Dystopian quotes:

  • Dystopian, by definition, promises a darker story. -- Lauren DeStefano
  • Dystopian novels help people process their fears about what the future might look like; further, they usually show that there is always hope, even in the bleakest future. -- Lauren Oliver
  • Dystopian novels, such as Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four,' often tend to site their despotised or deformed civilisations in urban environments. -- Sarah Hall
  • People in the know say The Giver was the first young adult dystopian novel. -- Lois Lowry
  • Its a heartening fact about the human race that utopian fiction precedes dystopian fiction in the evolution of literature. -- Paul Di Filippo
  • Live every day as if you've come back in time from a dystopian future to try and prevent everything from breaking. -- Charlie Jane Anders
  • Every new generation of SF writers remakes cyberpunk - a genre often laced with dystopian subtexts - in its own image. -- Paul Di Filippo
  • I've always read broadly: literary fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, chick lit, historical, dystopian, nonfiction, memoir. I've even read Westerns. I prefer female protagonists. -- Sandra Cisneros
  • Most dystopian, classic and contemporary, paints a future world that puts a twist on present society - a future world that could plausibly happen. -- Lauren DeStefano
  • Would we be so enamored with dystopian fiction if we lived in a culture where violent death was a major concern? It wouldn't be escapism. -- Maggie Stiefvater
  • The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julia's life and his own, fixed in a sort of eternity at the heart of the crystal. -- George Orwell
  • I don't buy into the dystopian scenarios of self-aware robots enslaving mankind, but you don't have to be a sci-fi conspiracy theorist to acknowledge that plenty of good, well-paying jobs are being taken over by machines. -- Marco Rubio
  • I think sci-fi films have become rather bleak, and understandably so - I think we've made some big mistakes globally with how we're developing, and we deal with that guilt by creating these very dystopian futures in films. -- Maggie Grace
  • I know these are going to sound like school reading-list suggestions, but if you like dystopian fiction, you should check out some of the originals: Anthem, by Ayn Rand; 1984, by George Orwell; or Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. -- Sara Shepard
  • The copyright industry has managed to kill civil liberties for their own children, ushering in a dystopian surveillance machine, merely to avoid taking responsibility for their own business failures. I lack words to quantify my contempt for these utter parasites. -- Rick Falkvinge
  • People read vampire novels and say, Oh I want to read another vampire novel. People read fantasy, and theyre like, Oh I love fantasy. I dont know that people are necessarily finishing Hunger Games and immediately wanting to read another dystopian tale. -- David Levithan
  • Before Sept. 11, the idea that Americans would voluntarily agree to live their lives under the gaze of a network of biometric surveillance cameras, peering at them in government buildings, shopping malls, subways and stadiums, would have seemed unthinkable, a dystopian fantasy of a society that had surrendered privacy and anonymity. -- Jeffrey Rosen
  • What I find interesting and heartening, though, is that there does seem to be a shift in the subject matter being written about by women that is doing well in the culture. We're seeing more women writing dystopian fiction, more women writing novels set post-apocalyptic settings, subjects and themes that used to be dominated by men. -- Laurie Foos
  • Divergent' was my utopian world. I mean, that wasn't the plan. I never even set out to write dystopian fiction, that's just what I had when I was finished. At the beginning, I was just writing about a place I found interesting and a character with a compelling story, and as I began to build the world, I realized that it was my utopia. -- Veronica Roth
  • Kids' literature now is dystopian, you know. -- John Cameron Mitchell
  • I think dystopian futures are also a reflection of current fears. -- Lauren Oliver
  • Although I write dystopian fiction, I don't believe in dystopian fantasies. -- John Twelve Hawks
  • People in the know say 'The Giver' was the first young adult dystopian novel. -- Lois Lowry
  • I think of dystopian as 'Mad Max,' as 'Book of Eli,' as the world is ending. -- Tyra Banks
  • It's a heartening fact about the human race that utopian fiction precedes dystopian fiction in the evolution of literature. -- Paul Di Filippo
  • I never, as a reader, have been particularly interested in dystopian literature or science fiction or, in fact, fantasy. -- Lois Lowry
  • I majored in English in college, so I read the classic dystopian novels like '1984' and 'Brave New World.' -- Lois Lowry
  • I'm not really interested in the exploding car or endless sort of dystopian fantasies and superheroes. None of that... that doesn't interest me very much. -- Nicholas Meyer
  • I have very vivid dreams and nightmares, and my biggest fear is of some kind of dystopian future where we're advanced in every way except in our humanity. -- Bryce Dallas Howard
  • Within the realm of fiction, it is always tempting to set one's stories in a dystopian future, where all our misgivings about state power can be shown in full force. -- Anne Fortier
  • Parents are already telling their kids about falling in love online - there's nothing "frightening" or "dystopian" about this. So, the critique doesn't work, because we already consider our dystopic state of affairs normal. -- Alexander Weinstein
  • For its speculations to be taken seriously, dystopian fiction must be part of a discussion of contemporary society, a projection of ongoing political failures perhaps, or the wringing of present jeopardy for future disaster. -- Sarah Hall
  • What's fun about a dystopian novel is that we can enjoy and be entertained. But that world is only slightly different, right? It's familiar enough to be recognizable, and skewed enough to give us pause. -- Chang-Rae Lee
  • Sometimes when we label something dystopian fiction, I feel like we're trying very hard not to use the words 'science fiction,' because science fiction has those horrible connotations of rocket ships and bodacious babes. -- Paolo Bacigalupi
  • Unless technology itself is drastically repressed, the idea of the dystopian monoculture like Orwell's 1984 gets harder to believe. But the danger of a solipsistic society will grow, of a disconnected society of mirror-watchers and navel-gazers. -- Tad Williams