the halo of some divine mission. We were bent on doing great, permanent noble things. -- Harold Nicolson
  • None of the abstract concepts comes closer to fulfilled utopia than that of eternal peace. -- Theodor Adorno
  • Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish through eternal peace. -- Adolf Hitler
  • The Japanese chose the principle of eternal peace as the basis of morality for our rebirth after the War. -- Kenzaburo Oe
  • Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • The ancient Jewish people gave the world the vision of eternal peace, of universal disarmament, of abolishing the teaching and learning of war. -- Menachem Begin
  • Some pacifists have carried the sound idea of the prime importance of security too far, to the point of declaring that any consideration of disarmament is superfluous and pointless as long as eternal peace has not been attained. -- Ludwig Quidde
  • The longing for peace is rooted in the hearts of all men. But the striving, which at present has become so insistent, cannot lay claim to such an ambition as leading the way to eternal peace, or solving all disputes among nations. -- Alva Myrdal
  • Peace and love are eternal -- John Lennon
  • May they rest in eternal peace. -- Gordon Pinsent
  • The price of peace is eternal vigilance -- George C. Marshall
  • Peace and happiness are our eternal desires. -- Debasish Mridha
  • Eternal Inner Peace has to be cultivated daily. -- Delphine de Girardin
  • Eternal peace is a dream - and not even a beautiful one. -- Helmuth von Moltke the Elder
  • Peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • The conscience is eternal and never dies. Peace if possible, but truth at any rate. -- Martin Luther
  • I can't even make up a rhyme about an umbrella, let alone death and life and eternal peace. -- Knut Hamsun
  • Give me a little peace. A little? Why so modest? How about eternal peace? Now, there's a thought. -- James Goldman
  • Anyone who believes that the eternal question of war and peace in Europe is no longer there risks being deeply mistaken. -- Jean-Claude Juncker
  • He who finds a thought that lets us a little deeper into the eternal mystery of nature has been granted great peace. -- Albert Einstein
  • Peace is a question of will. All conflicts can be settled, and there are no excuses for allowing them to become eternal. -- Martti Ahtisaari
  • Peace is not merely a vacuum left by the ending of wars. It is the creation of two eternal principles, justice and freedom. -- James T. Shotwell
  • In the rest of Nirvana all sorrows surcease: Only Buddha can guide to that city of Peace Whose inhabitants have the eternal release. -- William Rounseville Alger
  • If God's Word is not absolutely and completely true, it is too weak a cable to fix our anchorage and guarantee our eternal peace. -- A. B. Simpson
  • No country can find eternal peace and comfort where the vote of Judas Iscariot is as good as the vote of the Saviour of mankind. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • Developing spirituality is critical to our eternal progress. The fruits of eternal progress are manifest in joy, peace, love, hope, increased confidence in the Lord. -- Elaine L. Jack
  • One of the eternal truths is that happiness is created and developed in peace, and one of the eternal rights is the individual's right to live. -- Bertha von Suttner
  • I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine ... I've been to Shinto shrines and God is everywhere. ... Christ is one of the ways! God is everywhere. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • Even during the worst hardships, when the other things in our lives seem to fall apart, we can still find peace in the eternal love of God. -- Armstrong Williams
  • If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliche that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal. -- John Lennon
  • If someone thinks that peace and love are just a cliche that must have been left behind in the 60s, that's a problem. Peace and love are eternal. -- John Lennon
  • By science calmed, over the peaceful soul, Bright with eternal Wisdom's lucid ray, Peace, meek of eye, extends her soft control, And drives the puny Passions far away. -- Humphry Davy