Entanglement quotes:

  • Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics. -- Erwin Schrodinger
  • Pursue not the outer entanglements; Dwell not in the inner void; Be serene in the oneness of things; And dualism vanishes by itself. -- Sengcan
  • If you strike upon a thought that baffles you, break off from that entanglement and try another, so shall your wits be fresh to start again. -- Aristophanes
  • Quantum entanglement allows you to send information faster than light, which upset Einstein. But Einstein has the last laugh. The information you send on quantum entanglement is random, useless information. So Einsein still has the last laugh. -- Michio Kaku
  • Contrary to popular opinion, the Constitution was not - and is not - a grant of rights to the citizenry. Instead, the Constitution is a "barbed-wire entanglement" designed to interfere with, restrict, and impede government officials in the exercise of political power. -- Jacob G. Hornberger
  • He [John F. Kennedy] might have envisioned himself being "alone, at the top" but, like Woodrow Wilson, he would find out that not even a President moves free of human entanglement, human needs, human illusions; not even a President can be independent of those around him. -- Tom Wicker
  • Art is the set of wings to carry you out of your own entanglement. -- Joseph Campbell
  • Democracies must have equilibrium... and the entanglement of politics and information must be minimized. -- Romano Prodi
  • How indestructibly the good grows, and propagates itself, even among the weedy entanglements of evil. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • The Secular City, having legislated and litigated itself out of any entanglement with the City of God, would be a hell upon earth . -- Russell Kirk
  • Divorce is war and unfortunately, some parents live in constant entanglements with their ex-spouses and they shift aside the issues that post-divorce can leave on the shoulders of their children. -- Diane Greene
  • Everywhere in the world there are ignorance and prejudice, but the greatest complex of these, with the most extensive prestige and the most intimate entanglement with traditional institutions, is the Roman Catholic Church. -- H. G. Wells
  • A blind determination to save the prestige of personal existence, rather than, through an impartial disdain for its impotence and entanglement, at least to detach it from the background of universal delusion, is triumphing almost everywhere. -- Walter Benjamin
  • I do still think there is a big disconnect between Republicans in Washington, D.C., and Republicans everywhere I go. When you start talking about, you know, foreign entanglements, they just don`t want any part of it. -- Chris Matthews
  • Classically, very few people have considered that cleanliness is next to godliness. A rank loincloth and hair in an advanced state of matted entanglement have generally been the badges of office of prophets whose injunction to disdain earthly things starts with soap. -- Terry Pratchett
  • Combining quantum entanglement with wormholes yields mind boggling results about black holes. But I don't trust them until we have a theory of everything which can combine quantum effects with general relativity. i.e. we need to have a full blown string theory resolve this sticky question. -- Michio Kaku
  • I've been very involved in this quantum holographic formalism and helping to explore it as explanatory of the very root of our perceptual capabilities. It is postulated, for example, that this very basic entanglement, at the quantum level, at the level of subatomic matter, is really a part of quantum mechanics. -- Edgar Mitchell
  • Entanglement can best be understood as this: When subatomic matter is in a process together, subsequently the subatomic particles go apart from each other and go across the universe. When they do this, they will remain entangled. That means if you do something to one, the other one responds immediately, instantaneously. -- Edgar Mitchell
  • It would be one of the greatest triumphs of humanity, one of the most tangible liberations from the constraints of nature to which mankind is subject, if we could succeed in raising the responsible act of procreating children to the level of a deliberate and intentional activity and in freeing it from its entanglement with the necessary satisfaction of a natural need. -- Sigmund Freud
  • We should seek to free the moral life from the embarrassments and entanglements in which it has been involved by the quibbles of the schools and the mutual antagonisms of the sects; to introduce into it an element of downrightness and practical earnestness; above all, to secure to the modern world, in its struggle with manifold evil, the boon of moral unity, despite intellectual diversity. -- Felix Adler
  • It's not an accidental entanglement; it's an intentional knot. Love belongs with belonging. -- Brene Brown
  • Emotional entanglements are messy. And if I don't get involved, I don't have to worry about getting hurt. -SHAYE -- Gena Showalter
  • That is the test of everything. Renounce everything. It is the creative faculty that brings us into all this entanglement. -- Swami Vivekananda
  • Our national determination to keep free of foreign wars and foreign entanglements cannot prevent us from feeling deep concern when ideals and principles that we have cherished are challenged. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • There are no accidents in this world, that no living being is seduced into an entanglement that he did not invite with his innermost desires. Would you agree with my estimation? -- Karen Essex
  • If you walk through life with ease and without any sense of entanglement, that is maturity. -- Jaggi Vasudev