Epa quotes:

  • The methods that EPA introduced after 1970 to reduce air-pollutant emissions worked for a while, but over time have become progressively less effective. -- Barry Commoner
  • We cannot afford the EPA's continued expansion of red tape that is slowing economic growth and threatening to entangle millions of small businesses. -- Fred Upton
  • I will use my position as chairman emeritus on the Energy and Commerce Committee to try to bring some common sense to EPA regulations. -- Joe Barton
  • Cuts in carbon emissions would mean significantly higher electricity prices. We think the American consumer would prefer not to be skinned by Obama's EPA. -- Fred Upton
  • The EPA's greenhouse gas regulations, along with a host of other onerous regulations, are unnecessarily driving out conventional fuels as part of America's energy mix. The consequences are higher energy prices for families and a contraction of our nation's economic growth. -- Gina McCarthy
  • We need responsible regulations, not regulations that have gone wild. For example, the EPA has a rule that is going to be implemented Jan. 1, 2012, where they're going to begin to regulate dust. That's right, dust. It's called PM 2.5. That is focusing on the wrong thing. -- Herman Cain
  • Five states - Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and North Carolina - have been identified by the EPA as contributing significantly to Rhode Island pollution. As of 2010, 284 tall smokestacks - stacks over 500 feet - were operating in the United States: needles injecting poison into the atmosphere. -- Sheldon Whitehouse
  • The great fear that hung over the business community in the 1970s was death by regulation, and the great goal of the conservative movement, as it rose to triumph in the 1980s, was to remove that threat - to keep OSHA, the EPA, and the FTC from choking off entrepreneurship with their infernal meddling in the marketplace. -- Thomas Frank
  • The EPA is now the Employment Prevention Agency. -- Bob McDonnell
  • The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and EPA, et cetera, had worked out what allowable releases are. -- William Scranton
  • I don't need a strong EPA. I don't need to fund a lot of money there. -- Kevin McCarthy
  • It seems the EPA has worked hard to devise new regulations that are designed to eliminate coal mining, coal burning, usage of coal. -- Hal Rogers
  • I can tell you that second hand smoke is not a health hazard to anyone and never was, and the EPA has always known it. -- Michael Crichton
  • The EPA, the Gestapo of government, pure and simply has been one of the major claw-hooks that the government maintains on the backs of our constituents. -- Tom DeLay
  • Remember that sign they hung up in an EPA office during the Reagan administration, "No good deed goes unpunished"? Under George Bush, no good science goes unpunished. -- David Helvarg
  • The standard approach has been to pump up the dosage of chemicals ... Twenty percent of these approved-for-use pesticides are listed by the EPA as carcinogenic in humans. -- Barbara Kingsolver
  • And I would begin with the EPA, because there is no other agency like the EPA. It should really be renamed the 'job-killing organization of America.' -- Michele Bachmann
  • The existence of the EPA regulation will require large carbon polluters to look at their hole cards, and some of them have decided that they much prefer legislation. -- Al Gore
  • Even when EPA subjects its science to peer review, the agency often stacks the deck of supposedly independent advisory panels by including members who are EPA grant recipients. -- Ralph Hall
  • Critics play a dangerous game when they denounce the science and law EPA has used to defend clean air for more than 40 years. The American people know better. -- Gina McCarthy
  • Christine Todd Whitman had to resign as the head of the EPA. You know, when the governor of New Jersey decides the environment is hopeless, you gotta really think that one through. -- Greg Giraldo
  • Information is not just something you download from the Web. The way trees grow and where birds choose to live are much better signs of water quality than all the data being collected by the EPA. -- Natalie Jeremijenko
  • EPA gets to set a standard for new. For the existing, EPA sets guidelines for what we think is appropriate, but then states develop plans that work for them, taking into consideration their specific energy mix. -- Gina McCarthy
  • If the EPA continues unabated, jobs will be shipped to China and India as energy costs skyrocket. Most of the media attention has focused on the EPA's efforts to regulate climate-change emissions, but that is just the beginning. -- Fred Upton
  • Way back in 2000, the EPA was poised, and, in fact, had drafted a rule, to specially regulate pollution - water pollution and other types of pollution - from power plants, but the energy industry pushed back pretty significantly. -- Charles Duhigg
  • In the immediate aftermath of the hurricane, I sent a letter to EPA Administrator Stephen L Johnson urging him to waive regulations to allow for the early sale of winter grade fuel to help with gasoline shortages and gasoline prices. -- Bob Ney
  • The American Petroleum Institute filed suit against the EPA [and] charged that the agency was suppressing a scientific study for fear it might be misinterpreted... The suppressed study reveals that 80 percent of air pollution comes not from chimneys and auto exhaust pipes, but from plants and trees. -- Ronald Reagan
  • Local and state governments have outrun the federal government. The EPA has served notice that it will enact a rule requiring CO2 reductions by major emitters in the absence of major legislation. But it's a blunt instrument that is a little more difficult to use than a legislative remedy. -- Al Gore
  • The fact is there are a lot of things happening at the federal level that are absolutely beyond the jurisdiction of the Constitution. This is power that should be shifted back to the states, whether it's the EPA - there is no role at the federal level for the Department of Education. -- Mike Huckabee
  • I couldn't help but be struck that this guy I had thought was the embodiment of everything wrong with American politics, a lot of his domestic policy was mind-numbingly, head-spinningly to the left of Obama's. It was under Nixon that the EPA was created. It was under Nixon that OSHA was created. Under Nixon that the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts were passed. -- Harry Shearer
  • The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) own computer model easily shows that President Obama's proposed regulations would reduce global warming by around 0.02 of a degree Celsius by the year 2100. Actually, the true number is probably even smaller because that calculation assumes a future rate of warming - there hasn't been any for 17 years now - quite a bit higher than it is likely to be. -- Patrick Michaels
  • Let's shut down the EPA. The state knows best how to protect resources. -- Joni Ernst
  • Cuts in carbon emissions would mean significantly higher electricity prices. We think the American consumer would prefer not to be skinned by Obama's EPA." -- Fred Upton
  • Federal overreach from agencies like the EPA is hurting family farms. I will fight against these crippling regulations, and always side with the hard working farmers and ranchers of Missouri. -- Eric Greitens
  • [Donald] Trump was gonna investigate the whole kebang up there and figure out what had gone wrong and get rid of all the deadweight at every agency - EPA, DOJ, what have you. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
  • [Donald] Trump was gonna investigate the whole kebang up there and figure out what had gone wrong and get rid of all the deadweight at every agency - EPA, DOJ, what have you. -- Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood