Eruption quotes:

  • When I was 13, I was just figuring out how to play 'Eruption,' poorly, by Eddie Van Halen. -- Dierks Bentley
  • The eruption of lived pleasure is such that in losing myself I find myself; forgetting that I exist, I realize myself. -- Raoul Vaneigem
  • A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way. -- Fisher Ames
  • First of all, there was a volcano of words, an eruption of words that Shakespeare had never used before that had never been used in the English language before. It's astonishing. It pours out of him. -- Stephen Greenblatt
  • Eruption of joy at the fall of an Indian wicket can only mean one thing -- Harsha Bhogle
  • Diseased Nature oftentimes breaks forth In strange eruptions. -- William Shakespeare
  • I never ate of the grapes nor feared of the eruptions. -- David O. Selznick
  • Revival is the eruption of God's heart on a life poured out. -- Lou Engle
  • It is the lava of the imagination whose eruption prevents an earthquake. -- Lord Byron
  • I took part in what was actually the last eruption of Marxist internationalism. -- Christopher Hitchens
  • Self destroyer, wreck your health, destroy friends, destroy yourself. The time device of self destruction, lies, confusion, start eruption. -- Ray Davies
  • The movies are an eruption of trash that has lamed the American mind and retarded Americans from becoming cultured people. -- Ben Hecht
  • We are, all of us, growing volcanoes that approach the hour of their eruption, but how near or distant that is, nobody knows- not even God. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Long, long ago, before eruptions were invented, the molten lava had to be carried down the mountainside, bucket by bucket, and poured over the sleeping villagers. This took time. -- Dave Barry
  • I experienced the California Northridge Earthquake of 1994 and the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980, and I have thus seen firsthand how terrible and awesomely devastating a force of nature can be. -- Paul Watson
  • A book is an arrangement of twenty-six phonetic symbols, ten numerals, and about eight punctuation marks, and people can cast their eyes over these and envision the eruption of Mount Vesuvius or the Battle of Waterloo. -- Kurt Vonnegut
  • [In-group exclusivism has] killed more human beings and destroyed more cities and villages than all the epidemics, hurricanes, storms, floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions taken together. It has brought upon mankind more suffering than any other catastrophe. -- Pitirim Sorokin
  • America is still a frontier country of wide open spaces. Our closeness to nature is one reason why our problem is not repression but regression; our notorious violence is the constant eruption of primi-tiveness, of anarchic individualism. -- Camille Paglia
  • All great movements are popular movements. They are the volcanic eruptions of human passions and emotions, stirred into activity by the ruthless Goddess of Distress or by the torch of the spoken word cast into the midst of the people. -- Adolf Hitler
  • We still carry this old caveman-imprint idea that we're small, nature's big, and it's everything we can manage to hang on and survive. When big geophysical events happen - a huge earthquake, tsunami, or volcanic eruption - we're reminded of that. -- James Balog
  • Threats that could wipe out the bulk of life on earth abound. Planetary catastrophe could come in the form of a killer asteroid impact, the eruption of massive supervolcanoes, a nearby gamma ray burst that sterilizes the earth, or by human-driven environmental collapse. -- Ramez Naam
  • I have done my fiddling so long under Vesuvius that I have almost forgotten to play, and can only wait for the eruption and think it long of coming. Literally no man has more wholly outlived life than I. And still it's good fun. -- Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Chance does not speak essentially through words nor can it be seen in their convolution. It is the eruption of language, its sudden appearance. It's not a night twinkle with stars, an illuminated sleep, nor a drowsy vigil. It is the very edge of consciousness. -- Michel Foucault
  • I've climbed Stromboli when it's erupting, which is quite a heavy climb: three hours with a helmet to get to the top. When you're there, and it's dark, and you can see this eruption and feel it, it's quite different to watching it on TV. -- Michelle Paver
  • Evolution, cell biology, biochemistry, and developmental biology have made extraordinary progress in the last hundred years - much of it since I was weaned on schoolboy biology in the 1930s. Most striking of all is the sudden eruption of molecular biology starting in the 1950s. -- John Tyler Bonner
  • ... I played 'Eruption' two times for the record, and we kept the one that seemed to flow ... there's a mistake at the top end of it whenever I hear it, I always think, Man I could've played it better ... but I like the way it sounds. I'd never heard a guitar sound like that before... -- Eddie Van Halen
  • The movies are one of the bad habits that corrupted our century.Of their many sins, I offer as the worst their effect on the intellectual side of the nation. It is chiefly from that viewpoint I write of them - as an eruption of trash that has lamed the American mind and retarded Americans from becoming a cultured people. -- Ben Hecht
  • Art is visceral and vulgar - it's an eruption. -- Georg Baselitz
  • Reality is the apparent absence of contradiction. The marvelous is the eruption of contradiction within the real. -- Louis Aragon
  • Christ is most concerned with the direction in which you habitually are going and not with a spasmodic eruption either good or bad. -- Vance Havner
  • The legend of the parting of the Red Sea probably refers to tidal changes in the Sea of Reeds related to the Thera eruption. -- Julian Jaynes
  • [Footnote:] Pliny the Elder perished in 79 A.D. when he refused to flee from the great eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, insisting that everything would be all right. It wasn't. -- Will Cuppy
  • The Earth is God's pinball machine and each quake, tidal wave, flash flood and volcanic eruption is the result of a TILT that occurs when God, cheating, tries to win free games. -- Tom Robbins