Des Moines quotes:

  • I come from Des Moines. Someone had to. -- Bill Bryson
  • I'm from the US of A. Born in Des Moines, raised in the New York suburbs. -- Stephen Collins
  • Most attractive males talk to most attractive women as if they were Rotarians comparing sales percentages in Des Moines. -- Barbara Walters
  • Des Moines is like your typical American city; it's just these concentric circles of malls, built outward from the city. -- Bill Bryson
  • If you want to be a comedian, go out. Do a week in Des Moines, Iowa. Try to make those people laugh. -- Nick Swardson
  • I grew up in Des Moines. My dad had a house full of books, things like P.G. Wodehouse books and 'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Bronte. -- Bill Bryson
  • Much as I resented having to grow up in Des Moines, it gave me a real appreciation for every place in the world that's not Des Moines. -- Bill Bryson
  • My first district was Northwest Iowa. In 2002, it became North Central Iowa hooking around Des Moines down to the south, clear up to the northeast corner of the state. -- Tom Latham
  • Where I grew up, in Des Moines, Iowa, there is hardly any downtown economic activity now. Everybody shops in malls - you don't find a sense of community in malls. -- Bill Bryson
  • There are a bunch of places to stay in Des Moines, but I'd suggest finding a place on the west side of town. It's a great urban area that has a lot to offer tourists. -- Zach Johnson
  • Generally, Iowans are Iowans no matter where you go. There are some different issues in Des Moines than in the real rural areas. But I haven't seen any real difference outside of just local issues. -- Tom Latham
  • Consider that the overwhelming majority of those 40,000 near-Earth asteroids are small enough to fit on the parking lot at the mall. And while these rocky runts won't cause Armageddon, they could still flatten such popular hominid hangouts as Manhattan or downtown Des Moines. -- Seth Shostak
  • Whenever I'm in Des Moines, I always make a trip to Manhattan Deli for a sandwich. I spent a lot of time there when I was going to college at Drake, so it's usually my one 'go-to' food stop when I'm in town. -- Zach Johnson
  • You need to make a trip to Des Moines in August, because the Iowa State Fair really is a sight to see. The Iowa Fairgrounds are usually packed for those 11 days, and you get a real sense of what a classic Midwest fair is all about. -- Zach Johnson
  • It's hard to pass up a pole vault opportunity here in Des Moines. The crowd was so great when I was at the mall and I was pumped up and I thought technically I was on and I figured where else to open up my outdoor season than here. -- Jenn Suhr
  • I come Des Moines. Somebody had to. -- Bill Bryson
  • I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to. -- Bill Bryson
  • So I rushed past the pretty girls, and the prettiest girls in the world live in Des Moines. -- Jack Kerouac
  • There once was a man from Des MoinesWhose wife was always annoyedHe stepped in the kitchenShe started her bitchin'Now that fucking cunt is dead. -- Frances Winkler
  • I love it. It's all good to me. Whether I'm performing in New York, L.A., Columbus or Des Moines, I give 110 percent every night. -- Bret Michaels
  • Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington -- it began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston. ...This is your victory. -- Barack Obama
  • Secret Service agents detained an Iowa man with a gun who happened to be walking in a Des Moines park where President Bush was jogging. Were they out of their minds? White guys with guns put Bush in the White House. -- Argus Hamilton
  • My interest in chemistry was started by reading Robert Kennedy Duncan's popular books while a high school student in Des Moines, Iowa, so that after some delay when it was possible for me to go to college I had definitely decided to specialize in chemistry. -- Wallace Carothers
  • I must admit, even my fans everywhere I go in the world - just this week I was in London and Glasgow and the week before I was in Des Moines - my fans all look the same in all those cities - they look great! -- John Waters
  • I've still not written as well as I want to. I want to write so that the reader in Des Moines, Iowa, in Kowloon, China, in Cape Town, South Africa, can say, 'You know, that's the truth. I wasn't there, and I wasn't a six-foot black girl, but that's the truth.' -- Maya Angelou
  • I-just-got-off-the-bus-and-I'm-really-excited-and-ambitious-and-I-took-an-acting-class-in-Des-Moines-and-I-know-I-really-need-an-agent-and-I-want-one-NOW -- Bonnie Gillespie