Dumont quotes:

  • It was one of the great chances in my life to become a Dumont actor. -- Leon Askin
  • Directors and producers were afraid of a Dumont actor while at the same time they admired him. -- Leon Askin
  • A Dumont actor was considered to be too stilted - the way we Dumont actors used to speak. -- Leon Askin
  • To be a Dumont actor was considered to be a great honor for an actor, yet it also had its disadvantages. -- Leon Askin
  • I never thought that my creation, would allow brothers to kill brothers. (after seeing his invention being used in war, The Airplane) Alberto Santos-Dumont -- Alberto Santos-Dumont
  • Magnus did not like to go near the Hotel Dumont if he could help it. It was decrepit and unsettling, it held bad memories, and it also occasionally held his evil former lady love. -- Cassandra Clare
  • The people follow what the media say. So if you said that Bruno Dumont is fantastic, it follows that more people would go to see my films. I have no wish to remain on the sidelines. I have no wish to make films that are only seen by bohemians in London and Paris. -- Bruno Dumont