Denim quotes:

  • I have six sisters and two beautiful daughters - that's eight women who mean the world to me. I support the Entertainment Industry Foundation and Lee National Denim Day because they fund programs that are making huge strides in breast cancer research and support. -- Felicity Huffman
  • I like a lot of independent brands - Melbourne's Kloke, Handsom and Neuw Denim, and Bassike in Sydney. It's easier to be proud of what you're wearing if you've met the people behind the brand and there's more of a personal story. -- Chet Faker
  • I have created a capsule collection for Genetic inspired by memories of growing up in LA. Denim has always been my go-to, especially during my modelling days. I discovered Genetic Denim about five years ago - they are so comfy, you could almost be wearing your pyjamas. -- Liberty Ross
  • Love is the new denim or black -- Lady Gaga
  • Channeling my inner bohemian in a maxi print skirt and textured denim jacket. -- Lubov Azria
  • I almost exclusively wear skinny jeans. I'm terrified of any other cut of denim. -- Lauren Conrad
  • Master the season's spot-on style with polka dot sweatpants and a must-have denim trench. -- Lubov Azria
  • Sweatpants painted to look like denim are the end of civilization. It drives me mental. -- Annabel Tollman
  • A boy and a girl, dressed in the T-shirts and denim that are the shabby uniform of this age. -- Michael Scott
  • Hardy was every loose-limbed cowboy in warn denim, every pair of blue eyes, every battered pickup, every hot cloudless day." -Liberty -- Lisa Kleypas
  • I've never owned a pair of jeans, but I had a fantastic denim boiler-suit and it got a lot of wearing. -- Quentin Bryce
  • If you give that gal a diamond ring, you'll get a diamond back. She's just a venom wearing denim, boy, she's always making tracks. -- Junior Brown
  • This is the kind of fashion I grew up on - a good pair of trainers, great denim - and I will always love high-end streetwear. -- Tinie Tempah
  • If Jesus Christ came back today, He and I would get into our brown corduroys and go to the nearest jean store and overturn the racks of blue denim. -- Ian Anderson
  • That turned-up collar. The jacket that zipped all the way down the front into a nice fitted shape. The white denim that made my untanned skin look like a color. -- Tina Fey
  • Miss Caroline seemed unaware that the ragged, denim-shirted and floursack-skirted first grade, most of whom had chopped cotton and fed hogs from the time they were able to walk, were immune to imaginative literature. -- Harper Lee
  • I think a lot of people know me for just wearing cut-off denim shorts, an oversized white T-shirt with a pair of high-heels. I usually do wear basic stuff. Jeans and a white T is my go-to look. -- Erin Wasson
  • Just once I would like to persuade the audience not to wear any article of blue denim. If only they could see themselves in a pair of brown corduroys like mine instead of this awful, boring blue denim. -- Ian Anderson
  • So many times I've wanted to crack up, standing there stiff while seven women are crawling round my toes fixing hems and the designer's having a freak-out because the denim cuffs are crooked. I'm on the verge of hysteria. -- Helena Christensen
  • I'm so uncomfortable wearing colors in public. I really am. Even denim. If I've got a day off in a town, I want to go out for a walk I'll put on denim. But almost everything I've got the black on. -- Johnny Cash
  • I am a rock & roll man, and therefore, a denim man. Musicians of any era - whether it be The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Rage Against the Machine, or, of course, Madonna - will inspire fashion. And we in turn will inspire them. -- Renzo Rosso
  • The fashion industry isn't merely content to encase my meaty flanks in skintight denim. Oh, no! That denim also has to be white, a color that attracts ketchup, wine, garlic aioli, and any other foodstuffs I might otherwise be able to enjoy if I wasn't wearing ridiculously tight pants. -- Diablo Cody
  • The color palette grew as the story progressed. The 1920's sharecroppers were muted and neutrals, the 30's and 40's introduced burgundy to the neutral palette. The 1950's introduced green, black and denim blue, the 1960's introduced orange and heavier more saturated color, the 1970's introduced more primaries, and the fashion palette became more recognizable as a contemporary one from there. -- Ruth E. Carter
  • I think all gay guys should get married. I think they should have to get married. They should have to adopt kids because, actually, I'm getting tired of their happy-go-lucky lifestyle. I've had it with them being all happy and in shape. I could look good in denim short shorts and combat boots, too, if I had all day to do leg presses at the gym. -- Greg Giraldo
  • Well, I'm a Texas boy, and we have denim in our blood. -- Caleb Landry Jones
  • My memories are of denim. I remember being 12 in my Levi's. Wow! -- Stefano Gabbana
  • When the weather is really hot, I tend to live in denim cut-offs. -- Ashley Madekwe
  • I think women are usually a little bit nervous about wearing white denim. -- Brad Goreski
  • I tend to wear leather pants with crew neck sweaters or leather jackets with denim. -- Nina Garcia
  • I think denim is something everyone feels comfortable in. It's kind of my uniform, really. -- Clemence Poesy
  • On my days off, I love denim cut off shorts with gladiator sandals and crop tops. -- Kat Graham
  • I remember the very first suit I bought. It was a three-piece denim suit with bell-bottoms. -- Grant Show
  • I hear his denim jeans crumple to the floor and my insides squeal like a horny teenager." -- Skyla Madi
  • I can wear a suit, sweatpants, a long tee shirt, and a denim jacket all at the same time. -- Tinie Tempah
  • In general, the apparel industry isn't about continual process improvement or making the perfect piece of denim; it's about chasing trends. -- Tadashi Yanai
  • I think women are usually a little bit nervous about wearing white denim. There are rules associated, body issues, all of those things. -- Brad Goreski
  • Wearing dark denim, he look more like one of those guys in GQ magazine than a soulless alien version of the goat-sucking chupacabra. -- Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • My denim jacket had 'I love GNR' and 'I love AC/DC' written all over it, but I always came back to swing. -- Paloma Faith
  • I've been wearing jeans all my life. I remember my first denim as a kid because my mum used to buy me OshKosh overalls. -- Clemence Poesy
  • Tiny Cooper is splayed out across the thin carpet, using his backpack as a pillow. He's wearing skinny jeans, which look very much like denim sausage casings. -- John Green
  • Diesel pioneered the idea of luxury denim, and we still drive this market. But it encompasses more: the consumers love the brand, the lifestyle, the mentality of Diesel. -- Renzo Rosso
  • Britney and I wore matching denim outfits [to the 2001 American Music Awards]. Yeah, another bad choice. I'd probably pay good money to get some of those pictures off the internet. -- Justin Timberlake
  • I have a great plain blue shirt from APC, and a denim one from Dolce that I wear constantly. It's hard to find the perfect denim shirt, but this is it. -- Felicity Jones
  • Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave know best. Although I wear a lot of jeans, I've been told that Nick Cave doesn't own a pair and wouldn't be caught dead in denim. -- Matt Berninger
  • The sneaker heels thing is a myth. They were saying, 'They're like sneakers.' No, they're like heels is what they're like. That's like saying a denim skirt is like jeans. It's not. -- Anna Kendrick
  • It has no denim-toned house paint. Levi makes what is essentially a commodity: blue jeans. Its ads may evoke rugged outdoorsmanship, but Levi hasn't promoted any particular life style to sell other products. -- Naomi Klein
  • My mom passed down to me her old Levi's denim jacket. When I left it on a plane, I was devastated. I've never been able to find anything with quite the same cool, faded look. -- Lily James
  • On my days off, I love denim cut off shorts with gladiator sandals and crop tops. -- Kat Graham