Equitable quotes:

  • Inclusive, good-quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies. -- Desmond Tutu
  • In Hollywood, an equitable divorce settlement means each party getting fifty percent of publicity. -- Lauren Bacall
  • One of the fundamental questions of today's world is undoubtedly the question of equitable globalisation. -- Janez Drnovsek
  • Governments everywhere that are unable to guarantee equitable growth and social welfare have suffered a fatal decay of legitimacy. -- Pankaj Mishra
  • One of the things I have been preaching around the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner, especially from the elites. -- Hillary Clinton
  • If God, as some now say, is dead, He no doubt died of trying to find an equitable solution to the Arab-Jewish problem. -- I. F. Stone
  • My relationships were never equitable. My husbands were always older than me, and they made the rules, they ran the show, and I followed them. -- Danielle Steel
  • It is of the highest importance to provide equal access to the labour market. Governments should act to establish equitable employment standards and penalise racial discrimination. -- Tariq Ramadan
  • Our port facilities should have the freedom to levy a market-based container fee which will provide new revenue and make our system more equitable to the American taxpayer and American manufacturers. -- Dana Rohrabacher
  • My administration's compact with the Filipino people will demand no less than the attainment of lasting peace and equitable prosperity. We will employ all the tools at our disposal to achieve this. -- Benigno Aquino III
  • Democracy is not compatible with capitalism but is congruent with a version of democratic socialism in which the wealth, resources, and benefits of a social order are shared in an equitable and just manner. -- Henry Giroux
  • In Finland, where 80 percent of workers belong to unions, all employees enjoy at least 30 days paid vacation, and the gap between the rich and poor is far more equitable than in the United States. -- Bernie Sanders
  • I love this planet... I want to see the environment preserved and I want to see the human race preserved. And I'd like to see everybody living decently in a more equitable, kind-hearted, thoughtful, generous world. -- Ted Turner
  • Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must - must - redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent healthcare is by definition re-distributional. -- Donald Berwick
  • Global governance cannot be limited to the crafting of instruments related to the promotion of democracy. A key component must be the creation of fair and equitable rules to enhance the development prospects of developing countries. -- Kamla Persad-Bissessar
  • We are a country with great potential. We have the political will to make deep changes in a just and equitable way, to put our country back on a development path, to meet the challenges of a new world. -- George Papandreou
  • People really have to believe in their tax system. They have to believe that there is an equitable distribution of the burden, but there is also an important investment based upon the potential achievements that come from us paying our taxes. -- Richard Neal
  • Look, very clearly there are things that need to be done urgently in relation to climate change, and of those the most obvious is to have an enforceable and equitable arrangement delivering deep cuts in emissions into the middle of the century. -- Peter Garrett
  • Most reputable scientists agree that climate change is real and that the effects are likely to be bad. But nobody can say for sure exactly what 'bad' means. The safest and most equitable way out of this horrific mess is simple: cut fossil-fuel emissions. -- Michael Specter
  • Since January 2003, at the height of the debate on the possible unilateral strike against Iraq, I have advocated for a reinstatement of the military draft to ensure a more equitable representation of people making sacrifices in wars in which the United States is engaged. -- Charles B. Rangel
  • What the French want is coherence, stability and justice. If I am in a favorable position today, it's because my fellow citizens want to make the effort to straighten out the country, and at the same time they want it to be just and equitable. -- Francois Hollande
  • There are three legs of the stool; spending, entitlements and making the tax code fair and equitable. That's the three legs of the stool. If we do all of those in a responsible, bipartisan way, I think the American people would all be very, very happy. -- Claire McCaskill
  • Ferguson and St. Louis County are not the first places that we have become engaged to ensure fair and equitable policing, and they will not be the last. The Department of Justice will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the Constitution has meaning for all communities. -- Eric Holder
  • Yoga is a method for restraining the natural turbulence of thoughts, which otherwise impartially prevent all men, of all lands, from glimpsing their true nature of Spirit. Yoga cannot know a barrier of East and West any more than does the healing and equitable light of the sun. -- Paramahansa Yogananda
  • Apart from values and ethics which I have tried to live by, the legacy I would like to leave behind is a very simple one - that I have always stood up for what I consider to be the right thing, and I have tried to be as fair and equitable as I could be. -- Ratan Tata
  • When resources are degraded, we start competing for them, whether it is at the local level in Kenya, where we had tribal clashes over land and water, or at the global level, where we are fighting over water, oil, and minerals. So one way to promote peace is to promote sustainable management and equitable distribution of resources. -- Wangari Maathai
  • Young people and adults need equitable relationships-they do not need equal ones. -- Adam Fletcher
  • We applaud Congress for extending equitable abortion coverage to female Peace Corps volunteers. -- Cecile Richards
  • If we will not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. -- Douglas MacArthur
  • We must work together to ensure the equitable distribution of wealth, opportunity and power in our society. -- Nelson Mandela
  • It is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge in his own cause. -- Blaise Pascal
  • A deal must include an equitable global governance structure. All countries must have a voice in how resources are deployed and managed. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • Education is the most powerful tool countries have for boosting economic growth, increasing prosperity, and forging more just, peaceful and equitable societies. -- Wendy Kopp
  • I firmly believe that the principles behind Contraction & Convergence provide the best long-term framework for a fair and equitable climate change mitigation policy -- Nick Clegg
  • To build a more healthy, peaceful and equitable world the classrooms of the world have to be full of girls as well as boys -- Kofi Annan
  • Including the value of natural resources and our social capital in national accounting is a vital step to achieve economic growth that is equitable and sustainable. -- Achim Steiner
  • Leaders create an environment in which everyone has the opportunity to do work which matches his potential capability and for which an equitable differential reward is provided. -- Elliott Jaques
  • In sum, the struggle for our future is . . . the struggle between those who cling to patterns of domination and those working for a more equitable partnership world. -- Riane Eisler
  • There's a pretty equitable distribution in the restaurant industry of how money gets paid, except for in the kitchen. The kitchen is the lowest-paid group of people. -- Mario Batali
  • To think that land reform is going to somehow automatically create an equitable system, I think that's just wrong. It's a very technical view of the world. -- Pankaj Mishra
  • The young generation of today is globally connected. They want to live in an equitable and efficient India. We have to be ready for this, and work for this. -- Narendra Modi
  • There was no private property in the past. Everything was communal property. In the Indian community where I was born, everything belonged to the community. This way of life is more equitable. -- Evo Morales
  • It is intolerable that around 1 in 5 of the world's adults are illiterate. How can we build equitable information societies or thriving democracies if so many remain without the basic tools of literacy? -- Koichiro Matsuura
  • It is necessary not only to relieve the gravest needs but to go to their roots, proposing measures that will give social, political and economic structures a more equitable and solidaristic configuration. -- Pope Benedict XVI
  • Peace is something more than the absence of war, although some nations would be thankful for that alone today. A durable and equitable peace system requires equal development opportunities for all nations. -- Willy Brandt
  • Education is the most powerful tool countries have for boosting economic growth, increasing prosperity and forging more just, peaceful and equitable societies. Where educational deprivation exists, it breeds conflict and enables repression. -- Wendy Kopp
  • We must agree on what matters: kissing in public places, bacon sandwiches, disagreement, cutting-edge fashion, literature, generosity, water, a more equitable distribution of the world's resources, movies, music, freedom of thought, beauty, love. -- Salman Rushdie
  • We have long moved away from some of the principles of law as to what is fair and equitable in the United States. We all see every day that's debatable, 50-50 in almost all cases. -- Jerry Jones
  • If we don't have an egalitarian, equitable, and peaceful society, being very wealthy isn't worth much. If I can make a little bit of a dent in addressing this issue, I'll have done my service. -- Amit Bhatia
  • All we seek is an America where every person is given the chance to productively contribute to his country and where he can receive a fair and equitable share of the wealth that production creates. -- Coretta Scott King